2013 MoFo Fantasy Football - The Regular Season


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Greatest to me is more about legacy I suppose, while the best is just the one to play the position with the most skill.
the sure handedness of receivers, not to mention pass protection plays a whole lot into that though.

All the sorts of factors you tossed out the window when i mentioned superbowl rings.

however, purely on a skill basis, i'd say Dan Marino is the best.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

After all thats been discussed, the post that explains best this whole topic, is mine. Your welcome

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I missed the whole conversation. If only work did not exist.

I think the way Manning reads defenses is what sets him apart from the others. I understand someone using rings as the deciding factor when judging great players. I just don't usually look at it that way, too many variables in a team sport.

Josh Freeman has been benched. Mike Glennon will be the Bucs new QB, and I have to say it is time. Tampa has a reputation to prematurely bitch about QBs, Coaches, etc... prematurely demanding their release, and I go against the grain on that since history has shown who we discard becomes successful elsewhere. Not this time though. Freeman was given all the chances and time needed.

IMO Josh Freemans numbers when he first came onto the scene were PED enhanced. Last year when he came into training he noticeably lost alot of weight, fat and moreso muscle. He also seemed to get shook up more, and his composure nonexistent. PEDs can help in all ares and not just muscle. Next year when he shows up to camp somewhere, and hes suddenly big again, I wont be surprised whatsoever.

Waffles with peanut butter on them and cold maple syrup. That's how I eat them, and if you try it, then you too will never go back.

This week my swing dilemna is between Antonio Gates in Dallas, or LeVeon Bell in London vs Minnesota. Probably going to go Gates, but Vikings have done badly vs the run the first 3 games, and I'd think Dallas capable of covering Gates. Bells never played in the NFL before though, and even if he becomes a success he may be a slow starter.

Then theres Dwayne Bowe looking at me with an easy @ NYG matchup, and even Hankerson with an easy matchup at home vs Oakland. Hmmm!

Welcome to the fold Tavon Austin. He comes right in a scores a robust 1.60 for his new team. I have a feeling he's going to fit right in around here.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Sam Bradford is terrible.
Is he better than Josh Freeman?

Who is this person?

No that's not the owners son. That's Mike Glennon! New QB of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers!

Oh, good, Frank Gore chooses this week to get his act together. And half the Bills' secondary is out against Torrey Smith.

I'm just about ready to declare this the Can't-Catch-A-Break year.

Yeah Yoda I was peeking at your roster for possible trading, and it looks grim. I hope after this Packers bye week you can mount a big ol surging win streak.

I kinda feel the other way: I think I've got tons of great trade chips. Just a few guys not performing at their usual level or, more often, just mid-level guys that are putting up total donuts, rather than the 6-7 here and there that so often ends up being the margin.

On the plus side, Flacco threw 5 INTs today, so that part of the world still makes sense.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Got my rear kicked yet again. My best performer outside of Stafford. Kendall Hunter, the player I was most concerned about this week. Stevie Johnson- 1 Rec. McFadden- 29 yards