Scary film that starts with a woman lecturing about murderers


I saw the beginning twice as a child, each time when I was alone at home, so I always turned it off after a few minutes because it was too scary. I'm much older and tougher now and I would like to see the rest, but I have no idea what it's called.

It starts with a woman giving a lecture and telling men in the hall to stand up. Then she tells some of them to sit back down, and uses the rest to demonstrate the statistics of potential murderers. A lot of them give her weird looks, almost as if they actually were killers.

Then, I remember a scene (also near the beginning) where she goes to the bathroom, and when she's sitting on the toilet, there is a wire loop going down towards her head to strangle her.

That's as far as I got. I would really like to find what it was, so thanks in advance for all your help.

That was fast! Thank you so much! I'm actually quite looking forward to knowing how it ends this time.