Last great Foreign Film you saw


Intacto is fantastic. One reason I was looking forwards to the horror film Intruders, by the same director, but it turned out to be a very big disappointment.

A Prophet - Absolutely brilliant French film, brutal yet fantastic prison film and both main actors as Malik and Cesar are superb.

I watched that along with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and City of God as well, both are great films, City of God is definitely one of my favourites.

I think the only foreign subtitled film I've seen is El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Labrynth)!

Very good movie indeed.

Oh, scrap that! Actually I just remembered I watched REC and REC 2. I really liked REC but I didn't think the sequel was that great.

Oh, scrap that! Actually I just remembered I watched REC and REC 2. I really liked REC but I didn't think the sequel was that great.
The third film is out soon in some countries, unfortunately a big step down apparently:

A Prophet - Absolutely brilliant French film, brutal yet fantastic prison film and both main actors as Malik and Cesar are superb
you should watch Gomorra,I find these movies quite similar.

I have to see few Fassbinder movies. Gonna start from this one.

The third film is out soon in some countries, unfortunately a big step down apparently:
Eek, that poster makes it look pretty cheap. Not to mention taking the formula in a very different direction.

Always - a Korean Movie

I enjoyed Pan's Laberynth, and City of God quite a bit.

Downfall (2004) Bruno Ganz was so good at Hitler it was genuinely creepy! has anyone checked that mans family tree cause i reckon he is definately related!
Brilliant acting and great insight into his last few hours. he was some defiant mutha ****er down to the last minute, how that evil bastard was able to get as far as he did still beggers belief. As a film though its great acting with a real gritty feel and great tension builder

Żywot Mateusza. It's Polish movie, so it is not foreign to me, but probably to all other people out of here it is.