You just know its gonna be a bad movie when...


We've gone on holiday by mistake
It's gonna be bad if Harrison Ford is in it? Really?

All those Star Wars movies are bad?

All the Indiana Jones movies are bad?

The Fugitive?


American Graffiti?

Patriot Games?

Clear and Present Danger?

It must be a different Harrison Ford than the one I'm thinking of, then.
Sorry I should have clarified that comment.

Harrison Ford from 1994 to present date.( Clear and present danger onwards)

Tell me I'm wrong anyone?

I'd say Air Force One and What Lies Beneath are exceptions. Though his batting average has certainly dropped. Though it had no where to go but down.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I'd say Air Force One and What Lies Beneath are exceptions. Though his batting average has certainly dropped. Though it had no where to go but down.
Aye, I forgot about Air Force One. Really good movie. Ford and Oldman both on top of their game.

Didn't see What lies beneath. Heard it is a bit crappy though.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
You know it's going to be a bad movie when...

It's based on a cartoon show from the 1980's that was based on a toy.
It has a washed up 1980's/90's rapper in it.
It was entirely shot in front of a green screen.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson's produced by WWE Films.

...the entire cast are young and good-looking. has a fish-type looking alien character who is a parody of bad Caribbean stereotypes in a supporting role.
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......When it's a prequel and the actors are all older.

......When it's a Romantic Comedy.

......When Matthew Mcconhaughy is in it.

......When the original Director has abandoned the story but someone else takes it on. (Terminator 3 and 4)

......When Adam Sandler is in it.

......When Harrison Ford is in it.

......When Empire film magazine gives the film 2 stars or less.

......When M.Night.Shyamalan is directing.

......When the movie is copying other films. (example films copying the slow motion bullet from the Matrix but without any context as to why the bullet would be in slow motion).

......When Jet Li/Jackie Chan make Hollywood movies rather than sticking to Chinese films.

Im sure there ae many more reasons I could think of.
X2 & Adam Sandler X3

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah. Lets all stop picking each others posts apart, and acting like people that need to get laid very badly. MmmKay'?!
But it's just so easy for quite a few of them, especially when they're very broad generalisations e.g. "it's a romantic comedy, of course that means it's going to be bad". Yeah, maybe too easy.

You know it's going to be a bad movie when it parodies existing comedies. Seriously, that makes no sense whatsoever.

When you see Nicholas Cage on the Poster.

Insert something remotely witty here.
Saw this thread and was like "Bad movie cliches? I've got mad sh*t to put in here!".
But then I read through what was already said. Movie buffs think alike I suppose.

How about:

If it's a remake of your favourite horror movie. (Screw you Marcus Nispel)

It's gonna be bad if Harrison Ford is in it? Really?

All those Star Wars movies are bad? (Empire's good)

All the Indiana Jones movies are bad?

The Fugitive? Meh

Witness? Haven't seen it.

American Graffiti?

Patriot Games?

Clear and Present Danger?

It must be a different Harrison Ford than the one I'm thinking of, then.
Nope, same bloke. And, like HitchFan, I'll throw Blade Runner in there too.

*How can you even put Patriot Games and Clear And Present Danger up there? They're really rubbish.*

It's something that reminds you of Scary Movie IV.