What was the last movie you saw at the theaters?


Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by susan
the prestige...extremely good movie with lots of twists and turns...holden's review is right on the mark, although borden's secret took me by surprise...
It's really good to see you back again and posting Susan. You've been missed.

ilsailor's Avatar
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The last movie I saw was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was a good movie but it needed to explain more about what happened to Thomas as a child growing up then it did. Overall wasnt that bad, but could have been better.
Knowledge is useless without imagination.

The last movie I saw was "Cry Wolf " . it was great movie really, i like it and love the end

"Click". Fun begining. Sad towards the end. Crap ending.

the prestige .. i thought it was a good movie

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Here's a reply to all three posts above mine....

How bout you go into detail a little bit more than, "it was a good movie", "it was a great movie", and "fun beginning, sad towards the end, crap ending".

Just an idea though.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

In reply to spud... ok

In Click Adam Sandler shows a more mature side than you may be used to. Ok the premise is typical over the top Sandler (would be cool to have a remote control that can freeze your boss, rewind on your mistakes etc.), but towards the end the story really begins to pull on your heart-strings. The relationship between Sandler and his son reminded me of the Ugly Kid Joe song Cats In The Cradle.
WARNING: "Click" spoilers below
Just don't watch the ending where they reveal that the whole movie was all a dream... or was it.

If you are still in doubt if you should see this movie, and if you are a red-blooded male or a lesbian with taste... Kate Beckinsale is hotter than usual in this movie. And she dresses up as Pocahontis!

ADMIN EDIT: Added spoiler tags to your post, if you don't know how to use them, click here.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Originally Posted by YouLuckyBastard
In Click Adam Sandler shows a more mature side than you may be used to. Ok the premise is typical over the top Sandler (would be cool to have a remote control that can freeze your boss, rewind on your mistakes etc.), but towards the end the story really begins to pull on your heart-strings. The relationship between Sandler and his son reminded me of the Ugly Kid Joe song Cats In The Cradle.
Now was that so hard!?

WARNING: "Click" spoilers below
It wasn't a dream, because at the end of the movie, the remote is back in his house with a note from Morty, saying that he knows that he'll make the right choice THIS time

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit
Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
(Larry Charles)

If you don't know who Sacha Baron Cohen is, you've probably at least heard of his most famous character, Ali G. "Da Ali G Show" was a comedy smash on the BBC and HBO. The schtick is basically Cohen as one of three characters who then intermingle via interviews and such with people who have no idea the characters are put-ons. One of the characters from the show was Borat Sagdiyev, a journalist from Kazakhstan who understands little of the Western world. No matter how absurd or inappropriate the remark, the people not in on the gag usually treat it as a mild misunderstanding born of cultural differences. The Borat movie doesn't really expand on that premise, which after the dull waste that was Ali G Indahouse is a relief. The plot of the Borat movie, such as it is, simply finds Borat traveling across America, ostensibly for his government. But that doesn't really matter. The joy and brilliance of Cohen is winding him up and letting him go. His broken english, complete lack of basic social skills coupled with his natural prejudices against Jews and women make for awkwardness no matter who he comes in contact with. Borat starts with a glimpse of his small hometown in Kazakhstan before he lands in New York City. Going out with a hidden camera for something as simple as trying to kiss Manhattanites hello on the street is great, and when he lets a chicken loose on a subway car...well, it's just plain funny. Soon Borat is obsessed with meeting a beautiful star from television and the travelogue moves to Washington, D.C. and across the South on the way to California. Whether it's hotel staff, a driving instructor, a car salesman, a group of Feminists, politicians or random people on the street, Cohen never breaks character no matter how outraged, befuddled or bemused the unwitting marks are.

In general the unscripted moments are the best, and while Cohen is hysterical the real secret of success is the reactions of the people captured on film, from the host of the society dinner party who has to teach him basic rules of the toilet, the man backstage at the rodeo who agrees with Borat's solution to dealing with homosexuals or the reactions of the crowd of that small rodeo when he addresses them and tells them how he hopes George Bush drinks the blood of his terrorist enemies, it's the unnamed people on screen who make everything truly special. And while most of the smaller bits inbetween Borat interacting with the unsuspecting are less interesting, the single funniest bit and most sustained laughter comes from a wrestling match between Borat and his producer, Azamat (Ken Davitian), that starts in their hotel room and spills out into the hallway and elevator that really has to be seen to be believed.

The character of Borat works great on "Da Ali G Show" in seven and ten minute segments. The Borat movie runs just under 90 minutes, and even though that just barely qualifies as feature length is more than enough. Laughing at basically the same joke for that long is tiring. Not that I ever stopped laughing, there's just nothing else to do with the character that would be nearly as effective and certainly not as funny. Larry Charles, a "Seinfeld" writer turned producer/director on Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" is the right man to manage the outrageousness and painful awkwardness, and though by its nature Borat becomes repetative, it continually delivers laughs. It's kind of "Candid Camera" mixed with Larry "Bud" Melman from the old "Late Night with David Letterman" with a dash of "Jackass" and Sacha is more a Performance Artist than an actor. The bottom line is, it's damn funny.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

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It wasnt realy good movie for me. Im Japanese and some of the actor and actress were even not japanese! (They act as japanese)I can tell their Japanese wasnt pronounce right. some of the scenes was exciting but I felt very wierd whenever say someting in Japanese.

By the by, I only graded Borat a B because comparing it to what I consider to be the best comedies ever made like Young Frankenstein and Duck Soup and His Girl Friday and Dr. Strangelove, I can't in good conscience say it's a masterpiece on that level. BUT if you just want to count the number of explosive and sustained laughs, it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Though by that criteria, it's actually still only the second funniest movie I've seen this year. THE funniest was Michel Hazanavicius's French spoof OSS 117: Nest of Spies. That had me laughing just as hard, plus it is about ten minutes longer.

But truly, no matter how you personally grade it or where you ultimately place it in cinematic history, if you want to laugh A LOT definitely check out Borat. It make almost to urine in your pants. Nice.

The only section that didn't work for me was when Borat is hitching and gets a lift from the Frat guys in the Winnebago. Don't know if those three guys were bad actors or just assholes, but except for the look on Borat's face when they pop that DVD in and he gets a new impression of his beloved, that whole bit didn't work. It was too much there clearly just to forward the subplot and didn't feel as organic as the rest. But one five or six minute bit out of an eighty-seven-minute movie is not bad at all.

Some of the little, throwaway things had me laughing just as hard as the most broad and outrageous moments, like the brief shot of the severed head in the fridge (brilliant). But the most outrageous stuff left me breathless, I was laughing so hard. That fight between Borat and Azamat is maybe the stupidest thing in the whole movie (which is saying a lot), and clearly it is the funniest, too. For anyone familiar with the Alan Bates & Oliver Reed fireplace scene in Women in Love, it's basically like that...only if it was set in a Holiday Inn and John Waters had directed it.


WARNING: "Click" spoilers below
Either way the ending sucked and they should have ended it when Sandler's character died. I would have left the cinema on more of an emotional high. Instead me and my girlfriend just complained at what a cop-out the ending was, almost like they didn't want to make people leave the film depressed. Studio interfernce? or Adam Sandler being a new father? You decide.

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I watched "Tales from Earthsea" .This is animation movie.The direction is Gorou Miyazaki who is Hayao Miyazaki 's son and this is his first movie. My impression is good.But some my friends said "the movie was not fascinating to me",umpopular among my friends...This movie's story look like Narnia and LOTR... If you wacthd the movie ,plz tell me your impression.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Think of it as yet another take on the old "glimpse of your life and this is what will happen if you continue down this path". Ever seen It's A Wonderful Life, Scrooged, and so on and so fourth? Any film involving a so-called intervention to help a lost soul back on track to save his family and his life? Cause that's basically what Click was.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike

if you want to laugh A LOT definitely check out Borat. It make almost to urine in your pants. Nice.
Oh ok
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I just saw the Prestige...this movie was really good I would go see it again!

The Departed(Martin Scorsese 2006)-УНИкален(UNIque) the movie was F****n amazing too bad that other Bulgarians didn't apreciate it because in the Cinema were like 20 people and it was a day after the Premier here.I hope this time Scorsese will get an Oscar,the guy deservs it,he is a Genius. 6/5
I'm in movie heaven

Did anyone laugh at the scene in the warehouse near the end, B-card? I've gone twice and both time everyone was laughing.

I was like "What the heck is so funny?"

Originally Posted by BobbyB
Did anyone laugh at the scene in the warehouse near the end, B-card? I've gone twice and both time everyone was laughing.

I was like "What the heck is so funny?"
no,but we all laughed
WARNING: "The Departed" spoilers below
after the several deaths of Dicaprio Anthony Anderson and Matt Damon's partner and Matt Damon's death at the end of the movie too