Which actor should play Kent/Superman in new movie?


What do you mean by this ? Woody Allen and Atkinson playing Superman ? Isn't that like saying i would watch the next movie of Tomb Raider if Cloris Leachman played Lara Croft.

Is that what you mean ? Please explain.
What's to explain? You wouldn't like to see Allen's or Atkinson's interpretation of Superman? I'd love to see Allen's bumbling Superman trying to talk his way out of trouble, because even with super strength, he just hasn't the stomach for fighting. Or facing an emergency with all his indecision. Would anyone believe he was really a super hero when he shows up to help them? Would the crooks take him seriously? And what would happen if he takes off Clark Kent's glasses and is then blind as a bat?

Like I said before, I'd like to see Atkinson as a Superman who has grown up in Britain's class system and public schools, with all that baggage--kind of a Superbean. If he shows up at Picadilly, would they know him in his cape and tights from the rest of crowd there? If he went down to the Shakespeare Theater, would they think he was a member of the cast in his tights and cape? Could he leap Big Ben at a single bound without throwing all the clocks off? What would it be like for Superbean keeping the peace on Guy Fawkes night? How about if he's to be presented to the Queen--as both Clark Kent and Superman on the same night? Plus Superbean could do more for British telephone booths than Dr. Who.

If Cloris Leachman was as funny as Allen or Atkinson, it would be fine with me. But she's not--personally, I never cared for her at all. And I've never seen a "Tomb Raider" film. I don't do movies based on kid computer games.

Wow, then I don't think you are the best person to be giving advice on how to do a Superman movie. No offense, it's just that your "vision" is completely different from the majority.
No offense taken--I have never wanted to be like the majority. As for giving "advice" on a Superman movie, do you really think someone is going to shoot one based on this forum? So why not have some fun with it--push the envelope a little, use some imagination, think out of the box instead of the same ol' same ol' "faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings at a single bound." An indestructable super hero is boring to me. I like human heroes who put it on the line and risk it all in each encounter, who survive by their wits and developed abilities instead of super-strength, super-speed, and super-powers.

This is exactly why they need to start incorporating some super villains in the Superman movies. I liked Superman 2 because it added that, "uh oh! Superman actually has a challenge" factor.

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What's to explain? You wouldn't like to see Allen's or Atkinson's interpretation of Superman? I'd love to see Allen's bumbling Superman trying to talk his way out of trouble, because even with super strength, he just hasn't the stomach for fighting. Or facing an emergency with all his indecision. Would anyone believe he was really a super hero when he shows up to help them? Would the crooks take him seriously? And what would happen if he takes off Clark Kent's glasses and is then blind as a bat?

Like I said before, I'd like to see Atkinson as a Superman who has grown up in Britain's class system and public schools, with all that baggage--kind of a Superbean. If he shows up at Picadilly, would they know him in his cape and tights from the rest of crowd there? If he went down to the Shakespeare Theater, would they think he was a member of the cast in his tights and cape? Could he leap Big Ben at a single bound without throwing all the clocks off? What would it be like for Superbean keeping the peace on Guy Fawkes night? How about if he's to be presented to the Queen--as both Clark Kent and Superman on the same night? Plus Superbean could do more for British telephone booths than Dr. Who.

If Cloris Leachman was as funny as Allen or Atkinson, it would be fine with me. But she's not--personally, I never cared for her at all. And I've never seen a "Tomb Raider" film. I don't do movies based on kid computer games.
Well you want to portray Superman as a completely different character from what he is accepted to be and yes its been done before (in comics) in Elseworld series but still then he was shown as this superhuman who can do things that ordinary people cannot.

It will be a massive flop if Hollywood decide to make Superman like the way you wanted. Fans will be disappointed (me included). But nonetheless to each his own, I respect your opinion even if i disagree with it completely.
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Well you want to portray Superman as a completely different character from what he is accepted to be and yes its been done before (in comics) in Elseworld series but still then he was shown as this superhuman who can do things that ordinary people cannot.

It will be a massive flop if Hollywood decide to make Superman like the way you wanted. Fans will be disappointed (me included). But nonetheless to each his own, I respect your opinion even if i disagree with it completely.
Woody Allen did a spoof of the James Bond films in his original Casino Royale, and the James Bond movie franchise is a lot bigger than Superman's. As for what Superman is "accepted to be" the character is not frozen in stone or else they would still be doing him like the old television series. The popular old Batman TV show was a complete spoof of the dynamic duo and their villains, so why not a comic version of Superman?

Also, over the years they've had Superbaby, Superboy, Superman, so how about Super Senior Citizen? What would Superman be like in his old age? Would high blood pressure give him vertigo and the FAA has to ground him because his erratic flying becomes a danger to other aircraft? Would he need Medicare? Would he still be faster than a speeding bullet if he has to use a walker? Would he still use his x-ray vision to check out Lois Lane's underwear when she's in her 60s, or would cataracts eliminate that super-vision? What if Superman wants to retire--he hasn't been paid for his good deeds all of his life, so he has no social security account. (And don't suggest he retire on Clark Kent's benefits--like Clark I've spent my life as a news reporter and will keep working until I'm 70 because the retirement package just ain't as good as for people who have real jobs.) As he gets older and less active, would his super metabolism that fueled all that strength and speed also slow down so that he really starts to pork up with less exercise. And when his prostate starts to swell as commonly happens with old men, how big might it get and what hell would it play with his urinary tract? What happens if Supergeezer needs a heart transplant and not even the sharpest scapel can cut into his chest? See, there are all sorts of fun things to explore once you step away from what's "accepted."

I think either Wentworth Miller or Victor Webster should play Clark Kent.

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Semper Fooey
That reminds me of that Superman parody Mad did when it was still a comic book (and much funnier that the boring magazine it became). Meek Clark Kent really looked meek, all skinny and small, but when he came out of that telephone booth he was much bigger and full of muscles. Lois Lane was a gold digging bitch and thought both Clark and Superduperman were "creeps."

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I occasionally choose to read this as "Which actor should play Kant/Ubermensch in new movie?"
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

Some updated news on the huint for a director.

There has been some recent buzz related to the new Superman movie. Several directors have been mention as being considered for the job. Darren Aronofsky has been included on the list. He joins Duncan Jones, Jonathan Liebesman, Matt Reeves, Tony Scott and Zack Snyder.

It’s interesting to see that Jonathan Nolan is not mentioned as hew was considered the early favorite with his brother Christopher being a “advisor” on the film.

Also of note. Ben Affleck (The Town) was considered but is no longer in the running.