Favorite Visually-beautiful films


Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Lord Of The Rings
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

WOW...what movie is that?I want to watch.
Fried Green Tomatoes.

i love movies where my eyes just drink in the images.

Films that come to mind are
Love Me if You Dare

What movie is this from? Looks epic to me. I can't remember if I've seen it before. But I'll definitely have a look on it if I haven't yet.
Is it Star Wars? i haven't seen Epispode 5 and 6 yet.

What movie is this from? Looks epic to me. I can't remember if I've seen it before. But I'll definitely have a look on it if I haven't yet.
Is it Star Wars? i haven't seen Epispode 5 and 6 yet.
It's definitely Empire Strikes Back.

Originally Posted by meatwadsprite;73589

I have watched Star Wars about 10 years ago...and i do not remember this...

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Also The Fountain


Yes the Fountain did have some amazing Visuals but I still don't understand the story, and I've had it explained to me a few times, but it is beautiful

LOTR and especially the second and the third part.Battle at Helm's Deep was visually the most amazing thing I've seen so far.And I'm not a huge fan of fantasy,but it was awesome.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Days Of Heaven
Pan's Labyrinth
House Of Flying Daggers
Lawrence Of Arabia
Barry Lyndon
The New World
The Black Robe
Dances With Wolves
Doctor Zhivago
The Bridge Over The River Kwai
Legends Of The Fall
The Thin Red Line
Red Cliff I, II