was venom shown a little bit in spider-man 3


Awwww don't rag the new person too much. We all know what they meant I am sure. I agree to a bit about venom needing his/its own star role. Either do away with Sandman or do away with Venom and focus on one or the other. That being said: your post was a little wankish Sticky, but all good welcome to MOFO
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

i think the actor choice was bad. The 70's show guy for venom wtf. He should have been in contention for peter parker. Venom is supposed to be a beast, i big buff guy not a skinny punk
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Registered User
Honestly, I hope they stop with Spider-man movies for now.....

What is really sad, is that if they do make a Spider-man 4 movie, Venom will not be in it.

they r making a spiderman 4

it will come out in 2009
the website i was on said that the lizard and Kraven the hunter will be the villians in
Sm 4

Why would it be Carnage and the Lizard, sounds like making same mistakes as last. Kraven would definitely be a wiser option, the story would work simultaneously with those characters instead of seperate tangents.

Why would it be Carnage and the Lizard, sounds like making same mistakes as last. Kraven would definitely be a wiser option, the story would work simultaneously with those characters instead of seperate tangents.
i read a interview that the official villians for spider-man4 are carnage,the lizard oh i forgot black cat

Spiderman 4 will indeed so far be coming out in 2009, yet Sam Raimi is in talks in directing it. There are no finalized casting plans at the moment......villians are pinpointed 99.9% at both The Lizard and Carnage.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
I'd like to see Black Cat (cause o' the hawtness) and Lizard (cause Dr. Connors has been in all 3 Spidey films already so give the guy a juicy roll already).

Mysterio or Electro would also be good choices if Bruce Campbell was playing the part.
He's been in all 3 movies as well playing a different roll in each one so the Chameleon would even make sense if they wanted to tie in the 3 characters he's done.

Basicly, what I'm saying here is Bruce needs a bigger roll too!
Fear the Probe!

I read Raimi wanted him as Lizard but that might confuse fans since he had had 2 different roles and rumours of him as Mysterio. Would be amaaazing though.

I bet the next time we see Spidey is in a cameo that is a prequel to a crossover.