So, just what is Ridley Scott up to?


I know Robin Hood is in post, but
Rumors are out there of:
Alien prequel
The Kind One
Brave New World

So what’s next for Scott? It has to one of these (or, then again .....)

I'd love to see him adapt Brave New World for the big screen. Not because I don't think any other great director couldn't direct it adequately - although it is in what some would call his his area of speciality, genre-wise. I would just love to see a movie adaptation of one of my favourite novels; which up to now only has a crappy made for TV movie to it's name.

From IMDB it would seem that his next movie is going to be The Kind One starring Casey Affleck due for release in 2010.

I don't feel an prequel to Alien is necessary. It seems to me that enough damage has already been done to the series for anymore films to be made. BUT in his hands a new film isn't as lamentable a thought as it would be if it were in the hands of someone of lesser ability. So who knows how it'll turn out....

The thing about the Alien prequel is that It would require tons of development – and I have no idea who is involved (art wise). It should be Giger – but ….

Red Riding was very good and, IMO, there's a decent chance of making a good film out of it, so long as it has a good script and a great editor.

Unless I'm mistaken the Red Riding books number 4 in total, even though there were only 3 episodes covering them.

BTW tramp, did you know that Sean Bean's character is heavily featured in the first episode?

What's Ridley Scott up to these days? Well, you could go here. That kind of solves things in a matter of seconds. The aforementioned Robin Hood film, the Untitled Alien Prequel, The Kind One and the Brave New World reboot are all mentioned in his upcoming projects...among many others.

I've been reading a lot about the Alien Prequel apparently the film centers around the space jockey creature in Alien, rumours are abound that it deals with the mission before the Nostromo who discovered the planet or that it may have no humans at all

I thought he was doing this Robin Hood thing with Russell Crowe. I'm sure there were images that surfaced on the net about that production.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Red Riding was very good and, IMO, there's a decent chance of making a good film out of it, so long as it has a good script and a great editor.

Unless I'm mistaken the Red Riding books number 4 in total, even though there were only 3 episodes covering them.

BTW tramp, did you know that Sean Bean's character is heavily featured in the first episode?
Yea, I heard that. My problem is I have no idea how to get a copy of the series so I can watch.

What's Ridley Scott up to these days? Well, you could go here
- well, you could go there if all you wanted to know is what he might be doing.
Future projects listed on IMDB are dubious at best. And Ridley likes to play a shell game with what he is working on. I was looking for more reliable info.

The Prestige
I thought he was doing this Robin Hood thing with Russell Crowe.
This is in post and Russell is now filming something else.

Re: Just what isRidley Scott up to?

Well I just got off the phone to me old mucker Scotty, and I can reliably inform you that he's currently grilling some Findus crispy pancakes (beef and onion) which he's planning to wash down with a bottle of Asti Spemanti.

Later he'll be kicking back in front of the tube to watch his Kolchack: The Night Stalker dvd boxset which he bought on a whim from WHSmith this afternoon. Tomorrow he's taking his Bassett hound Ernest for walkies before lunch (they're having a Capon). I didn't ask what he had planned for the evening; didn't want to pry.

On IMDBPro, Ridley is listed as Director on the following projects:

The Kind One - Producer, Director 2010
Stones - Producer, Director 2010
Child 44 - Producer, Director 2010
Untitled Monopoly Project - Producer, Director 2011
Untitled Alien Prequel - Producer, Director 2011
The Forever War - Producer, Director 2011
Brave New World - Producer, Director 2011
Untitled Reagan/Gorbachev Project - Producer, Director 2012

Tripoli - Development Executive 2011
This is a script by William Monahan (Kingdom Of Heaven, Body Of Lies, The Departed) and has been in the works for many years.

...Russell is now filming something else.
Russell Crowe has been seen shooting Robin Hood 2 weeks ago with his daughter on set. But as of now, it is in post-production. So obviously he is doing something else. He's now doing his next film which is entitled The Next Three Days.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Yep, he's in Pittsburgh shooting right now, which is about 2 hours away. I wish I could go and hang out and stalk or something.

So Tripoli is still listed as being something in the works? I gave up on that years ago.

Tripoli is listed under his ongoing projects. I would like to see it. PIRATES! And not the undead of fishy kind.