The MoFo Avatar Thread



Once the avatar size is set, you can use this one if you like . . .


If this size is set, 120 x 90, then this one can be used . . .


OK, I'm done!

Once the avatar size is set, you can use this one if you like . . .

If this size is set, 120 x 90, then this one can be used . . .

OK, I'm done!
another Dest masterpiece!
[punches him in the face, grabs him and points his gun right at his throat] I never said anything about the FBI. She's my partner, ese. And if anything happens to her, I will find you and I will kill you. I won't think twice. Come here, look in my eyes. [pushes barrel of the gun into his mouth and cocks it] Look at my face. If anything happens to her, I will kill you. This is between you and me, and nobody sees, nobody knows.

Na! Just a quick resize. Although I wish I new were my copy of Sly Stallone was, doing that scene with them. It was funny. He's too stiff to dance.
Wait until that new size gets going. Wide-screen movies.

I am half agony, half hope.
Thanks, Des! You're the bestest!

Just so I wasn't too needy, I tried to resize on Photobucket, and it worked, too. Sometimes with them you lose the animation when you resize.

Thanks again!
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

Johann von Goethe

okay. haha i did what u asked. can u plz help me fix some things? im sorry. every time i try to resize or convert these two they dont work.

and is there any way possible to get one from 1:11 to 1:18?

Im sorry. these are all backed up projects that ive attempted and utterly failed. take as much time as u want.

when i tried it stopped the animation
I tried a still photo, and although it said it resized it, it didn't. Plus, it does that "Maintain aspect ratio" setting, which doesn't allow you to set both width and height as you want them. If it does let you change that, I didn't notice it.

Hold on, and I'll get those others for you. Well, you can go to bed if you like, but I'm making them now.


OK, this is where the aspect ratio should be respected.

See the difference when you try to stretch a tall, narrow avatar too wide. You may like it though, so you choose between them.


Here MadMan. In case you want your's set to the new, allowed size.


The Spirit, your other avatar choice is too close to the end of that video. I'll have to mail it off for reformatting, and make it sometime tomorrow.

OK, this is where the aspect ratio should be respected.

See the difference when you try to stretch a tall, narrow avatar too wide. You may like it though, so you choose between them.

Here MadMan. You want your's set to the new, allowed size.

The Spirit, your other avatar choice is too close to the end of that video. I'll have to mail it off for reformatting, and make it sometime tomorrow.
Thanks Dest. your amazing. sorry for my short attention span with avatars. they rock

Thanks Dest. your amazing. sorry for my short attention span with avatars. they rock
Cool avatar, how did you animate it?

It's too tall, for starters.

The board's allowed size . . .


If you don't like it stretched out . . .


Hi there, Des,

I would like a short gif avatar from this video between :37 to :42. Thanks.
Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much *life*. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully.
-Ruth Gordon, Harold and Maude