MoFo's Religion


MoFo's Religion
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Unitarian Universalist
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Now With Moveable Parts
Well, I had two thoughts along these lines, this weekend.

One: I was watching Discovery Channel and it was about Dolphins. There was a Dolphin that was pregnant, and the other dolphins surrounded her and protected her. It was so sweet, I thought, are they capable of love?

Two: If there are animals that are tender towards each other, are there also animals that are messed up? Is there such thing as murder in the animal kingdom? Would an EVIL monkey kill, just for the sake of killing? If so, would God punish him?

Okay, the animal code idea was pure.
The idea of evil murdering monkeys...

Sadie, please...

Meanwhile, this is the cutest you've been in a long time for this S.B.


Originally posted by sadesdrk
Oh. Yeah...
That's what I think too, do we know that God doesn't communicate to them, some sot of moral code?
I mean, we have His written word, but maybe animals get something too...
Like: God, the Horse Whisperer. Ya know? See, why would God feel the need to even mention it in the Bible? That's between God &
I have NO idea where I'm going with this.
Well, we don't know. It's just a guess. For all I know Moby may indeed be sinning when he desecrates your carpet...however, I've got to believe that if that's the case, the rules are probably different...animals don't appear as able to control their impulses through reason and logic to the same degree we whether they can sin or not, I've got to conclude that the "system" is, at the very least, different from ours, if it exists at all.

I do wonder about this sometimes...animals can show large signs of emotion and intelligence (some animals have been known to punish their young for straying from them, for example). If animals ever start showing moral instinct, or anything of the sort, we're going to have quite the moral dillema to deal with.

Would an EVIL monkey kill, just for the sake of killing?

That's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

And yet strangely erotic...

I of course mean strangely disturbing but the oppertunity was so there for me to say sucha thing...

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Okay, the animal code idea was pure.
The idea of evil murdering monkeys...

Sadie, please...

Well, couldn't there be? Remember Tarzan: The Legend of Greystoke? There was that mean monkey that brutilized Tarzan's monkey mom...but, Sadie, that was a movie."
Yes, I know it was a movie, but it made me think...

Meanwhile, this is the cutest you've been in a long time for this S.B.

Aw. Shucks. Thanks, Bubs.

Defining moments in the life of Sadie #409584:
Yes, I know it was a movie, but it made me think...

Thanks, Bubs.
Heh heh heh.
King of the world, Chris. King of the world.

Now With Moveable Parts
Yes, well...

any other thoughts? Or are we done?

Well Yoda, give us sometime and once again we can argue, man we write to much, so in turn i have to reply too much, i refuse to give up though

I think you're fighting a losing battle with an argument that contains so many plot holes that the religion appears as though it's been pecked to ***** by aggressive birds, but okay.

oh come on, religion is a matter of beliefs, faith and opinion. There is no way to win or lose, come to think of it i dont even know what we are arguing about, this is just a discussion. Besides nothing hear is taken personally, its just i guess in some ways a bit of fun

Yes, but your discussion is full of holes.
You're believing in contradicting yourself.

XetoxIc's Avatar
Relgion-dont realy have one, i mean I am cristian and all but dont really think I would say I have a relgion so to speak
Gamer? - - - MMB WebMaster? - - - Boonism

Umm...if you're a Christian, you have a religion. If you were raised Catholic and don't really pay any attention to the Faith and only take interest in it because it seems like a socially acceptable thing to do, then you're not a Christian. Being religious and being a Christian go hand-in-hand.

Um, well, originally I was raised that way, but I became rather rebellious to everything after my parents got divorced. I didn't really think about God or Church at all for years...the worst few of my life, as it turns out. As a teenager I decided to look into things I read some books AGAINST Christianity to see what I thought of the arguments...I remained unconvinced and started reading Lewis...and you can guess the rest.

...and you can guess the rest.
But if you can't:

C.S Lewis raped Chris' mind, stole his soul and sent him on a one way track to lunacy...