The Ups and Downs of Your Day Tab


Started writing my sixth screenplay[!].

I is sick.

My highlight is getting area 2 tickets. I'm seeing Bowie.

My lowlight is i'm sick.
**** the Lakers!

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Originally posted by Yoda
Higlights: I have seen the light. Sometimes everything just clicks. Right now, almost everything feels right.
Did you finally start working on my DVD section?
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

My new avatar.
I have become a woman and my name is Betty Boop.
Sexy Boop, for short.

I was tired of being a man,
I was always very pooped.
So I decided to be a woman,
so I said "make me Betty Booped".

Registered User
Highlight: I left work early and saw The Sums of All Fears. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Lowlight: My head might explode into a thousand zillion pieces.
What kind of dining set defines you as a person?

Gigolo Joe's Avatar
Whad'you know?
Lowlight: Well, I couldn't attend school because I'm, err......sick.

Well not exactly. But the Fates work in mysterious ways, and I spent the entire morning finishing off an English assignment
[size=0.4]Be creative, invent a perversion. [/size]

Now With Moveable Parts
Highlight: I just got done hosting a huge BBQ. I'm exausted, but too buzzed to sleep, therefore...I'm here. It was a good time tonight. I'm glad I popped in too, because I got a sweet PM.

Lowlight: I'm not happy with Jason's new avatar & it needs to go. There's only one Boop on this site, and she's all woman.

Registered User
Highlight: Had a really, really good swim this afternoon. And it was payday. A double whammy.

Lowlight: Was woken up EARRRRRLY by workers stomping around on the roof of my apartment while fixing something or the other. Though that is probably better than having the ceiling collapse or leak or something.

XetoxIc's Avatar
Sickness does suck, but its always a good excuse not to go to work
Gamer? - - - MMB WebMaster? - - - Boonism

I, too, hope you feel better soon, Silver.

Yesterday was an interesting day in the Loquacious household. It was our friend Kyle's birthday, so we grilled some burgers and steaks, and then the guys hied themselves off to the bar to watch the Cards game (the Cards won--they wouldn't dare lose on their biggest fan's birthday, I think). My friend Ang and I played the Harry Potter trivia game for awhile, while Lena "helped" by giving us our game cards (and that's a pretty fun game, BTW), and then when the guys came home pleasantly schnokered, we all sat down and played yet another movie-based game--The Game of Life: A Jedi's Path. Kyle had bought it, and I was fairly skeptical, but it turned out to be fun as hell. Also long as hell, so we only got to play one game. Any of you Star Wars freaks played this yet? You should check it out.

We've been playing games like mad around here--the other day I beat T-roy in a best-of-three chess tournament. It felt great, especially since he was the one who taught me how to play chess, back in the day.
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

XetoxIc's Avatar
I think I have went through a early mid life breakdown, I have felt like there is something wrong in my life but I dont know what......and then today I am looking in the mirror and I have grey hairs!!! what the hell is this