Tell me for I must know...



I know... it was a tradgedy.

My indoctrination came on record #2 of Ted Nugent's Double Live Gonzo... my jaw dropped and I never was the same.

Aerosmith was next... around 1975 or so.

First concert was in 1979...Black Sabbath/Blue Oyster Cult, Black and Blue tour... still my favorite. Ah the days when Ozzy was coherent...

When I get enough money, they're nearby, I want to go to concert with Linkin Park and Michael Jackson. I know they won't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever EVER, do a concert together, but I can't dream can't I?
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I used to listen to all sorts of bad pop music: Michael Jackson, Def Leppard, all that awful Big 80's hair metal garbage, then I heard Faith No More's "The Real Thing" album. That was my turning point.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Turning point to what? Listening to a new form of crap?
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally posted by Monkeypunch
OW! I guess it's all just opinion, but I LIKED and still do like Faith No More. Just me. Now I feel stupid. THANKS!!!
I was just teasin you man. Maybe this'll make you feel better; my list of favorite bands throughout my music loving lifetime.

J. Geils Band
Men at Work
Oingo Boingo
Def Leppard

But now my favorites of all time:

The Beatles
Pink Floyd
The Doors

Current favorites:

Rage Against the Machine
Alice in Chains
Marilyn Manson

All better?

I'm not old, you're just 12.
It's all good. I wasn't really upset. I will be the first to tell people I listen to crap. Hell, I love KISS and Cheap Trick and all levels of embarrasing cheesyness.

But since you started it:

My all time favorites:

The Meat Puppets
Sex Pistols
The Beatles
The Ramones
Cheap Trick
The Vaselines

Current Favorites:

Nine Inch Nails
The Strokes
System of a Down
The White Stripes
The Donnas

The Sex Pistols wiht Joan Jett remade I Love Rock'N Rolll, and tehy actually did a really good job, unlike some brat I know *ahem*Britney!*ahem*. Oh. sorry, I WAS COUGHING WHILE SAYING THAT BRITNEY SPEARS IS A BRAT!!! (I kinda' stole that from Chris, but if he isn't gonna use tham, I am!)

Originally posted by LordSlaytan Cheap Trick crap!
Try saying that 3 times fast.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Ooooooh, are you guys talking about music??? Can I join??? Huh??? Can I???

My life history depicted chronologically through my favourite bands/artists:

De La Soul
The Stone Roses
Dinosaur Jr
Neil Young
Red House Painters
Bob Marley

(These are bands that are more than favourite bands. They've been more like an obsession for me... )

Nowadays I listen to a lot of reggae, mostly root reggae (old stuff). I've liked Bob Marley since I was a kid since my older cousin was a big fan, but now I think he's the best. I really think he's the king and only Dylan can compete with him as a songwriter.

The bands that I've been listening to the longest time and still listen to are Teenage Fanclub and Dinosaur Jr. You guys should check out T.F.'s "Bandwagonesque" and "Songs From Northern Britain" and Dinosaur's "Where You Been" and "You're Living All Over Me".

I think I'm very open to all kinds of music. I love Misfits, Nick Drake, Depeche Mode, Johnny Cash, Iron Maiden, Public Enemy, Nirvana, Stevie Wonder, Fleetwood Mac, Tool... you name it!!

I would like to recommend one of those little bands that doesn't get 1% of the credit that they really deserv (well, they've split up now...): Archers of Loaf. Has anyone here heard of them? Or even better, is anyone here in to them?? I think they're one of the best bands ever! If you don't have a problem with egdy, unpolished, loud but still melodic music, check them out!! Especially CD's "Vee Vee" and "All the Nation's Airports" and the miniCD "Archers of Loaf vs. The Greatest of All Times". Amazing stuff.....

here's my biographical music tastes, and in order to one-up pidzilla, i'll ad the years these bands remained my faves.

little tot-5 y/o: pete seger (sp?), neat folk music, i still likes.

5 y/o ~ 9: heh, tears for fears and michael jackson; i cant even remember the tff song i liked, but my parents bought me the 7" and i listened to it till it broke. i also like the pointer sisters, who my mom was listening to at the time.

9 ~ 11: the beatles, i liked them all along, but this was the period that i intensely liked them.

12 ~ 13: pearl jam, the second band i got into independently of my parents (after tears for fears ), and the one that lead me to believe that everything my parents listened to was crap (esp. the beatles ). the bitter irony is that now my dad likes pearl jam and the chilli peppers and all those other bands he was calling crap back when i started calling the beatles crap, and i dont any more.

13~22: foetus, scraping foetus off the wheel, phillip and his foetus vibrations, steroid maximus, wiseblood, and all the other names j.g. thirwell has gone by in his long and obscure musical career. actually, for a short time between pearl jam and foetus i really liked nin (and still do like trent's older stuff a bit (though my favorite song is 'suck' which he did with pigface well before nin came into being), but that all changed when my friend's dad played us the stuff that "nin sprung from", namely the 1982 album, 'hole', by scraping foetus off the wheel.

22~present (still 22): tom waits. been really digging tom waits' stuff lately. got a copy of 'raindogs' from my friend a year ago, but barely listened to it until i heard a very cool waits interview over the summer (on npr), and decided to give it a second chance. since then i've bought about 6 of his albums, and cant choose a favorite: blood money, swordfish trombones, blue valentine, alice, closing time, and raindogs are all great!

heh, there's soo much great obscure music out there...not too long i went and saw the legendary pink dots play in ny, and if i had the patience for more live shows, i'd have love'd to have gone and seen the residents last week. but after the pink dots show, i went back to my friend's place, and he showed me a bunch of the amazing stuff he got while staying with some noise band called 'the eugenics counsel' out in missouri...just a taste of obscure gems like 'the suburban lawns', 'francic kimono', 'shonen knife', 'army of flowers' (with their classic song, 'the prostitution twist'), and dozens of others.

i've also decided to give nick cave another chance after hearing johnny cash's amazing cover of the bad seeds song, 'the mercy seat'.

plus recently watching some great betty boop cartoons (for example 'minnie the moocher') has seemingly rejuvenated my interest in cab calloway.

damn, there's just too many to list.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
A biography through musical tastes? Very cool idea. I so wanna try this.

As a child, my favorite records were "I love Rock and Roll" by Joan Jett and "Rock and Roll All Night" by Kiss. I listened heavily to the oldies station, Michael Jackson, and Elvis Presley.

As I got a bit older, I started to love (and don't laugh) The Monkees. This in turn led to the Beatles and by the time I was in Junior High, Bob Dylan.

In the hell that was Junior High, I tried to fit in more by listening to the then popular Guns 'N' Roses and Def Leppard. I actually didn't like them all that much but I told people I did, Secretly my favorites were R.E.M. and Paul Simon

Starting off High School I was seriously into the Doors, The Rolling Stones, Queen, U2, and Faith No More. A guy in my shop class handed me a tape of The Dead Milkmen's "Bucky Fellini" album and they became my favorite band ever. Untill......

Nirvana's Nevermind was the first album that wasn't just background music to listen to on the bus. Suddenly all the politically correct rabble-rousing of U2 was right out the window. From there it was Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Screaming Trees (the first concert I ever went to), The Meat Puppets, and all manner of early 1990's flannel rock.

In college, I was a punk. I listened to the Sex Pistols, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The Ramones, Green Day, and The Germs. After Kurt Cobain killed himself, I was very much into Smashing Pumpkins (I even sang in a cover band for exactly two days), and Hole.

After College, I dated a girl who was heavily into Ska, and I ended up liking it much more than I liked her. (yes, that's awful, but I was 19 at the time! Very stupid boy.) Reel Big Fish and Sublime were my favorites then, and I kind of liked No Doubt.

I listened to a lot of Metallica when I was in the Army, and my favorite album was "Master of Puppets."

Then music sucked for a very long time, so I listened to old Devo, Cheap Trick, Kiss, and Nine Inch Nails CDs until...

The White Stripes, Ben Folds, and Eminem are my current favorites. I also listen to a lot of rap recently. Run DMC, Public Enemy and NWA are my favorites of the genre...

Whew, that was long. And not nearly comprehensive as I would like, but I AM NOT typing all that much.

something interesting,unique about me.
i bet i have you all beaten on broken bones~! i have:
fingers-8 or so . . .
'' toes- 6 or so. . .
'' ankle-1
'' wrist-1
'' arm- 3, once really bad in 3 places,bone poped right out!
'' ribs-2
'' collarbone-1
. . . and then some . . . and to think this all happend in 15 years!
most of them due to football, katate and could have something to due with i dont drink milk or dairy products!
now that i ve probally grossed you all out, ill sht-up, lol~!

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally posted by linespalsy
i've also decided to give nick cave another chance after hearing johnny cash's amazing cover of the bad seeds song, 'the mercy seat'.
You should give Nick Cave another shot... I finally bought "The Boatman's Call" (been wanting that for a long time now) and I have to say that it's one of the best albums ever made, and I've listened to a few. I order everyone in here to buy that cd!!! "People Ain't No Good"... what a song...

The album "American III: Solitary Man" by Johnny Cash (the one with the "The Mersey Seat" cover on it, is amazing too. If you like Cash's version of "I See a Darkness" on there you should check out the album with the original, "I See a Darkness" by Bonnie Prince Billy (a.k.a. Will Oldham, a.k.a. Palace/Palace Brothers/Palace Music), another favourite album of mine.

Originally posted by turkeybird099
something interesting,unique about me.
i bet i have you all beaten on broken bones~! i have:
fingers-8 or so . . .
'' toes- 6 or so. . .
'' ankle-1
'' wrist-1
'' arm- 3, once really bad in 3 places,bone poped right out!
'' ribs-2
'' collarbone-1
. . . and then some . . . and to think this all happend in 15 years!
most of them due to football, katate and could have something to due with i dont drink milk or dairy products!
now that i ve probally grossed you all out, ill sht-up, lol~!
Rotator cuff-1
Fingers-9 (One thumb left)
knee-1 (twice)
leg- 1 (13 surgeries to fix it)
skull fractures-2
stitches- 600 at one time (internal/external) (and 60+ staples)

A lot of that was caused by my flesh colliding with an immovable 2 ton steel object at approximately 55mph.


The rotator cuff was from baseball... I caught for 10 years... the throw down to second f*cked me up after all that time.