Movies you loved but everyone else hated?


13 Tzameti. Just got to see it finally after the nice people on here helped me find it.My gf hated it. Oh well,shows what she knows!

Another one I enjoyed (dont know why) was Mary & Max. Very strange movie,but I found it interesting.

Hey Lundy, I liked Grave Encounters quite a bit. One of the better "found footage" type of movies, with the twist of it being footage of an actual television program.

Pass the Ammo (1988) is a film both I and my wife love, although everybody else seemed to not like it. We saw it in the theater and we were the only ones laughing. It stars Bill Paxton, Linda Kozlowski (Mrs. Paul Hogan), Tim Curry, and Annie Potts, among others. Concerns a group of "bandits" who take over a televangelist's broadcast to get back money that the fake preacher stole. Quite funny all the way through. It's not on DVD, so I guess even the studio that made it doesn't like it.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

13 Tzameti got good reviews, and the majority I've seen like it. Definitely not a film everyone else hated.
Well...just everyone around me

13 Tzameti got good reviews, and the majority I've seen like it. Definitely not a film everyone else hated.
I agree with Nausicaa. I loved this movie and afew of my friends did, too.
I didn't like the remake as much.

Tyler1, I liked Dreamcatcher as well. A lot of people I know don't care for it that much. Maybe it's because of the "toliet scene" or where the creatures exit...I guess people with hemorrhoids should avoid that movie.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I love The Mummy, with Brendan Fraser. It's cops a lot from my friends because it's "unoriginal", but I have a huge amount of fun each time I watch it.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Another movie that I love, and everyone loves to hate is Armageddon. It's honest entertainment, with likeable characters and I loved the score, and the fact I have no substantial problems with it makes it a favourite.

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
A few of my other ones are Unbreakable, Signs, and The Village. I know M. Night Shyamalan has been declining as a director lately (which sucks because The Sixth Sense was amazing), but these 3 films weren't that terrible. In fact, The Village is actually kinda funny, watching it now. Unbreakable was very intense, and Signs was touching with the father/son relationship it had and the burn-out preacher angle (which I know has been done to death already).

I also like The Mummy a lot. Only the last part wasn't very good for me.And I remembered now National Treasure which was also very interesting and entertaining. ^^ I love these 'history + searching something' movies.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Precious tritium is what makes this project go.

According to Empire it's the 32nd worst movie of all time...I don't know why, but I loved it.
Oxfords not brogues.

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
I don't know what the general opinion is of The Fifth Element is, but it sort of reeks of feces, however, it's a guilty pleasure. Also, Willard.. I love rats and I like Crispin Glover for whatever reason.

A few of my other ones are Unbreakable, Signs, and The Village. I know M. Night Shyamalan has been declining as a director lately (which sucks because The Sixth Sense was amazing), but these 3 films weren't that terrible. In fact, The Village is actually kinda funny, watching it now. Unbreakable was very intense, and Signs was touching with the father/son relationship it had and the burn-out preacher angle (which I know has been done to death already).
Shyamalan isn't too bad. Signs, Unbreakable, and The Lady In The Water are pretty decent/interesting.
Didn't like any of his other stuff though. Especially The Happening, bad writing, bad screenplay, and badly executed, and I can't stand Markymark-marky-markmark-markymark.



I don't know what the general opinion is of The Fifth Element is, but it sort of reeks of feces, however, it's a guilty pleasure. Also, Willard.. I love rats and I like Crispin Glover for whatever reason.
I love Willard! The book it's based on called Ratman's Notebooks is good also.
Crispin Glover is close to being at his best in Willard.

Love Fifth Element too, agree on it being a guilty pleasure, is worth watching simply for Milla Jovovich in that outfit with orange hair.

My own choice would be Alien 3.
The Cinematic Cut is decent enough but the Definitive Extended Cut is by far the superior, I could (and have) watched it two or three times in a row.

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
I don't know why there's so much hate on Avatar, but I personally love it (#4 on my top 10 list). I know the story's been done before (a lot), but I went for the visuals and how the story was presented with the visuals. It was original in design, and every review I've seen acknowledges that the story is familiar, but that it was a damn-well executed version of it anyways.