Child Actors Stink


crazed out movie freak
I was wondering if anyone could think of a child actor who has taken a what would of been a great movie and killed it, just from the fact that he/she could not act..
"Aim high, it costs no more to shoot at eagles then it does to shoot at skunks"

The Future Ed Wood
how about jake lloyd in episode 1?
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I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Spencer Treat Clark really got on my nerves when he delivered his "No you're not, why do you keep saying that" line in Unbreakable. I'm not saying he ruined the movie, but I just wanted to smack him for making that line sound the way it did.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

That line made me cringe just the tiniest bit...but it still sounded real. It WAS annoying...but that doesn't mean it was BAD, because a kid in that situation may indeed sound whiny and frustrating. I think the kid did a very good job overall...none of the actors in the flick performed poorly, in my opinion. That's one of the things that makes it such an excellent flick.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Originally posted by Yoda
That line made me cringe just the tiniest bit...but it still sounded real. It WAS annoying...but that doesn't mean it was BAD, because a kid in that situation may indeed sound whiny and frustrating. I think the kid did a very good job overall...none of the actors in the flick performed poorly, in my opinion. That's one of the things that makes it such an excellent flick.
I know, it just always gets under my skin. I'd have to say that that's the only point in the whole movie where I am dissapointed.

crazed out movie freak
Yeah I really can't stand that kid from Unbreakable. I think I posted that before somewhere. He was a little wimpy kid who couldn't act

I bought my Daughter the newest Lassie movie awhile back, the kid in that one sucked soooo bad. He was a city kid moving to the booneys and gets a dog. The kid whined so very much that I would've bit him if I were his dog...yeecchhhhh

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Jake Lloyd did suck big time in Episode 1.
He also sucked in Jingle all the Way too, now I think about it!
The little **** in Mummy Returns was crap too...Then again so was the film...and so was E1...There`s a pattern emerging here.
No, wait ,there can`t be... coz Jingle all the way was ace
Vale Tudo (adv.301)><"Fighting Evil with Evil"

Nat Portman was great in Leon, and Haley Joel Osment in A.I
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Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Originally posted by Master Chief
Nat Portman was great in Leon, and Haley Joel Osment in A.I
I doubt Natalie Portman will ever be better than she was in "Leon" .