Sexiest Actors/Actresses


My faithful fans! Ive got a Sexgodlist update!

Eric Dane is changed to Steamy Sexgod (first grey's appearance in the NL)


Michael Vartan Sexgod of the sexy wrinkles
I Amsterdam

And do check my "art": Deviant

Is That Your Best?
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Shane West
Ryan Gosling
Orlando Bloom
Heath Ledger

Natalie Portman
Kiera Knightley
Rachel McAdams
Brittany Murphy
Sandra Bullock
See Ya At The Movies

Christian Bale

Angelina Jolie

Johnny Depp, Ben Affleck, Orlando Bloom, The Rock, Brad Pitt, Goerge Clooney, Josh Harrnett, Denzel Washington.
Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, Natalie Portman, Kiera Knightly, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Aniston.
Princess j.t.

hottest guys in hollyewood? here are a few that are on my mind cause of tv shows or upcoming movies...

JAY HERNANDEZ... is soooo cute in Six Degrees

GEORGE CLOONEY... just saw the trailer for The Good German!

RYAN PHILIPPE... is all patriotic in his new flick

WILMER VALDEMERA... not my absolute favorite, but hes a cutie and hes in a cute christmas movie Unaccompanied Minors, so that gives him bonus points


MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY... umm have you seen his body? enough said.

i love hollywood :-)

This is funny, but ever since I saw The Departed, I've had a crush on Marky Mark. He's a great actor! And hot.

To name a few:

Devon Aoki
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Emanuelle Chiriqui
Salma Hayek
Jordana Brewster
Famke Janssen
Halle Berry
Ali Larter
Angelina Jolie
Monica Bellucci
Rosario Dawson
Paula Garces
Kate Beckinsale
Rachel McAdams

For me, that's no question, angelina jolie is a gods gift and the devils disguise

Heh I'm going to be all politicall y correct here and list both men and women...without further adu and no qualifying remarks I give you, the list:

Rosario Dawson
Queen Latifah
Helen Mirren, the sexiest woman alive, OK I'm not too obsessed.
Jada Pinkett-Smith
Gina Gershon
Andie McDowell
Mary-Louise Parker YUMMY!
Chloe Sevigny
I'll catch hell for this but...Edie Falco, theres something about her, I cant put my finger on it. After seeing the butt shot last season I just saw her in a new light...yeah I know TMI!
Zooey Deschanel, a bit below my age threshold but the very definition of "cute." Plus she looks frighteningly like an ex of mine.
Rosie Perez, when shes quiet. How very sexist of me
Diane Lane, always and forever a hottie, right up there with Helen, timeless, ageless, brooding and intelligent, my kind of woman!
Elizabeth McGovern
Hallie Berry
Tisha Campbell
Kelly Coffield
Molly Shannon

There arent too many of these but I do have a particular fondness for thees faces:
Mathew Mcconaughey, Com on gay or straight how can you NOT find this guy attractive!
Patrick Stewart, Definitely unusual and intelligent and very British
Allan Cummings, yeah I know hes gay but I'm a modern man, aint I?
Giancarlo Esposito and Laurence Fishburne, School Daze changed the way I look at race and College, the beautiful cast didn't hurt one bit.

/rant on
Why is it so damn hard for men to acknowledge the beauty of other men without being immediately labeled as gay? Just because I like the way a vase or a painting looks it doesn't mean I want to F*** it. /rant off
"You have to believe in God before you can say there are things that man was not meant to know. I don't think there's anything man wasn't meant to know. There are just some stupid things that people shouldn't do." -David Cronenberg

Originally Posted by Evi3000
For me, that's no question, angelina jolie is a gods gift and the devils disguise
She scares me, end of story.

Does anyone know who these actors here?

Originally Posted by lionheart20
Does anyone know who these actors here?

Christian Slater, Looks like Dana Carvey, and Molly Ringwald

Thank you very much

Damn...This was my guess...

Pic #1) Bernie Mac
Pic #2) Robert Patrick
Pic #3) Carrot Top

Guess I don't know my sh*t...

Originally Posted by Ivan Drago
Damn...This was my guess...

Pic #1) Bernie Mac
Pic #2) Robert Patrick
Pic #3) Carrot Top

Guess I don't know my sh*t...

Originally Posted by Yoda
Eva. Green.

Probably one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Even my girlfriend thinks she's gorgeous.

in Kingdom of Heaven she wasn't that noticeable but in Casino Royale she is mmmmmm hot
I'm in movie heaven

have you visited witchy today???
after seeing bond i have to say that mr craig is more than a little hot....

eva green was gorgoeus as well.
have you visited witchy today??

monkey business