Charlie Wilsons War

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I saw this movie last week and decided to write a review about it today. Though there was a lil bit of John Murtha ***********, the movie in its entertainment value was awesome!

The skinny on the movie is about a Texas Congressman named Charlie Wilson (D)whos been pretty much living a life of leisure and luxury. Hanging out with strippers, playboy models, having sex and living the life. A longtime friend of his Joanne Herring (R) urges him to look deeper into the war between afghanistan and russia...she wants us to help the afghans b ecause she despises the idea of spreading communism and its threat to the US. Charlie Wilson understand that aspect and also sees a sympathetic side to the afghan people who are being slaughtered by the Russians. So with the help of a rogue CIA Agent Gust Avrakotos (Phillip Seymour Hoffman), they help to covertly fund and provide weapons and training for the afghan people to defeat russia.

I loved this didnt have any strong political bias' and phillip seymour hoffman was the absolute SOUL of the movie. If it wasnt for him, this movie wouldnt have been anything...he made the movie as great as i saw it.

Definate thumbs up from me.

Lost in never never land
I agree that Seymour Hoffman made that film.

And I agree that there wasn't a strong political bias, even though it does seem like there was a slight one in that was caused by the nature of the story. They focused on what Charlie Wilson did, and they really didn't deal with any of the other causes that slowed the USSR from continuing to work on taking over Afganistan.

If it wasn't for Philip Seymour Hoffman though the film would have been sub par because both Hanks and Robert's give pedestrian performances in the film.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Philip Seymour Hoffman certainly raised the level of the film. He didn't look good on screen but he did a good acting job.

I didn't much care for this movie. What can I say, I don't much care for political movies.

I don't enjoy watching Tom Hanks these days. Making Julia Roberts look that old was difficult to watch as well.

However, it was a sometimes amusing, other times a heavy story with a message that should not be forgotten, IMO.

In the Beginning...
Philip Seymour Hoffman certainly raised the level of the film. He didn't look good on screen but he did a good acting job.
Have you seen the guy he was portraying? I don't think attractiveness was really the point.

Then again, maybe he should have been portrayed by Matthew McConaughey. I'm sure the guy would have gotten a kick out of that.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Have you seen the guy he was portraying? I don't think attractiveness was really the point.

Then again, maybe he should have been portrayed by Matthew McConaughey. I'm sure the guy would have gotten a kick out of that.
LOL! If Matthew McConaughey is in a film I expect it to suck automatically. I tend to avoid his films.

Looking at the real dude, you are quite right, they came close with Philip Seymour Hoffman. I'm starting to really enjoy him in the movies I'm seeing him in. He's do a lot of good work.

Hattori_Hanzo's Avatar
Registered User
LOL! If Matthew McConaughey is in a film I expect it to suck automatically. I tend to avoid his films.

Looking at the real dude, you are quite right, they came close with Philip Seymour Hoffman. I'm starting to really enjoy him in the movies I'm seeing him in. He's do a lot of good work.

I like that rule of thumb.

And wow that PSH casting is pretty good actually, a little older with a moustache and you pretty much have a ringer for the real guy.
You must have big rats if you need Hattori Hanzo's steel.

-Hattori Hanzo