The person above me thread


the person above me misunderstood my statement, i meant it was her plan not mine. Oh geez it was a flaming joke and Gracie knows it, Im not going to fight you Slay, im not that crazy, geez and please im not a HGM, aw man IM NOT OK. Me and Gracie are best mates (i think). The person above the person above me can take his best shot but will find i have a hard time dying.

The person above me is calling me out? That's it, I'm springing for a ticket to Aussie Land! I'll hunt you down and when I find you I'm going to...

Buy you a hamburger.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

The person above me has a great sense of humour but be warned if you buy me a hamburger i tell you what im going to buy you a kangeroo steak here is something i was wondering last night in bed and that was in Aust we have McDonalds which have a Aussie Burger with pineapple, bacon, egg, blah, blah, what i was wondering was do you have an American burger? or arent you bunch of HGM's worthy of having a burger named after your country?

Lets put a smile on that block
The person above me is touched...i want to be touched .....emotionally! Touched emotionally i mean....
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

the person above me is emotionally distraught!

Lets put a smile on that block
The person above me has no idea of the importance of the COW. The COW is the symbol of all that is tasty. Where would the world be without COW...

The person above me should know the anwser to that question without the cow we wouldnt have steak and thickshakes and without steak we would have happy B.B.Q.'s and with out BBQ's we wouldnt have fun and without fun we would all be depressed and with being depressed we would all kill ourselves, therefore lets keep slaughtering cows.

The person above me can be described with one signature...
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."

The person above the person above me spelt my name wrong again, its spelt Mick Naismith geez get it right and the person above me directly has a wicked name to pronouce

The person above me should know that I'm so sorry! I always get names wrong!! It's a habit, but I fixed it!