Reality television.


So, what are your thoughts/opinions on reality TV programs? Most people I associate with can't stand them, don't watch them, know nothing about them. I, on the other hand am a huge fan. Anyone else? Tell me what your favorite/least favorite shows are and just get into sharing your predictions/views, etc on certain shows.

As for me,

I've been watching Farmer Wants A Wife and I can honestly say that the way Matt talks is very irritating. You know, those long pauses at the end of (and during) sentences? Drives me nuts.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I like certain shows:

Amazing Race
America's Next Top Model
Top Chef
The Apprentice

I can't stand and won't watch skanky shows:

I Love New York
Bad Girls Club
A Shot of Love (after the first season with Dani)
Paris Hilton's New BFF
Charm School
Rock of Love
Flavor of Love
Celebrity Rehab

I prefer straight documentaries.
“A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished.”
-Mikhail Bakunin

I sometimes enjoy the offerings from PBS's P.O.V. series. As far as other sorts of 'reality' television goes- Mythbusters is king bar none. Screw those trashy boring game shows where people are forced to eat worms; or worse yet listen to Donald Trump talk.