need to get a director to read this story


I feel I have a good story (not a script) and I want it directed by either James Cameroon or Manoj Night. Sounds funny?? This is so serious. . How do I go about it?

Your question isn't exactly clear.

Everyone in the movie business has a great idea for a film and everyone is aggressively looking for them. Trust me, go out to Hollywood and throw a rock.

So technically, you could go to say, beauty school, get your degree as a stylist, go to Hollywood, get a job for a movie shoot, chat up the star during her make-up period, She loves the way you do her hair, once the star is comfortable with you, pitch your idea.

What then?

Do you merely want to sell this one idea? Or do you want a career in the biz?

But to answer your question. The Directors you mentioned have already been burned so many times; they keep 2 or 3 lawyers on retainer, since every time they release a film, inevitably some knucklehead will sue them for 200 million dollars claiming they ripped off their original idea. You'd never even get within a mile of them.

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That said...good luck. Tens of thousands of people want the same thing, and all of them think their script is gold. And, obviously, the overwhelming majority of them are fooling themselves. Even the ones that aren't have a huge uphill climb ahead of them, and even the ones who make that climb sure don't get to just pick who directs their film, either. And if they did, they'd probably want to make a point to spell their names right, too.

So, best of luck, but I don't think anyone here has any special trick to get your story to either of them, and even if they did, I don't know if it'd do a lot of good. This is without even getting into the problem of just having a story, and not an actual script.

I don't think James Cameron is short of ideas.
Even if he is, he just has to rip off some of the earlier lesser known Sci-fi films.

Or just take a non-scifi concept & adapt in to a sci-fi based plot.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I don't think James Cameron is short of ideas.
Even if he is, he just has to rip off some of the earlier lesser known Sci-fi films.

Or just take a non-scifi concept & adapt in to a sci-fi based plot.
Harlan Ellison (who is terminally ill by his own admission) sued Caneron because he claimed the Soldier episode he wrote for The Outer Limits, which was based on a short story of his, was plagiarized for The Terminator. He got some money. Actually, I don't think it is that similar, but Cameron made the colossal mistake of admitting in an interview he was influenced by it. Most writers would have just shrugged, but Ellison would sue the moon if he could.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
This from wikipedia:

After writer Harlan Ellison saw the film, he stated that he "loved the movie, was just blow away by it". Ellison believed that the screenplay for the film was based on the episodes "Soldier" and "Demon with a Glass Hand" which he wrote for the television series The Outer Limits. Orion gave Ellison an undisclosed amount of money and gave him an acknowledgement credit in later prints of the film. Cameron was against Orion's decision and was told that that if he did not agree with the settlement, they would have Cameron pay for any damages if Orion lost Ellison's suit.Cameron replied that he "had no choice but to agree with the settlement. Of course there was a gag order as well, so I couldn't tell this story, but now I frankly don't care. It's the truth. Harlan Ellison is a parasite who can kiss my ass."

I think Cameron was screwed. Neither is that close. It also resembles the earlier Man Who was Never Born, which was plagarized by Ellison (by his standards) City on the Edge of Forever, his Star Trek episode. Demon is one of the best of the Outer Limits and is on youtube. I'm not sure about the other two. Soldier starts well, but craps out. Man Never born is my personal favorite. Some other guy wrote that, He didn't sue. It's ridiculous. How could Cameron plagarize two entirely different episodes? Inspired by isn't the same as ripping off.

I checked. They are all on youtube. I think Cameron publicly acknowledged Soldier, but Elllison probably threw in Demon because it is actually a little closer to Terminator than Soldier. Both episodes have a futire entity coming to the present, but in neither is the purpose to kill someone in the present to change the future, That is the plot of the Man Never Born. But for good, not evil.

I feel I have a good story (not a script) and I want it directed by either James Cameroon or Manoj Night. Sounds funny?? This is so serious. . How do I go about it?
If you can write your story into a script. If you do not feel up to that, then you will need to write what is often called a "Treatment". This can be any length, but averages go from 5 to 50 pages. Basically all you are doing is telling oyur story scene by scene without going into great details. The degree of detail you want to add depends on you and what you think is most important to selling the idea of the story. I honestly hope this helps and all the best to you!

God Bless!!!