Used Future's DVD Collection


Superb round up, UF. Thanks for putting in so much effort. I always pick up a few recommendations from these posts and this one was no exception.

I can't see any reason why you wouldn't like Wait Until Dark. I know most people I speak to don't care for The Eyes Of Laura Mars, but I have to say I really do like it. Not sure why. Even Faye Dunnaway doesn't put me off. I guess I just like the atmosphere that Kershner creates.

A friend of mine also has that boxset of Columbo. Also his favourite programme. Also a Christmas present. Also from his other half (although, they're married.) So I guess it was the thing to buy the Columbo fan in your life. Now, if only they'd do the same for Charlie's Angels.

I saw Kill List completely cold and I'm still not sure if I saw something special or completely wasted my time. I guess it's one of those few times that I actually need, at least, one more viewing to see how I feel about it.

I'm not sure if I've seen Stagefright or not. It sounds familiar and I know I'm not confusing it with The Flesh And Blood Show. I'll have to look into it a little more and see if that makes things clearer. If not, it certainly sounds like a hit for me. A slasher film that you like? If that's not a recommendation, I don't know what is.

Love the room, BTW.

I agree that Death Line isn't as seen or talked about as it should be. I remember stumbling across it late one night on BBC1. I saw it a couple of times when I was young, but haven't seen it since.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Hahaha. Alas Rodent they're not in alphabetical order, but loosely arranged according to genre, nationality and directors. Naturally this method doesn't always work, but I know exactly where everything is

Thanks HK.

Yup Eyes Of Laura Mars is pretty bad, but I like the soundtrack and think the tacky seventies fashion photography from Ms. Mars is a hoot.

I say check Stagefright out it's great. Much better than Walker's similar The Flesh And Blood Show which has a lot more T&A, but a lot less style As far as I know the UK Vipco release is uncut (it's not that brutal for an Italian horror), but I couldn't comment on the transfer.

As a slasher fan I'm wondering if you've seen Cold Prey (2006), and Cold Prey: Resurrection (2008) which are rather decent snow bound Norwegian efforts - original titles Fritt Vilt I & II. I really liked these and recommend you give them a go asap if you haven't already indulged. Apparently there's a third now, but I've heard it's not up to the same standard.

Kill List is great even if the ending is a load of old codswallop. I actually think the duff conclusion gives it something extra, and probably wouldn't like it half as much if Wheatley had tied up all the loose ends. Instant cult classic for me that one.

Your friend has excellent taste in detective shows and his wife sounds like a decent lady. Columbo never gets old for me because Peter Falk is so funny yet ruthless in the role. I read his autobiography recently in which he comes off just as charming and wacky as the lieutenant. Gone but never forgotten.

Really though this post is just an excuse to say I forgot to include these additions in the last post.

Hammer goodness in the shape of Countess Dracula and the Karnstein trilogy.

Great movie collection

Nice Peter Weir choices I am a big fan especially after I did a coure where he came, just to talk and take questions, he was really nice and very humble
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Thanks Nebs.

That must have been really interesting. What was the course? Did you ask Mr. Weir any questions personally?

I'm also wondering if you saw The Plumber when it originally aired on Australian television? One of the best TV movies I've ever seen that one.

Been looking over your photos again, seriously puts my diminished collection to shame...
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Thanks for sharing Rodent. That looks like the sensible sized collection of a much more balanced individual to me. It's an illness you know

Thanks Nebs.

That must have been really interesting. What was the course? Did you ask Mr. Weir any questions personally?
It was a course called meet the film makers, the first week was Jane Campion

Then Paul Cox

Then Peter

He invited us all to a special screening of Fearless which was great fun and we all got a keepsake book about it

No I didn't ask him any questions

I'm also wondering if you saw The Plumber when it originally aired on Australian television? One of the best TV movies I've ever seen that one.
I certainly did see it I also own it

I don't suppose that anyone asked Jane Campion if her family sing "We Are The Campions" when they have family get togethers? If that was my family name, I'd insist we did that.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Wow I absolutely adore your movie room! So jealous. I wish I had the space for that but I've now got so many DVDs that I've only got my TV shows and film boxsets on show. All my films (well not quite all yet) have been transferred into sleeves in boxes, and the covers into folders.

Although I love the display probably don't share too many of the same films I don't think

Finally this was Kathy's surprise Christmas gift to me which I had no idea about, and which brought tears to my eyes. Columbo is probably my all time favourite TV show and this is the jewel in my collection. Thanks Kathy, I love you.
Oh that looks awesome! Love me so Columbo too.

Err thanks..I think. Not sure if you're paying me a genuine complement or trying to tell me 'yours is bigger than mine'

Although I love the display probably don't share too many of the same films I don't think
Then you haven't looked through properly.

All of the 70's films you recently reviewed and summed up here, as well as The Silent Partner and many others; are in my collection.

I'm not just a one note trash horror fan you know

I don't suppose that anyone asked Jane Campion if her family sing "We Are The Campions" when they have family get togethers?
No doubt accompanied by auntie Ada on The Piano

Sorry couldn't resist.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World

is this the entire series? or just the movies, which would be pretty darn cool all by themselves.

if its the former, its gotta be 15 discs or more id have to think. either way, kathy is a keeper.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Err thanks..I think. Not sure if you're paying me a genuine complement or trying to tell me 'yours is bigger than mine'
Oh no it's most definitely a genuine compliment. I've no idea how we measure up size wise I'm just jealous as I don't have a room I can dedicate just to my collection.

Then you haven't looked through properly.

All of the 70's films you recently reviewed and summed up here, as well as The Silent Partner and many others; are in my collection.

I'm not just a one note trash horror fan you know
No you're right. I had judged and written you off unfairly as just a lover of trash! Had a proper look through the thread and we do share a lot of films in common. And a lot of films that I don't have/haven't seen but fancy. And a lot I've never heard of but will need to check out

So did you leave rep for all those 70s films then? I can't remember if you did or not.

So did you leave rep for all those 70s films then? I can't remember if you did or not.
I used to be really into the rep thing, but now I just tend to write something and toddle off. I'm usually here for a day or two before getting a full diary and disappearing for a couple of weeks. My lack of rep generosity is down to a busy schedule more than an active desire not to praise other MoFo's. Though granted it's something I should probably do a lot more. There's certainly lot's of cool stuff on the site.

Personally I get a lot more excited when someone like Mark f or HK decides to comment on a movie I've written up - than over a rep point. That's not to say I don't appreciate getting rep, but hitting a button is easy comparatively speaking. That said I'm certain I gave you a point for one of your tabs with Three Days Of The Condor in, which I really love.

[EDIT] Sorry, missed this.

is this the entire series? or just the movies, which would be pretty darn cool all by themselves.

if its the former, its gotta be 15 discs or more id have to think. either way, kathy is a keeper.
It's the entire thing on 35 discs including the pilots, movies and all of the episodes. There's even an episode of Mrs. Columbo in there which I've never finished because Kate Mulgrew doesn't fit the mental image I'd built up of the unseen legend.

Kathy is most certainly a keeper and we are getting married in October this year.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Personally I get a lot more excited when someone like Mark f or HK decides to comment on a movie I've written up - than over a rep point. That's not to say I don't appreciate getting rep, but hitting a button is easy comparatively speaking. That said I'm certain I gave you a point for one of your tabs with Three Days Of The Condor in, which I really love.
I agree with you there but just checked and you've not contributed a single post to my thread! Now what have you got to say for yourself?

Just out of interest by the way do you have an actual list of your DVDs? Just there are just a few that are tough to make out in the pics

I agree with you there but just checked and you've not contributed a single post to my thread! Now what have you got to say for yourself?
Haha. Yeah fair point. I didn't know you cared so much.

Anyway it looks like you're getting enough feedback in there without an exploitation loving idiot like me dropping in. But if you insist I'll try and be more forthcoming in the future. Just try not to review any of those dreary arty farty exercises in boredom I hate...oh and nothing with too much cartoon CGI bullsh*t...more grit, more flares and keep it funky.

Just out of interest by the way do you have an actual list of your DVDs? Just there are just a few that are tough to make out in the pics
I really can't be bothered to list all my films, but if there's something in particular you can't make out in the pics; let me know and I'll be happy to clear up the mystery.