If you can re-cast past movies


Going back in time and recast any past favorite movies, how would it look like?

BATMAN (1989)
Mel Gibson and Willem DaFoe

Having Tom Berrenger in any film featuring Navy SEALs and not Michael Biehn (the abyss, navy seals, the rock...)

Jamie Lee Curtis (lois)... btw, she was 20 at the time
Ann Margaret (alternate lois)... for the mature crowd

well thats 'bout it for now
"That's in the can"

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Strange picks.
Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson were perfect for Batman, and Michael Biehn wipes the floor with Berenger everytime for me....he`s class and vastly underated.

The most spolit annoying performance in years for me was Jake Lloyd in Episode 1.
Replace him with anybody.
Vale Tudo (adv.301)><"Fighting Evil with Evil"

Not sure who I would pick but someone other than KD as MJ in Spiderman

Val Kilmer instead of Tom Cruise in Legend

Gerald Butler instead of Mel Gibson as William Wallace in Braveheart

and I have to agree with Jonny Goodboy about Jake Lloyd in Episode 1...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Debra Winger instead of Shelly Duvall in The Shining
Harrison Ford instead of Alec Baldwin in The Hunt for Red October
Christopher Walken instead of Jamey Sheridan in The Stand
Anybody besides Ralph Fiennes in Maid in Manhattan (how could he?)
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally posted by LordSlaytan

Debra Winger instead of Shelly Duvall in The Shining
I never thought about it but I have to agree, Debra Winger would have been a much better choice than Shelly Duvall… although Shelly was perfect as Olive Oyl…

Anybody besides Ralph Fiennes in Maid in Manhattan (how could he?)
I will never be able to look at Ralph the same again…

Russell Crowe instead of Brad Pitt in Seven
Every other movie I don't care about, haven't seen or don't want changed.
I agree with Johhny, Keaton and Nicholson were perfect. No other Batman movies came close to the first one and no other actors came close to the actors in it (not even Carey, and definitely not Clooney).
That makes me think of another one...switch Clooney for Crowe or Gibson in that movie he's in with J-Lo (Out of Sight I think)
If more people watch hockey it will be on TV more.

Originally posted by WatchHockeyPlz

That makes me think of another one...switch Clooney for Crowe or Gibson in that movie he's in with J-Lo (Out of Sight I think)

Too bad there isn't a bit of prophecy for J-Lo in that title … "Out of Sight”finally

Back when J-Lo was in Out of Sight I really liked her. As far as going to see one of her movies now...no thanks. Now that we've seen waaaaaaaay too much of her she's become only good to look at. If I need a J-Lo fix I can just pop open any magazine or turn on MTV.