Battle Royale: Survivor Program

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Last night I had the pleasure of seeing Fukusaka's Battle Royale from way back in 1999. And I must say that there is no word to describe the positive quality of this movie, so I am hereby forced to make one up by myself...


Battle Royal is so absolutely asociobendiful that I simply cannot move.

If there is one movie you must see before you die, forget about wasting your life with excrement like Spice World and Patch Adams... Do yourself a favor and run, no, drive, no, hover to your nearest import shop and attain a copy of this masterpierce. The asociobendiful Battle Royale is something that will make you see for the first time, make you examine life all over again.


No, really. It's that marvelous.
And there's no mystical design, no cosmic lover preassigned,
there's nothing you can find that can not be found.

I was so worried that nobody here would have heard about it, similar to the last forums I was at... But it's the images of children in school uniforms killing eachother that probably set off the most alarms - there's nothing in this movie that hasn't been done before, this just compiles it, and adds Lord of the Flies sensibility to a Fight Club theme. Watch out for Niida. That looks like it would seriously hurt.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I heard about it, can't wait to see it though.
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Fez Wizardo's Avatar
Um Bungo! Um Bungo!
crotch stabbing madness

It was a good film but there are a lot of other quality jap flicks out there - just keep your eyes peeled.

I work in a company which distributes these and get to sample quite a few - batte royale is a good watch but doesn't stand the multiple viewing test that well...

mightymose's Avatar
Registered User
LOL... From the title I thought this was going to be some contest for the upcoming season of Surivivor... LOL. Glad to see that I'm wrong. I'll definitely try to find this one somewhere

Beware the Moon
I had been eagerly awaiting the possible release of Battle Royale for ages seeing as they kept trying to ban it. Eventually bought it, saw it and loved it. Remains close to the book in many respects which is good and has some stunning visuals.
Generally an impressive film.

Full review available at
Mostly Harmless! - Logan & Glitz's Movie & Cult Pages.

bigvalbowski's Avatar
Registered User
Here's a radical concept. Throw forty school-kids on a deserted island and have them kill each other until one remains. No prizes if you said this one wouldn't pass the American censor board. Which is a shame because this movie is one of the best of its year.

An original conceit as this could have gone wrong on so many levels. It could easily have turned into a gleeful bloodfest, with its audience cheering on the next decapitation. But, under the careful watch of Mr. Fukasuka, this film's heart is very much alive. I'm not surprised to read that the man is over seventy years of age. A younger director may very well have taken the aforementioned option.

The idea for the shootout comes from a disgruntled teacher whose already tortured life is made worse by the unruly students. The kids are drugged and shipped to the island before being shown a video that explains the rules in an enormously chirpy manner. They are then kitted with a random weapon and told that they have three days. If there is more than one alive after this expires, then "boom" they all go.

Around ten of the forty combatants are fleshed out. They are, it's true, typical teenage stereotypes - slut, psychopath, hero jock, nerds, scared girls. But most are developed into overcoming their cliches. The hero's reason for playing the game a second time is overwhelming poignant. And he's not the only character whose background is given a scene or two in the film.

The director paces the film brilliantly. He counts down the number of kids left, informing us of each one's death. Amazingly we get to watch all the killings but very few are graphic and none are tasteless, well maybe one got a laugh. But it is a black comedy in many respects. How can we take this too seriously? Does it really have any higher aspirations than kids are bad, but not so bad as to deserves this? It's final twist confirms my belief that this is a comedy, albeit one that is jet black, whose characters are developed more dramatically than they ought to be.

The movie does overdo the schmaltz, but perhaps, this is due to poor subtitling more than any mistakes on the filmmaker's part. And it certainly won't be for everybody's taste. But if you can take it, you'll find one of the most entertaining, that mightn't be the best word but it's the one I'm going with, movies ever out of Japan.
I couldn't believe that she knew my name. Some of my best friends didn't know my name.

Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.
It sounds a little over the top, but I guess I'll have to see it first before I can make that judgement.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.

I REALLY hope this comes to the USA in some form or another!
Death to Smoochy is my most anticipated movie of 2002.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
So I finally saw it. After all of Plite's ranting about it.

It was alot more than I expected, and I'm actually pretty unsettled by it.

It was alot more violent than I expected. It was basically the extreme of everything I expected.

It was good. I wouldn't call it great, and well, honestly because it was so unsettling. I really don't even know why it was. I've never been unsettled by a movie like this one has. I guess because I'm in highschool and I placed myself in their shoes. The movie deffinetely did what it intended to do, it deserves its due.

I recommend it all the way.

I am having a nervous breakdance
I saw this film last year and I liked it quite a lot. I have to say though that it wasn't as unsettling as I thought it was going to be. I had read so much about it and the commotion it had caused especially in Japan, but I really didn't get why exactly it's supposed to be that unsettling.
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I guess it was the opposite for me. I didn't actually expect it to be unsettling.

Today in school (I'm in highschool like the kids in the movie) I was talking about the poison scene with some girls who are all really good friends. And they were disturbed bcause they know something like that would tear them apart too. Thats why it was unsettling to me. I can imagine what they'd be going through....i guess.

The more I think about it, the more I love this movie.

Registered User
i ordered this after having it recommended to me by a friend. it was definitely a good film, but it could have been better, the sentiment i felt sometimes went a little voer the top. not that sentiment is necessarily a bad thing, but it just seemed to me that this couldnt decide if it was an action or a romance or what.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
As far as I can tell you can't get this on DVD for region 1. If anyone knows anything about this please shed some light on it.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally posted by leinad
i ordered this after having it recommended to me by a friend. it was definitely a good film, but it could have been better, the sentiment i felt sometimes went a little voer the top. not that sentiment is necessarily a bad thing, but it just seemed to me that this couldnt decide if it was an action or a romance or what.
The one doesn't exclude the other, does it? Anyway, I think it was supposed to be sarcastic romance in a sort of sadistic way.

isnīt this movie a lot like lord of the flies or is the theme different and the "only" similarity is children on an island?

I am having a nervous breakdance
No, you're kind of right. It is some form of upgrade of "Lord of the Flies". Not saying it's even close to a remake though.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Yeah I went into watching it thinking it was basically a modern day Lord of the Flies. I had no idea that the children were forced, given weapons, wore collars etc. I think it is a mixture of Lord of the Flies and Series 7 with a some Big Brother aspects thrown in. Watching it again tonight.

This movie rocks alot.

Registered User
no, i guess it doesnt, afterall most action films have a romantic sub-plot, it's just that this seemed to vary between the extremes of each genre, someone was getting stabbed in the crotch one minute and it was all lovey and sweet the next