Terminator Salvation missing scenes?


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
On Sunday night I watched an American copy of Terminator Salvation then I bought it on Monday, I watched it again last night and there are afew missing scenes. I was quite annoyed that this happened, here are the four scenes from my memory that are missing from the UK copy of the film.

1 At the begining When John Connor and his team are going through the water filled tunnel to the underground lab a terminator comes out of the water, Connor and his team shot the hell out of the terminator and kill it.

2 After John Connor has swam to the sub he is sat there the general points a gun at Connors head.

3 Im not doing a Messangerthug here but there is a Topless scene missing where Williams is cleaning her wound. Then she gets the antibiotics out to use them.

4 When Marcus fights with the Redneck guys he uses one of them as a human shield.

It is so annoying that these scenes are missing from the UK copy Im sure that early next year there will be Specail Edition copy for the same price or more, with the other scenes in it. I wonder what other films have been butchered like this.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

This is nothing new N3wt. Films are cut all the time here to obtain a lower rating (see Die Hard 2 - cuts now restored) or just because government policy demands it. Westerns for example are often cut to remove 'horse falls' which the UK government insists is a cruel technique. Conan the Barbarian is also cut for this reason.

Click this and scroll down for more information on Terminator Slavation.

I recommend always using this site before buying UK dvds. I wish I'd discovered it years ago. It's also good to remember that just because a film may be listed uncut on the BBFC website; it may still be a pre-cut R rated version. If in doubt always go for the R1 or R0 unrated version.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Cheers Used im going to have a good look through that site now. It does suck that films are cut in this way it is so annoying but I suppose the movie companys will find any ways to make more money.

I got the Blu-Ray and all those scenes you mentioned were included in it, couldn't say if they were in the theatrical cut, that said i was watching the 'extended version' so i'd imagine they were the 'extended' bits? Did you DVD have both versions?

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
No and also there was no specail features either, Ive been reading about this and apparently the bluray edition is the same as the american copy.

Even in the American copy there is an scene been cut out of it, when Marcus stabbs one of the Red Neck guys in shoulder.

interesting, the new dvds come out this week, i'll have to rent it to see if this is true...