Movie info


The Future Ed Wood
i have been looking all over but i cant seem to find some information needed

how much does the average hollywood film cost to make and how much does it usually make?

how much does the hollywood blockbuster cost and usually make back?

i have tried working it out but.....too tired!
Tremble and despair for I am power! - Milamber - Magician

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The Future Ed Wood
the above post can still be answered as i found the top 10 money makers on

but does anyone know any good sites which have information on films marketing ideas? tv spots etc

The Future Ed Wood
sorry about that

hollywood film - a film made in hollywood which is just a run of the mill normal studio film e.g One fine day

blockbuster - a film which has a large amount of money put into it (e.g ID4, star wars, )

Seraph of the Void
Just curious...

Why are you looking for this info?

Statistical reasons?

Anyway I heard somewhere that the average cost is about 83-85 million to make and market a movie in the american market.

hope that helps
"When I said my quarters were cold, I did not mean "Oh, I think it is a little chilly in here. Perhaps I'll throw a blanket on the bed." No! I said it was cold! As in, "Oh look - my left arm has snapped off like an icicle and shattered on the floor!"

The Future Ed Wood
im doing a media report on film advertising and am comparing how the blair witch and star wars ep1 went different ways due to marketing