The Ups and Downs of Your Day Tab


Run away like a pathetic little girl!!

*feeling of self-satisfaction*


Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
I went to a thing called a Trenchcoat Convention.
Had a ball.

As did I, Matty. Thanks for turning me on to it.

And I, as well. I'm happy. We've got an ironically named circle.

Sades, we're Trenchcoat Sistahs. That's our gang name.

You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

Now With Moveable Parts
That rocks!
We could wear these very form fitting trenchcoats that say our names across the back.
Underneath the name, our anthem," Trenchcoat Sistahs: Whatcha got under there, yo?"

Originally posted by sadesdrk
That rocks!
We could wear these very form fitting trenchcoats that say our names across the back.
Underneath the name, our anthem," Trenchcoat Sistahs: Whatcha got under there, yo?"
F*ckin' A!

Think Trinity, only way, way cooler and much more bad-ass.

Now With Moveable Parts
way, way cooler than Trinity? Oh my God, girl! Are we capable of such madness??!!

Originally posted by sadesdrk
way, way cooler than Trinity? Oh my God, girl! Are we capable of such madness??!!
I firmly believe we have the capacity for this madness, this utter coolness.

Anyone who agrees with following statement, say 'HEAR-HEAR'!
MoFo is the #1 highlight of my day, everyday! I love seeing all the posts from the nocturnal creatures on this here fine site. Although I found one CRITICAL flaw...

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Up: New Green Day CD!! "Shenanigans." It is like punk heaven. "Ha Ha You're Dead" is my new favorite song!

Down: Watching a friend of mine play Xbox for almost seven hours and missing Buffy The Musical!
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Going through the motions, into the 1900's, whee-hee, blip, blip, I rock so on and so forth. Nyeh.

I rode the bike for the first time in a while (I've been running and lifting weights more recently) and I was pleased to see that I haven't lost my touch -- 20min 36sec, 10km. Not sure if that's my best time, I think I may out by a second. But it's not my worse either.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Highlights: Goin out to lunch with a friend. Taking a friend out for ice cream. Two different people.

Lowlights: All these people coming up to me asking me if I'm nervous and then telling me stories of what they've heard goes on.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Conversation in dot points with Sadie Belle.
Conversations [always] with Chris.
Spud and Myself -- 50% + 50% = 100% Hatred

Extreme Highlight:
Private Message from Sadie Belle!!

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Extreme Highlight:
Private Message from Sadie Belle!!

You're not kidding. I think I pissed myself.

That was not cool, Chris...

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Conversation in dot points with Sadie Belle.
Conversations [always] with Chris.
Spud and Myself -- 50% + 50% = 100% Hatred

Extreme Highlight:
Private Message from Sadie Belle!!

Oh, in the state I was in last night, YOU try waking up to something like that. I laughed so hard I thought my teeth would fall out.
I'm feeling much better today; drinking lot's of water.

XetoxIc's Avatar
HightLight - its friday

Lowlights - I am hungover and at work @!!
Gamer? - - - MMB WebMaster? - - - Boonism

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Spud and Myself -- 50% + 50% = 100% Hatred

I about died last night when you started talking about that.

Highlights: Having fun with friends before I leave. Getting things off my chest before I leave. Haven't you noticed a hostile potato around here lately!? TWO DAYS LEFT

Lowlights: To quote a little green man, "F*ck 'em"