Please help me remember the title of a movie!


Should I call you Logan, Weapon X?
Hi all. I have recently remembered watching a movie on TV quite a few years ago that I enjoyed and want to re watch. I cannot remember the name of the movie or most of the plot

Here is what I remember.

The film starts off with a couple driving along a road and are stopped by a truck, i cant remember whether it was broken down or what. Then I think the truck leaves, the guy turns around to see his wife/girlfriend gone.

He then tries to find her and at the end he ends up at a barn (I think) and eventually saves her.

A few more details. At one point in the film someone is overlooking a small town using binoculars and there is something to do with the police department and a telephone box.

Also I think the people who kidnapped the women are a ring of people and it was the trucker who kidnapped her.

Sorry but thats all I remember. Any ideas of the name of this movie? The thing that stands out the most is the start with the truck driver.


This sounds a little like The Vanishing (IMDB), but I believe in that film that he willingly allows his wife (Sandra Bullock) to be taken by the truck driver. Is this the film you're thinking of?

Sounds like Breakdown with Kurt Russell and Kathleen Quinlan. They're on their way to California and their car breaks down. Kurt's wife gets a ride with a trucker to a diner while he waits with the car. The trucker and a few other people have kidnapped her and want money from Kurt.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that's it.

Should I call you Logan, Weapon X?
No I don't think thats it, however I think I have found the correct film.

Breakdown with Kurt Russel

I found it by spamming google with keywords and it has all the right plot parts including the truck at the start and the barn showdown at the end.

Doesn't look like a film I would pick out to watch but it was a late night TV viewing so maybe its good. I will grab a cheap dvd of it.

EDIT: Just saw movielover's post. Yep, looks like Breakdown is correct. Thanks!