If you could save 5 movies, what would they be?


Pulp Fiction, Nightmare on Elm St, Back to the Future, Lucas, Star Wars.

Kakarot89: The Infamous Thread Killer
Wait a second, if this is a desert island how is there electricity? I know this is hypothetical but am I just saving movies that have awesome box art or will I magically be able to watch them? Ah, screw it.

Seven Samurai
Battle Royale
The Room
Bubba Ho-Tep

Kakarot89: The Infamous Thread Killer
I think your supposed to be saving them for posterity.
I'll stick with my list, so that future generations will know that for every four good films there was one terrible one.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
It's weird that it wouldn't be my top 5 straight up:

Man on Fire
Shawshank Redemption
Rear Window
North by Northwest
Forrest Gump

If the world (civilization) were ending and I needed to save 5 films for future generations to examine about our lives, or aliens, these would be my five.
Okay. These would be mine. Same scenario:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Home Alone
Sex and the City: The Movie
Apocalypse Now

Lotr Trilogy

Only 5? Hahaha...I'll go for I am Sam, Man on Fire, Mighty Ducks (still need to think which), The Avengers, Harry Potter (still need to think which...LOL)
I have had a lot of time to think it, think about what it is, that makes somebody a good parent, and it's about a constant scene, and it's about patience; and it's about listening; and it's about, and it's about pretending to listen, even when you can't listen anymore; and it's about a love like she said. - Sam

Here's my list,
Shutter Island
The dark knight
Fight club

I am the Watcher in the Night
Just looking over what's been said, if I had to save 5 movies that would give an indication of what human life was all about and how influential Hollywood could be, then I'd say:

Schindler's List
Forest Gump
Citizen Kane