Best Speilberg flick


Rather self-explanatory...Kinda posted this to get in the spirit for A.I., which looks wonderful. If you think one of the other movies, like Hook or 1941 or Close Encounters or Empire of the Sun or....well anyways, if you think another one is his best, then tell which one! Also, tell which one you voted for, and why! Please!
**** the Lakers!

I voted for E.T. That is a film that was made by someone who understands children. I was torn, though. Jaws, Raiders, and Schindler's List are all some of the best movies ever made. I think this poll will have some interesting results/

RAIDERS is flawless. I can't think of a thing I would change about RAIDERS, from acting to set design. JAWS is up there too. I actually liked SCHINDLERS LIST until the last half hour when the film dissolves into unconscionable sentimentality. Spielberg even put a sickening group hug in there. SCANDALOUS!!!!
Pigsnie, Vicar of Fries!

I'm gonna catch heat, but I voted for Jurassic Park. It was hard for ET to have any impact on me, because I saw it dozens of times growing up.

I voted for Jaws. I mean talk about a thriller! Before that movie most "monster" flicks exposed the monster within the first 10 minutes of the movie. Not so in Jaws, the shark was kept hidden until the end to build up it up. Man what a great movie

How could you ever pick JURASSIC PARK??! That wasn't completely horrible, but it's proabably the worst on the list (save Ryan perhaps...)I went with Raiders, b/c that's got to be one of the most innovative and most-often ripped-off action flicks of its time. But, Jaws is definitely a great one, considering all the problems Speilberg overcame to finish that one.

I can't choose Raiders of the Lost Arc...I'm totally crippled in trying to do so. I'm young enough that I grew up watching it, and never really "saw" it with any intelligence at all until I already knew what was going to happen. Jurassic Park I saw when it first came out, and was quite young, but was still able to follow along a bit.

If had to choose from the ones given, it would have to be a tie between E.T. and Jaws.

Although my actual favorite is Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

P.S. - Hey, has anyone heard of Spielberg's Duel? It's a real classic!

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
I think you should've added more of his movies in on this. Back to the Future, Close Encounters. Those are some of the good ones!
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

My favorite Spielberg film and his best film would be two different answers, maybe three. I think RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK is probably his best film. As for my favorite, I'm torn between CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND and CATCH ME IF YOU CAN. I should qualify my response by adding that I have never seen SCHINDLER'S LIST or LINCOLN.

One of his best is , now that I think about it is Poltergeist. One horror movie that scared the bejesus out of me.
You are aware the film was directed Tobe Hooper and that Spielberg was only a producer.

Finished here. It's been fun.
Lets all be honest with ourselves.

Jurassic Park is Speiberg's best film, a masterpiece of almost unrivaled proportions. It is the only legible choice.

Lets all be honest with ourselves.

Jurassic Park is Speiberg's best film, a masterpiece of almost unrivaled proportions. It is the only legible choice.

I dunno, all of his movies have pretty good handwriting.

Saving Private Ryan. Exciting action, sure, but the thematic elements are troubling and force you to think deeply about how similar behavior can only be distinguished by one's intentions. My dad saw it and, a WWII vet himself, said it was the only war movie he'd ever seen that looked at all realistic ... and still fell short of the horror.
Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain ... only straw. Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain? Scarecrow: I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they? Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

You are aware the film was directed Tobe Hooper and that Spielberg was only a producer.
I don't blame them for thinking it's Spielberg's. It's got his fingerprints all over it.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I don't blame them for thinking it's Spielberg's. It's got his fingerprints all over it.
Everything he touches turns to gold. There should be a thread dedicated to Spielberg's productions.