Best Bond Movie?


My vote is split, for the older movies, my favorite is prolly Live and Let Die or Goldfinger. For the newer ones, Casino Royale is my favorite, hands down.

The parachute thing was plausible - way more than the plan thing. That was just nuts, in my not-so-humble opinion.

The tunnel thing was great - classic Bond in my opinion. My only gripe is that they need to get in the habit of killing off a somewhat important person in each movie, so scenes like that become more surprising. They do this now and then, but it needs to become a habit.

Yes, we knew Bond would live - if he didn't, they'd get a lot of complaints.

You definitely HAVE to watch the older ones, they are still good, even with the cool action etc... of the newer Bonds.

From Russia with Love is my favorite because everyone knows Sean Connery set the tone for all Bonds to come. It's also one of the "originals" (anything pre-Brosnan) and sends 007 on some classic Bond scenarios. I know a lot of people say Goldfinger but I prefer my Bond in Soviet Russia instead of Kentucky. There's great gadgets, action scenes, and most importantly espionage. The only thing that would make it better is if Blofeld were the villain and if a character's name had an innuendo. Also, Tatiana Romanova is, in my opinion, the prettiest Bond girl (with Strawberry Fields being close second).

planet news's Avatar
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I'm pretty sure at one point I've seen every bond movie there ever was, but I do not remember this one, so it's as good as having never seen it. They do all kinda blend into one another if you think about it. Nevertheless, I must go and watch this thing now.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

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i like the latest bond movies with daniel craig. i also think daniel craig is the best bond to date, followed by sean connery

& the only gadget Bond has is an attaché case.
If you're talking about FRwL you forgot a lot. First of all the attache case included many gadgets like the folding rifle, camera/hidden recorder, phone bug detector, the case itself would even emit gas if opened incorrectly. There's the wire-watch in the opening, the car phone (a gadget back then haha), the poison tipped shoes, etc.

I dont think I have met a single person that likes On her Majesty's secret service...anyone here like that one?
Come on Chief, this isn't no boy scout picnic. See ya' got ya' rubbers!

Yep, I'm with Mark. It's one of the better Bond films. Not top 5, but top 10 imo.

I dont think I have met a single person that likes On her Majesty's secret service...anyone here like that one?
Are you kidding me?
Weren't you around when I was parading Lazenby's Bond for one whole week for the movie theme?

I am a big fan of the movie.

Best Bond would have to be From Russia With Love.

I dont think I have met a single person that likes On her Majesty's secret service...anyone here like that one?
I like every Bond movie for one reason or another. Each actor brings something different to the character and it's not like one movie comes out and erases all other movies. I'd rather OHMSS exist than have one less Bond movie. I bought the James Bond Ultimate Collector's Set and when I went through a break up in a 4-5 year relationship I watched them all in order and LOVED it. I felt so stinkin' suave during every movie. Except Die Another Day...

I don't really like the new ones, they aren't exactly that bad but they don't make me want to watch them again and again, like the old ones do.
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will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Best Bond would have to be From Russia With Love.
I agree. (I hope thinking that isn't what got TheBondLover banned)
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

The Spy Who Loved Me. It wasn't very serious but it was alot of fun and really played up the gadgets which I liked as a kid. Recently believe it or not I liked The Living Daylights with Timothy Dalton.