

Im regestered and while i was editing my profile i went to get an avatar and it said i could have one but there were none to pick from. What do i do?
complements of The Psychedelic Psycho

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Well, I think you have to have a certain number of posts to use an avatar. TWT has not uploaded any to select from so you must upload your own.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

This is my bad, to a degree. I've meant to upload some for awhile, but I've had trouble finding any really. If I could find a few good ones I'd upload them and all...but they're not easy to come by. At least not ones swiped off of someone else's board. So, yeah, for now, you'll have to upload one, or enter the URL of one online.

do you guys know of any way to make a picture smaller so it will allow it to be used for an avatar thingy?
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

Download a 30-day trial of Paint Shop Pro 7.0 from Download.com. They've got plenty of tools like that. Hell, I'll bet even MS Paint has a simple resizing utility. You'll lose some crispness, really...but it won't be too bad most of the time.

henry hill's Avatar
and if you need the crack
henry hill - Disclaimer: This disclaimer disclaims any claims that could be claimed from my post.

sorry, i dont know much about computers and all that. but how do i upload my own?

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
It's really quite simple so follow me through the steps here.[list=1][*]Open up your Control Panel[*]Go to Edit Options[*]Go down to Change Avatar[*]Down at the bottom there is an option to upload an image from your computer, click it.[*]Now, find the image you want to use that is on your computer[*]Once you have it selected, click Open then hit Submit Modifications[*]If the Avatar is the right size, you can continue posting just fine, if not, resize it or find another one[/list=1]

And yes, PSP has a nice resizing tool. In fact, it's what I used to make my avatar. It's really quite cheap pick the program up if you want to use it.

Originally posted by goodf3lla
and if you need the crack
Knowing you, I must ponder whether or not you're referring to something to do with software or not.

thanx for the help y'all

how many exactly do you gotta have?

well thanx but you dont have to if its any trouble.
anyway i plan to be a current.....umm.....whats the word .oh well, i plan to come here and say stuff all the time anyways.

I think you meant you plan to be a regular...in which case, I hereby declare you a MoFo. All honor and dignity that comes with that title is henceforth bestowed upon thee...or something like that. Glad to have you here.

thanks a whole heep

"What would you do with an Avatar if you had one?"

Sorry.. I love the Wizard of Oz. Couldn't control myself. Welcome, Welcome.

I was never officially dubbed a MoFo so I'm very hurt and very jealous. I'm going to retire back to my barn stall and weep copious tears of pain and outrage... when I'm done I'll make a crown of dandelions and prance about the meadows once again in search of inner peace.