Good Horror Films To Watch


Fave horror films: Psycho, The Shining, Jaws, Dead Ringers, Dressed to Kill, Suspiria, Rosemary's Baby, Halloween, Alien, Deep Red, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Silence of the Lambs, The Birds, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), Videodrome.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

My favourite horror films.

1.The Exorcist
3.The Shining
4.Poltergeist 2
6.Halloween (1978)
8.Nightmare on Elm Street
9.House on Haunted Hill (1959)
10.Halloween (2007)

Am I the only one here who feels The Silence of the Lambs is overrated? I am not saying it's not a good movie, but I expected much more.

Oh and also, how disgusting is The Exorcist? I am not saying this to disparage the movie, it's an honest question. I've heard it's extremely disgusting and not for the squeamish, and I'll probably never give it a go if it's more disgusting than scary (this is where horror movies fail, for me), but I haven't seen it so I'm not going to judge it, obviously.

I have seen the projectile vomit scene on YouTube though, so as long as there aren't any other scenes that are more disgusting than that, then I might see it.

Some people may find the cross masturbation scene disgusting, but it's more disturbing than disgusting to me.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Am I the only one here who feels The Silence of the Lambs is overrated? I am not saying it's not a good movie, but I expected much more.

Oh and also, how disgusting is The Exorcist? I am not saying this to disparage the movie, it's an honest question. I've heard it's extremely disgusting and not for the squeamish, and I'll probably never give it a go if it's more disgusting than scary (this is where horror movies fail, for me), but I haven't seen it so I'm not going to judge it, obviously.

I have seen the projectile vomit scene on YouTube though, so as long as there aren't any other scenes that are more disgusting than that, then I might see it.
The scene Minio is talking about is the only scene more disgusting imo. I'm not gonna lie though there is a good few horrible scenes like the head twisting scene that traumatized me as a child lol.

I agree too The Silence of The Lambs is overrated. When i was about 12 it was probably in my top 20 movies, it's not a film that stays as good from rewatches though imo. I actually prefer Manhunter now, nobody can play Lecter as well as Hopkins in Lambs though.

There's also a scene where she dripples green stuff all over a cloth. But yeah, the cross masturbation is the most disturbing bit.

I disagree re Silence of the Lambs. Watched it again last week and whilst some things have dated slightly and it's obviously not scary or disturbing when you know what happens, seldom in the history of movies has there been such a great pairing opposite each other as Hopkins and Foster in this movie. Their acting and chemistry mixed with a good story and some iconic scenes makes this still a 10/10 movie IMO.

Am I the only one here who feels The Silence of the Lambs is overrated? I am not saying it's not a good movie, but I expected much more.
I agree too The Silence of The Lambs is overrated.... I actually prefer Manhunter now,
I've been banging on about this since the late 90's. Finally, some support and, yes, Manhunter is better.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

well, here are my top 5 horror films

1. The Shining

2. The dawn of the dead(2004)

3. Insidious

4. Evil dead(the old one)

5. Sinister

^All of those are awesome movies.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Cabin in the woods
The Last Exorcism
Fright Night (original and new)
The Awakening
The Loved Ones
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Cabin in the woods
The Last Exorcism
Fright Night (original and new)
The Awakening
The Loved Ones
Triangle is in my stack of unwatched, and I've been meaning to get The Loved Ones. I don't believe I've heard of The Awakening, but I'll be sure to look for it now. I've seen the rest that are on your list, and they're all damn good choices.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Triangle is in my stack of unwatched, and I've been meaning to get The Loved Ones. I don't believe I've heard of The Awakening, but I'll be sure to look for it now. I've seen the rest that are on your list, and they're all damn good choices.
Triangle is very good man, seriously give it a watch if your into this type of horror

I have been after The Loved Ones for ages and finally got my hands on a copy and its cracking!

I really enjoyed The Awakening, here is the trailer

I bought The Awakening today

Exterminate all rational thought.
The Ring(original Japanese) and the Grudge(original Japanese)
Both of these are excellent. So creepy.
Which if you are having trouble finding are titled Ringu and Ju-On respectively. Ju-On is available on Netflix atm.

The best most upto date horror film I have seen is Sinister! Man my girlfriend ripped the piss out of me by how much I jumped at 1 bit in it haha. A excellent Horror with a good storyline.

Untraceable is a good movie.

I also like Insidious a lot.

Mama was good until the end..

I really enjoyed VHS, even though the main story ended flat for me, some middle stories were down right spooky awesome. I'd recommend the sci-horror Dark Skies even though a couple scenes at the end are dead on reminders of an older better sci-horror film, if only..#&%. Still a good film despite, big fan of Keri Russell. I liked Sinister also, intriguing the way the macabre mystery unravels.