What Yoda Looks Like Naked


I love this. From The Onion:

Don't Tell Me You've Never Wondered What Yoda's Penis Looks Like
Oh, come on. All the times you've watched Star Wars movies, it's never crossed your mind even once? You're just going to play dumb and say, "Oh, gee, no, that never occurred to me"? Give me a break. Don't even try to tell me you've never wondered what Yoda's penis looks like.

You don't have to be embarrassed about it. Being curious about Yoda's penis doesn't mean you're gay or anything. And I'm certainly not saying that you should be obsessed with it. But how could anybody claim they haven't pondered that penis even for a single second in their entire life?

It's only natural to be a little curious about Yoda's penis. I've certainly asked myself all the usual questions: How long is it when flaccid? How long erect? Is it circumcised? Is it shaped like a human penis? Is it the same shade of green as the rest of him? Is it wrinkled? Veiny? Freckled? How much pubic hair does Yoda have? Is the hair curly or wispy? Is there enough hair to hide the testicles? And how large are the testicles? And how pendulous?

But noooo. You've never, ever had such thoughts. That's simply not the way your oh-so-pure mind operates.

So I guess I'm expected to believe that, while watching The Empire Strikes Back, the second act of which is practically all Yoda, not once did you wonder what he looked like naked. And when he died in Return Of The Jedi, his robe remaining on his bed as his body disappeared, you never imagined that robe disappearing with Yoda still lying there on his back, his nude form exposed for all the world to see. Yeah, I am so sure.

The day Episode II opened, you were, no doubt, one of the millions of Americans giddy with anticipation. If you're anything like me, you were most excited for the space battles, the plot revelations regarding the Clone Wars, and other matters unrelated to Yoda's penis. But why don't you just admit it: A tiny little part of your excitement stemmed from the thought that maybe, just maybe, Jedi Master Yoda's clothes would come off. It's okay—I promise I wouldn't think any less of you. We all have these kinds of taboo thoughts from time to time. It's only natural.

And are you actually claiming that back in 1999, you sat through all of Phantom Menace, not once wishing that the gusty winds of Coruscant would give Yoda a little skirt-blow? You're telling me that when we first saw fellow Jedi Council member Yaddle, you just saw a female member of Yoda's species and not the beginning of a new story arc that could potentially provide a perfect opportunity to show Yoda naked? Man, you're even more repressed than I thought.

I suppose that when the Episode II DVD is released, you'll be in line at midnight to buy your copy, but not so you can go through the fight scene frame-by-frame, "just in case." No, a wholesome guy like you is above such perverse thoughts.

And, of course, you're also excited for Episode III, but not because it's the last movie in the Saga and, therefore, must be the one where Yoda's penis and all its secrets are finally revealed. Do me a favor? Drop the prude act.

This is insane. You don't fool me for a moment. Even now, just looking at you, I can tell your very being trembles with curiosity about Yoda's penis.

Own up, you big baby.

Back with a bang!
The word "penis" is used nine times in that article.
Ride Johnny ride

Originally posted by Toose
I bet he's bowlegged so his prong can swing freely.
I'll bet he's a tripod.

I wonder how many people came into this thread expecting a compromising picture of yours truly.

Well, here's what Yoda looks like half-naked...


cracks me up every time!
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."

The Future Ed Wood
i hate to say it but was one of them! the funny thing is that i had never thought of it until now. for some reason i should feel good about this but i feel left out!
Tremble and despair for I am power! - Milamber - Magician

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Originally posted by Yoda

I'll bet he's a tripod.
That's why he leans on his cane... to help him step over the meat when he shuffles around like he does.

The Fat of the Mailbox
When i first saw this thread I thought Yoda (the person that runs this site) wanted us to see him naked.

thats a funny artical!! but Ruby that is not a very nice thought no offence Chris but it has never crossed my mind and it WILL it to cross my mind what your shrivelled, wrinkly body looks like naked!!!

The Fat of the Mailbox
i wonder why yoda never replied

Dammit, I was looking for pictures of...nevermind. I didn't even come here.
**** the Lakers!

2 feet tall and he's green
how much more S-E-X-I-E-R can you get!

I know what Yoda's penis looks like.... and now you can too! (WARNING: Will turn you on. Turn off your hormones if you're too sensitive.)
Click image for larger version

Name:	yodas penis.gif
Views:	22662
Size:	23.7 KB
ID:	496  

'i guarentee he blows a load like a shotgun'

Originally posted by Sexy Celebrity
I know what Yoda's penis looks like.... and now you can too! (WARNING: Will turn you on. Turn off your hormones if you're too sensitive.)
That's rich!
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

God, now evertime I watch a Star Wars movie Im gonna be distracted.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Originally Posted by Yoda
I wonder how many people came into this thread expecting a compromising picture of yours truly.
Thats why I'm here, very disappointed, but it took SC to save the day, by the way cucumber is my fav veg.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.