Star Wars Episode VII Details Leak


Don't ask me who I am or how I got this.

- The working title is "Star Wars: Episode VII – Gestalt of Evil", and is submit to change.

Opening Crawl:

It is a period of peace. After the fall of the Galactic Empire forty years ago by the courage of the Rebel Alliance, the galaxy was restored to order under the leadership of the NEW GALACTIC REPUBLIC.

But there are whisperings of darkness on the winds. Ships on routine routes have gone missing, and multiple Galactic Senators have disappeared under mysterious conditions. Unease is entering the minds of the people once more.

In a bid to discover the truth, CHANCELLOR LEIA ORGANA SKYWALKER has given two Jedi Knights, guardians of peace and order in the galaxy, the task to investigate this mystery and restore harmony…

- Luke Skywalker is the master of two Jedi Knights who act as the central characters, Gavin Landrunner and Nailah Sha’kut. Gavin is headstrong and courageous, and Nailah is stern and respectful. They are close friends.

- The plot references the New Republic and involves senators, but never actually delves into politics.

- The main enemy is an ex-Jedi named Krass Voster, an old pupil of Luke’s who disagreed with Luke over key principles of the Jedi. He’s trying to resurrect the old order of the Sith by awakening a living relic of remnant Sith lords’ force power (the titular gestalt of evil) in order to gain their memories and abilities.

- The new Jedi Council is located on Yavin 4.

- Known locations involved in the plot are Yavin 4, Coruscant, and Rattatak.

- Both Luke and Leia get screen time, but Han is only mentioned.

- No director has been chosen yet, but there is a short list of preferred candidates including Steven Spielberg and Brad Bird

That's interesting. o: I'm really anxious to see where this movie goes.
"One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them..."

The Lord of the Rings

Star Wars 7 will have less CGI, more real effects
New Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy promises more models and real locations for Episode VII.

Star Wars: Episode VII’ will go back to basics according to producer and Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy.

In front of a packed crowd at the Star Wars Celebration Europe convention in Essen, Germany – where she also confirmed that composer John Williams will return - she discussed the importance to mixing CGI with practical filmmaking.

“The conversation we’re having all the time now about ‘Episode VII’ is how much CGI. We’re looking at what the early ‘Star Wars’ films did; they used real locations with special effects. So [for ‘Episode VII’] we’re going to find some very cool locations, were going to end up using every single tool in the toolbox.

Asked to elaborate by host Warwick Davis, Kennedy said she was inspired by the fan costumes at the convention.

“I was amazed yesterday and looking at what the fans are doing. Using model makers, using real droids, taking advantage of the artwork that you can touch and feel, we want to do that in combination with CG effects.”

The remarks received a rapturous reception from fans, many of whom felt that the ‘Star Wars’ prequel movies relied too heavily on green-screen trickery, and not enough on the practical ingenuity seen in the original films.

She revealed the ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ team, including director JJ Abrams and his writers at production company Bad Robot, are currently working on new characters for the film.

“I think we have the opportunity to create amazing new characters. Story and character are all we’re talking about right now.

“I spend half my week at Lucasfilm in San Francisco, the second half with JJ and writing team at Bad Robot. The focus every day is lengthy story meetings and there’s some great stuff coming out of those discussions.”

She also said she’d discussed the tone of ‘Episode VII’ with George Lucas.

“George kept saying Episode VII must be aspirational, be fun, and have a sense of humour. And I think he’s absolutely right.”

‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ is set for release in 2015.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
She also said she’d discussed the tone of ‘Episode VII’ with George Lucas.

“George kept saying Episode VII must be aspirational, be fun, and have a sense of humour. And I think he’s absolutely right.”
Tell George to **** off and retire Kathleen.

Registered User
Less CGI news has made me very happy. I really don't want these to be terrible.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
If this is true it sounds awesome, I cannot wait for the new Star Wars film. Also less green screen rubbish is glorious news.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

On the outside looking in.
Reportedly Jonathan Rhys Meyers has the inside track on the lead in the next STAR WARS movie, and if he's as disastrous as a Jedi as he was as Elvis, people might actually start singing the praises of Hayden Christensen:

"Yes, citizen, there is no cause for alarm -- you may return to your harpsichord."

There's been a few rumblings about casting... I heard Michael Fassbender and Sean Bean in a double act like McGregor and Neeson in Episode I.

Fassbender would be an Obi Wan, with Bean as a Qui Gon type character.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I'm a little worried that we are about to be saturated with Star Wars movies, spin offs, TV shows over the next 10 years to the point that Star Wars loses it's magic. The original trilogy is so revered, which makes me worried that endless Star Wars will take the glean off them even more that the Prequels did.

On the outside looking in.
I'm a little worried that we are about to be saturated with Star Wars movies, spin offs, TV shows over the next 10 years to the point that Star Wars loses it's magic. The original trilogy is so revered, which makes me worried that endless Star Wars will take the glean off them even more that the Prequels did.

I think the prequels made people appreciate the originals that much more.

I'm a little worried that we are about to be saturated with Star Wars movies, spin offs, TV shows over the next 10 years to the point that Star Wars loses it's magic. The original trilogy is so revered, which makes me worried that endless Star Wars will take the glean off them even more that the Prequels did.
I totally agree with you.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

I think enough time has passed now, this movie will bring whole new generations to the Star Wars franchise.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
I'm a little worried that we are about to be saturated with Star Wars movies, spin offs, TV shows over the next 10 years to the point that Star Wars loses it's magic. The original trilogy is so revered, which makes me worried that endless Star Wars will take the glean off them even more that the Prequels did.

No such thing as to much star wars.

Fassbender would be an Obi Wan
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.