Is God In Our Brains?


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I think any progress in this field is rather redundant for the "why my god exists or why yours doesn't exist" argument. As you clearly saw in the article, the argument has already happened.

I do have one question; if faith is a virtue, why would our brains be pre-wired to believe in a supernatural being? From a spiritual stand point, I feel that clearly defeats the purpose of faith. While from my own stand point, I don't think it really matters because the brain is a tool that can be tricked and manipulated causing confusion about exactly what's real or not. What do I think? I think humans are just rather gullible.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

What do I think? I think humans are just rather gullible.
I agree John, but I also disagree. Is not gullibility an ingredient of faith? I mean most people think of one being gullible or being ignorant as a negative thing, but it is not, in most cases anyway. It just means innocence.... well I think so anyway. Hardliners and fact seekers are all well and good, but a little faith and a bit of gullibilty mixed with a dash of ignorance - and of course a sense of humor makes a good chocolate cake does it not?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

You ready? You look ready.
I agree John, but I also disagree. Is not gullibility an ingredient of faith? I mean most people think of one being gullible or being ignorant as a negative thing, but it is not, in most cases anyway. It just means innocence.... well I think so anyway. Hardliners and fact seekers are all well and good, but a little faith and a bit of gullibilty mixed with a dash of ignorance - and of course a sense of humor makes a good chocolate cake does it not?
I don't know about you but, accepting a higher power when I don't know what the cause of something is kind of frightens me. If faith is about gullibility and ignorance, couldn't it very well be that's the problem with faith? I mean, we could discover the origins of matter tomorrow as a scientific event with no deity involvement and people would still cling to their "faith." The real question is, when does faith become a bad trait? My answer, when people actively deny scientific evidence so they can carry about with their beliefs. That's when faith becomes a bad thing and personally, I see a lot of bad faith where I live.

I dunno about chocolate cake, but clowns obviously make bad pies. Why else would they just throw them in people's faces? Who'd waste a good pie?
I would say you were onto something, but clowns really do not have a good sense of humor unless you mean dark humor, they are evil.

I like the boat building analogy.
You don't know me! You don't know my eyes!

I don't know about you but, accepting a higher power when I don't know what the cause of something is kind of frightens me..

It should frighten you, it does me also. It is kinda funny though: if there is a higher power that is scary, but if there is not it is kinda scary too. Hell with all the clowns and super enitities and blind faith going on in the world I bet God is a clown, that or the King.

King of Kings? Please, not the Burger King. I'd rather be ruled by a benevolent angel...