Sick Girl

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So, I throw in this flick last night entitles "Sick Girl", with low expectations. Within the first five minutes I see a school bus that holds a handful of annoying, slow, or just strange chicks escorted my nuns. One of the girls gets up after making crude gestures toward one of the nuns to a slow girl. The girl making the crude gestures eventually beats the nun to the floor, unzips her pants, and urinates into the nuns mouth. Next thing you know she's been thrown off the bus and is hitching a ride with two older teen males. When I look up at the screen next she has cut one the the boys throats (in a very low budget way) and thats when I turn off the flick and go try out another film called "Dead Girl", which I lasted longer in, but didn't end up finishing either. Know that I didn't stop watching Sick Girl because it was to much or made me feel uncomfortable, I just couldn't see it being a good flick. Anybody that watched it, was I wrong? Should I go back and watch it?
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

Is this one worth seeing?Need some advice.

Kinda the definition of love or hate yeah? Well: I kinda liked it, but it kinda sucked also. IOW:
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Alright, let's see. An intriguing and original story. An awesome leading lady. An absolutely chilling score. Shocking, intense, gruesome, gory, vile, and scary as all hell. Yeah, that basically covers everything. I've finally found it. The Horror masterpiece of the decade. True Horror fans, I give you Sick Girl.