

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
you know what world i want to live in? A world where otherwise reasonably intelligent people can recognize a hatchet job chain letter from you know, a factual one.

I got this FW to me by at least 100 different people :

A Texas Tech economics class supported Obama's socialist agenda, believing socialism capitalism. So, their professor - who had never failed a single student before he taught them a real lesson in economics.

An economics professor at a local college made a
statement that he had never failed a single student
before, but had recently failed an entire class.

That class had insisted that Obama's socialism
worked and that no one would be poor and no one
would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an
experiment in this class on Obama's plan".

All grades would be averaged and everyone would
receive the same grade so no one would fail and no
one would receive an A.

After the first test, the grades were averaged and
everyone got a B.

The students who studied hard were upset and the
students who studied little were happy.

As the second test rolled around, the students who
studied little had studied even less and the ones
who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride
too so they studied little.

The second test average was a D!

No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was anF.

The scores never increased as bickering, blame and
name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no
one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

All failed, to their
great surprise, and the professor told them that
socialism would also ultimately fail because when
the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great
but when government takes all the reward away, no
one will try or want to succeed.
Couldn't be any simpler than that.

Does anyone else get these ridiculous fabricated stories cloggen their inbox?
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Some of that is interesting Ashley, if one clicks thorugh it just to see what is there, but other things are misleading and probably sound good, but the definition of "private sector" seems to be broad. He seems to skirt the real issue on many things. Gays for example: sure he can hire them, appoint them, etc... but what about the everyday homosexual IOW the everyday citzen. I am pretty sure I have mentioned this before but my daughter is gay. She seems to be able to deal with a lot of things, but as she gets older I know it is going to make a difference. What if she wants to join the military? I can tell you she is not one to "don't tell" I though the president was going to do something about this. Anyway I think that site does make a point though: when many ask what has he done? they usualy default an unsaid " lately" to the end of it.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I don't think anyone is supposed to take the story as fact. I doubt it's even trying to fool anyone into thinking that. It's a parable designed to illustrate the inherent flaw in socialism, not an actual anecdote.

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inherent flaw in socialism
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I don't think anyone is supposed to take the story as fact. I doubt it's even trying to fool anyone into thinking that. It's a parable designed to illustrate the inherent flaw in socialism, not an actual anecdote.
why does it mention Obama then?

have your received this e-mail yoda?

What if she wants to join the military? I can tell you she is not one to "don't tell" I though the president was going to do something about this.
C'mon 7th, Do you honestly believe the President has the power to just wipe away 100's of years of prejudice with a magic wand? I wish he did, but he doesn't. How can he just "do something" about this?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

C'mon 7th, Do you honestly believe the President has the power to just wipe away 100's of years of prejudice with a magic wand? I wish he did, but he doesn't. How can he just "do something" about this?
Well that is really part of my point - it is about promises - he ran with this and many other promises as all politicians do. He needs to also put a lot more focus on immigration, at least put some form of mitigation in place.

"I cannot guarantee that it is going to be in the first 100 days. But what I can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that I strongly support and that I'm promoting. And I want to move that forward as quickly as possible.


why does it mention Obama then?

have your received this e-mail yoda?
I may have; I get lots of those types of things so I honestly don't remember. And it mentions Obama because whoever wrote it thinks that expanding entitlement programs brings us somewhat closer to socialism -- which is clearly does.

C'mon 7th, Do you honestly believe the President has the power to just wipe away 100's of years of prejudice with a magic wand? I wish he did, but he doesn't. How can he just "do something" about this?
Wasn't addressed to me, so apologies in advance, but two things are worth mentioning: 1) he doesn't have to wipe away prejudice, just abolish the policy, and 2) he repeatedly promised to do so, so whether or not he can, he led people to believe he could and would.

You guys are too funny. "He made promises?" Wow, a politician not following through on a promise. Never heard of that one before. If its such an IMPORTANT issue why hasn't it been dealt with long before now? Why didn't Bush or Clinton or Bush Sr. deal with it?

I guess maybe I'm the only one that sees some irony here. You'll talk all about how Obama is not following through on his "promises" but if say, Bush our last Prez didn't follow up on a promise he's what? Under pressure? Misunderstood?

Double standard much? You guys spend so much time pointing fingers.

You guys are too funny. "He made promises?" Wow, a politician not following through on a promise. Never heard of that one before. If its such an IMPORTANT issue why hasn't it been dealt with long before now? Why didn't Bush or Clinton or Bush Sr. deal with it?

I guess maybe I'm the only one that sees some irony here. You'll talk all about how Obama is not following through on his "promises" but if say, Bush our last Prez didn't follow up on a promise he's what? Under pressure? Misunderstood?

Double standard much? You guys spend so much time pointing fingers.

You must not remember a lot of my older posts, I did complain about many of the Bush promises, thought we were talking about Obama?

You guys are too funny. "He made promises?" Wow, a politician not following through on a promise. Never heard of that one before. If its such an IMPORTANT issue why hasn't it been dealt with long before now? Why didn't Bush or Clinton or Bush Sr. deal with it?
Well, I didn't say it was such an important issue, but I know it's very important to some people. And Obama emphasized it enough that it sure seemed important to him.

Anyway, the fact that politicians routinely fail to follow-through on their promises isn't much of a reason to excuse him, is it? Most politicians get killed when they do this, so it seems reasonable to criticize him for it, too. It may be typical, but it's still bad.

I guess maybe I'm the only one that sees some irony here. You'll talk all about how Obama is not following through on his "promises" but if say, Bush our last Prez didn't follow up on a promise he's what? Under pressure? Misunderstood?
Depends on the promise and the reasons he didn't follow up on it, but there are definitely some. Heck, he's admitted to some of them.

There are some special circumstances here, however: as much as politicians love to promise things they can't deliver and raise expectations, anyone who's been around even a little can see that our current President turned it into an art form, and a lot more people bought into it than usual. So it seems reasonable, to me at least, to splash some serious cold water on anyone who got swept up in the insanity, because most of them should have known better. A lot of conservatives were saying -- in this very thread, in fact -- that what he was promising was far less realistic than even the usual pie-in-the-sky guarantees, so I think Obama's supporters should be prepared to accept a little bit of "I told you so" now that it's clear he's not fundamentally different in this respect.

The more a candidate emphasizes an issue, or exaggerates their own ability to deliver something, the more they should expect to be criticized if (when?) they fail to live up to it.

Double standard much? You guys spend so much time pointing fingers.
Well, fingers do seem sort of custom-made for pointing, and if I try to point at things with my nose, I get kinda dizzy.

I know you're not really talking directly to me in the respect that the "I told you so's" are deserved. But I agree, he's no different than any other politician and the majority of those that thought he was going to be different are probably some of the same folks that let television commercials tell them who to vote for. So, consider the source, I says.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
You guys are too funny. "He made promises?" Wow, a politician not following through on a promise. Never heard of that one before. If its such an IMPORTANT issue why hasn't it been dealt with long before now? Why didn't Bush or Clinton or Bush Sr. deal with it?

I guess maybe I'm the only one that sees some irony here. You'll talk all about how Obama is not following through on his "promises" but if say, Bush our last Prez didn't follow up on a promise he's what? Under pressure? Misunderstood?

Double standard much? You guys spend so much time pointing fingers.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
PW is right. i'm not sticking up for Obama necessarily, but this is a lot of the reason i stay out of these threads, well, ever. Yoda and 7thson: have you ever voted for a president that won, and had too high of an expectation of him? were you human enough to admit it when he didn't live up to the standard you set for him? also, if you were human enough to admit it, did it also kind of grate on your nerves that others who didn't vote for him couldn't wait to be right there to kick you and everyone else that supported this President for actually being "naive" enough to believe in him when you voted him?

i think it was nice and mature of you guys for being able to "keep your heads" during 2008 election year, but a lot of Americans were just scared sh*tless about our Economic crisis. many had never seen the likes of it before, and well, it's a pretty good reason that many of them "fell" for Obama's campaign. this thread only adds insult to injury. i mean, y'all can go ahead and keep arguing about it. i'm just explaining a backup story a bit to my "i hate this thread" post a few pages back. (why am i doing this? )

i get what PW is trying to say when he says it's a cycle. i stayed out of the Bush thread for this reason, too. this is just a repeat of that thread with a different name and the fingers being pointed in the opposite direction... and assuming that Mofo will be around for the next Presidential election, it'll happen to whatever poor schmucks fall for the next lying sniveling, politician, too.

..P.N. is corrupting me
me too! y'all don't even know!

seriously, though.... Dionne, the Obama link i posted was a bit in jest, and it wasn't really directed at anyone except for those who blindly said, in this thread, that Obama has done "nothing" since he's been elected. he's done a lot, actually. he's also let a sh*t load of people down including myself and maybe even you and Yoda? i wasn't really directing that link at you guys, though. just the other idiots who said that. you guys aren't idiots!

you guys aren't idiots!

VICTORY!!!! - fooled you

Really though Ashley, you do make a lot of good points and I was never taking anything you said personally. Well other than that time you told me I ...... nm wrong thread .