Powerpuff Girls

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Its good to know that there is a Dexter short. Thats another one of my fav cartoons. I cant beleive that Eber and Roper gave this a thumbs down.. They shouldnt be allowed to reveiw movies. Said that it had to much violence. Maybe thats what we like and thats what makes the PPG so cool! Im definetly going to see this movie.

I've been a fan of Powerpuff Girls since the first episode. I went to see the movie, and enjoyed it, but I wish it would have been longer. It was an hour and twenty minutes! I felt kind of ripped off when I realised how little movie-time we got. But the time the girls were ont the screen, it was non-stop action.

Registered User
oh yay!!

well i'll need to see this when its released over here
didnt even know that ppg was being into a film

This is one of the best threads I have ever seen! You two are funny fellas!

Keep it up!
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