Mystery Science Theater 3000


Is it an annoyance, a revelation, or just the best fun you can have watching bad movies?
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

I thnk Bad movies like
Hackers and Evil Dead are great!! so much fun!
I think Bad movies that are pretentious (have no clue how to spell) are horrible and not fun
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

I think MST3K is brilliant...utterly hilarious. I've never seen an episode I didn't like, and the actual movie was a riot. I can appreciate a bad movie sometimes (Battlefield Earth comes to mind), but in general, It's a lot more fun to listen to people make fun of them. Great topic, and welcome to Movie Forums, Mary.

Bad movies that know they're bad are incredibly fun, and schlockfests of any sort are a great way to spend a Saturday night (or any night). Movies like Battlefield Earth (what was going through Travolta's dreadlocks on that one?) would be such perfect candidates for that show; it's a shame they're off the air.

One of my favorite MST3K's is Pod People--has anyone else seen that one? It's classic.

Here's a question--your votes for the worst movies ever made...

I definitely nominate the aforementioned Hackers and BFE, as well as Ernest Saves Christmas and Playing God.

Ew, two Angelina Jolie movies there--I do like her as an actress, but her choices could be better (Original Sin comes to mind--two hours of my life that I'll never get back).

BTW, thanks for the welcome, Commish!

MST3K is hillarious! It's just too bad all bad films can't be as entertaining to make fun of.

K-Mart sucks.