Directors You Love to Hate


Stanley Kubrick - I don't think any director has a more boring body of work. As I've said many, many times before, pretty pictures, technically great, but they're soulless, cold and boring films.

Alfred Hitchcock - Master of Suspense?!? What suspense? I don't think I hate any of his films, but there's only a few that I really like.

Ridley Scott - I'm the first to admit that I've not seen a lot of his films, but that's mainly because they don't interest me and, of the ones I have seen, I only really liked The Duellists, Someone To Watch Over Me and Thelma & Louise and it's a long time since I saw any of those too.
Gotta agree with Hitchcock too. I've only seen three of his films , but they have scared me away from all of the rest. He may be the master of making the most tediously long movies - that have no plot.

Welcome to the human race...
Gotta agree with Hitchcock too. I've only seen three of his films , but they have scared me away from all of the rest. He may be the master of making the most tediously long movies - that have no plot.
Long, boring and no plot - I could easily make that same assessment about the works of Takeshi Kitano. Long, boring and lacking plot are criticisms that could be applied to Kitano's work just as easily as you do it to Hitchcock's.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Brett Ratner. Way to piss away the mentorship of a lifetime that no one else will ever have. The greatest filmmaker to date gave you the advantage any aspiring filmmaker would spill blood over to have...and you made Rush Hour 1, 2 & 3 and X-men: The Last Stand. You make me sick!
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. - My Collection

Well there's no directors that I love to hate, I mean there's some directors who's movies I don't like, but I don't love to hate anyone.

Gotta agree with Hitchcock too. I've only seen three of his films , but they have scared me away from all of the rest. He may be the master of making the most tediously long movies - that have no plot.
Hitchcock's films really aren't even that long.

Precious tritium is what makes this project go.

Paul W.S. Anderson, I hate the guy...but I can't stop watching his dodgy movies.
Oxfords not brogues.

Director of Rest Stop 2006......... i got my rain burned after watch it

the next one is
Director of Key...
expected a lot. but got nothing