thebest 100 Movies

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I love movies.

I tell you this , not because I think you don't know, but because I want you guys to be able to understand the torture that I am going through.

I have never attempted to make a list of the hundred greatest movies EVER because I cannot distinguish between "best" and "first in my heart". Ironic given my handle , right? So now I am going to look deep inside and through brutal, almost violent honesty distinguish between the good and the great. The great, and thebest.

I will be utilising my Easter break to create not only a list of thebest movies, but thebest list of 100 movies, so it will be a long looooooooong and drawn out quest to find the perfect photos and descriptions for these movies which I love so dearly.

And yes some if not many of my choices will be cringeworthy lamesterpieces. So I'll try to complete this in the current fiscal year and I hope everybody enjoys my first ever thread!

And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

That's great! I can't wait to read it.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I will be utilising my Easter break to create not only a list of thebest movies, but thebest list of 100 movies, so it will be a long looooooooong and drawn out quest to find the perfect photos and descriptions for these movies which I love so dearly
I know what you mean. I have been working on mine for a long time. I am mostly collecting photos now and will worry about what order and what I want to say about them later.

I look forward to your list. These top 100 threads are becoming my favorite.

Why's there a gun in your trousers?
looking forward to it.
Check out my DVDs
"Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity" -George Carlin (RIP good sir)

Number 100

This one's important cause it's the standard by which all my other choices will be measured. Throughout the course of this list every time I post a movie I'll be saying : This movie is better than. . . .

Script had an economy of language I didn't fully comprehend until I saw the ending.Yes, THAT ending. I knew who Keyser Sozé was going and still, STILL halfway through I wasn't sure.It was my first (and greatest) moviegasm. It popped my twist cherry like Fizz Rox pop in Coca Cola.All the actors were riveting, but special mention goes to Kevin Spacey and Chazz Paliminteri.

If the entire movie was bad (which by no means was it) the ending alone would be worth it.Here's the link and yes, most definitely, there'll be spoilers ahead.

"The greatest trick the devil ever played,was convincing the whole world he didn't exist."

"And like that,<whoosh> he was gone"

So I just finished second level with my tests and stuuf gone from my mind until results come out.

Once I find my notebook I'll continue with this dust-covered relic of a list.

I've been wanting to do something similar, but will probably go at it from my favorite 100 films.
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Number 99

My Dad was watching Number 100 so I felt compelled to drop this one before I went on holidays.I've been mentally preparing myself for the semi-expected sh!tstorm I could bring about due to my (and I prequote) "revoltingly backwards cinematic palette".

So here goes nuffink. I think that

The Mummy Returns

is better than The Usual Suspects. I love it the way a child loves chocolate, or an artist loves his first cup of coffee while watching the morning dew glint off the grass his macroherpetopheliac neighbour has recently cut due to his philandering wife's nagging.

So, a lot. In the purest sense of the word this movie is enjoyable. I can (and have) watched it with my dad and younger sister. I like that I like it. It's a testament to the immaturity of the barely still teenage mind. The Rock is a revelation. No-one has ever eaten a scorpion so . . . . . electrifyingly. Tha action and SFX are thrilling beyond compare. Unless you compare them with the next 98 films in the thread . . . .

The tone of the first film is perfected and enhanced and have I mentioned how much I love Brendan Frasier?

Not as much as I want to, but more than you'd expect. Exactly that much and no more.

So here it is, a clip that perfectly encapsulates this film's immense "Whoacooldidyouseethat?-nessness"

Complete with overly cheesy and ridonkulously overserious voiceover. Bon appetit
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