is it worth to go to cinema to watch Avatar?


YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!! AND I"M NOT JUST SAYING THAT, IT REALLY IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!! It is a very well made movie. It has romance that is not cliché, and funny parts, and great action scenes. The world of Pandora is also so beautiful, and the creatures James Cameron came up with are absolutely amazing! I loved it, and you should definitely see it When you do watch it in 3-D, not normal. The effects are part of what makes it so great!!!!!!!!!!! I COULD WATCH IT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE IS NO DOUBT IT IS WORTH TEN BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and make sure you see it in 3D!!!!!!!! I've seen it 3 times, and plan on a fourth sometime soon!!!!!!!!!

If you're interested in seeing Avatar the cinema is the only venue worth hosting it.
“To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize on them is infinitely worse.” Rudolph Valentino

I couldn't stand Avatar. To me it was another cheap, (and I use that term loosely), special effects driven movie with an extremely predictable screenplay; whatever acting there was was very substandard; and the whole balance between mise-en-scene and edit were both rather static. Ultimately it bored me. I saw it with a friend of mine who is highly into politics, and he was outraged at its politico-socio implications. Personally, I was neither here nor there about it, because that kind of stuff doesn't really concern or bother me. Rather, I sat for a good hour and thirty minutes, bored out of my wits because I could see exactly what was going to happen next. What "plot devices" and "story cliches" they were going to use. So eventually my rear-end is getting sore and I decide to walk around Movico, (which is the Cadillac of movie theaters out by where I live), get some popcorn, look into the bar area, etc. Twenty minutes later I come back into the theater to watch the rest of the two hour and thirty minute catastrophe, and sure enough, everything that I predicted was going to happen, happened. Practically nothing developed within the twenty minutes I was gone. This only reiterated my conclusion that it was a terrible movie. A good movie glues you to your seat, and if you step out, you'll know you'll miss some serious development. But since your so fixated to the screen, not even the need to urinate can prevent you from watching the movie. I like those types of movies. This was just mass marketed tripe to sell to the joe-shmoe public who'd take anything as entertainment and think this stuff is worth watching, just because it has SPFX and it's in "3-D", (ooo-ahh). What a waste of my precious time.
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

This was just mass marketed tripe to sell to the joe-shmoe public who'd take anything as entertainment and think this stuff is worth watching, just because it has SPFX and it's in "3-D", (ooo-ahh). What a waste of my precious time.
Considering the kind of films you like, is this really any surprise? As I said to someone (possibly on this site) the only way I'm seeing Avatar is if someone plucks my eyes out and takes them to the cinema. I'm as sure I can be without seeing it that I'm not going to like it. I know my tastes better than anyone else and, therefore, I can be almost certain that I wouldn't like it. TBH, I think you wasted your own time.

Well, sort of, but you can't blame anyone for seeing it, anyway. It's clearly a significant step forward in terms of technology so it's understandable if someone decides to see what the fuss is all about.

There's also a degree to which, fair or not, a film becomes a cultural event, and if one wants to be able to join in what figures to be a sizable conversation, they'll have to see it.

Considering the kind of films you like, is this really any surprise? As I said to someone (possibly on this site) the only way I'm seeing Avatar is if someone plucks my eyes out and takes them to the cinema. I'm as sure I can be without seeing it that I'm not going to like it. I know my tastes better than anyone else and, therefore, I can be almost certain that I wouldn't like it. TBH, I think you wasted your own time.
It wasn't really my intention to see the movie, but my friend wanted to see it, so we saw it together. It wasn't surprising that I didn't like it, I was just stating my opinion on the matter is all. I completely share your opinion on not going unless your forced, but such was my position. But to me, what is sad, is that most "Hollywood-Grade" films don't do anything for me. (Again, they are so friggen predictable). And it seems to be rubbing off on the Indie scene too since Tarantino and the like hit the scene. I will say though that I'm consistently surprised by foreign films, so that's where I usually end up going. Its just really sad. Hollywood used to mean something, honestly it did, but now its practically worthless.

It wasn't really my intention to see the movie, but my friend wanted to see it, so we saw it together.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment of your post, this was more than enough to justify your seeing it. I've seen more than a few films I wouldn't have paid any mind to had a friend not really wanted to see it and either had no one else to go with or we just happened to be near the cinema with nothing to do.

Four words for you: Lord. Of. The. Rings.

I went and watched Avatar 3D last night with Harry Lime .I give it a 2/5 the effects were great just really didn't get into the story.I probably will never see it again but I did give it a go. It was the first movie I've seen in 3D. I would have to say that was pretty cool. The naration was a little anoying and it probably could have been 30 min shorter. I.was shocked at the line ups still it was insane.With that said it wasn't all that great and a waste of 15 bucks.

Whilst I agree with the sentiment of your post, this was more than enough to justify your seeing it. I've seen more than a few films I wouldn't have paid any mind to had a friend not really wanted to see it and either had no one else to go with or we just happened to be near the cinema with nothing to do.

Four words for you: Lord. Of. The. Rings.
Most of my friends and family think I'm a film snob... and they are probably right. I usually like films that have artistic merit, and when I'm saying "artistic merit", I'm not saying just avant-garde films. Even Casablanca has artistic merit, and it's entertaining to boot, which makes it one of the best films ever made. I don't really share all of your sentiments with The Lord of the Rings, but I do see where you are coming from. The dialogue in The Lord of the Rings is downright terrible, and the acting is simply cartoonish. On the other hand, despite all this, I did happen to have a good time in the theater. It wasn't really do to the circumstances of the film itself, but more to the fact I like Tolkien's story, and I was just kiddishly happy that they finally made a live-action film of it. So I think I went too easy on it, otherwise I might have trashed it.

Most of my friends and family think I'm a film snob...
I get that too, as well as accusations of being pretentious. You'd think one look at my dvd collection would provide more than enough evidence to refute that charge but, apparently, not.

My dislike of LOTR has more to do with the fantasy element than anything else, though I completely agree with you about the script and the acting. The technical aspects of the film are superb, but that's not enough for me, especially if the rest isn't just boring me but annoying me.

My dislike of LOTR has more to do with the fantasy element than anything else.
I thought the fantastical elements of the movies were done in a sophisticated manner, which is something you rarely see, usually it's outrageous and over the top.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Yes it is worth it.. You will surely feel every effects of the movie when you have a surround sound place while you are watching. compare to watching it at home with simple speakers, you can't appreciate the movie..

I can't personally say, I haven't seen it either. But, Monkeypunch and I have a friend who is EXTREMELY picky about movies, and she could not leave her seat for the entire movie. I know her very well, and she will walk out if she is bored for even 2 seconds! so, I would take that as a good reccomendation, and I will definetely be watching it as well!
Stop right there Gaara.....Of The Funk! OF THE FUNK! me: Oh dear god! The cuteness! *Has a heart attack from the level of cuteness.*

Only if it is in 3D or you're interested in picking apart the very weak plot.