Who grew up watching Robotech/Macross (movie content)?


Just wondering...Did anyone here grow up watching Robotech/Macross (movie content)? I know it was a series on television, but there was also a movie called "Macross" as well, so I can't be off-topic :-)

I think I grew up watching that and eating Cap'n Crunch. Seriously though, if there are any in here who have, it would be great to have a discussion on it. For a youth targeted series/movie, I felt it was very mature in content and very creative in its presentation.

Probably noone here knows what I'm talking about, so oh well...

Registered User

I assume you mean "grew up with the television series," right? It's hard to imagine someone "growing up" with the movie.

The "mature themes" aren't all that unusual for anime, but for the U.S. it's very different. I think a big factor is, here in the U.S., they consider it important NOT to have an ongoing storyline, so people can tune in at any point and not feel lost. And I think that has a lot to do with how shows are scheduled here. They like to shuffle episodes around, show lots of repeats - in Japan, they generally just show the next episode every week (what a wacky concept!).

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
I've seen the boxed set for Robotech at Suncoast a lot. Never knew it was a television series simply because, well, when I was a wee little lad I didn't watch too much TV.

I am kinda interested in it though. I mean I thought about buying it one time, but since I had never heard of it I wasn't totally sure.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

I was a comic book geek from five-years-old until about twenty, back in the mid-'70s as a wee lad I loved "Ultra Man", "Speed Racer", "Marine Boy" and "Kimba the White Lion", I watched "Star Blazers" religiously in the early '80s, and I had a whole collection of Micronauts that waged battle with my Star Wars figures, BUT I never got into Robotech/Macross on any level: series, movies or comics.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

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I've seen every episode of the television series. I loved it.

Check this out:


I'm buying it soon.
Chris Beasley
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Star Wars figurines! My uncle Mark had tons of them. He had this Darth Vader plastic carrying case, that could hold basically every figure in existence...they all had their places, marked with their names and everything...including several variations of some (Luke in his orange X-Wing jumpsuit, and in his Hoth garbs, etc.). Man, I loved that stuff. I think we've still got a bit, giant plastic Millennium Falcon lying around, too. I used to have a lot of fun with those.


I know what you mean about the "growing up with Robotech" part; I only put the movie in there for movie content, as you could see in my post So what made you take a liking to Robotech?

I actually was (and I'm going way back now...) into Transformers, Voltron, Tranzor Z, and even a little Thundercats, but never noticed Robotech (or how good it was for that matter) until having to watch it since nothing else was on, while waiting for my parents to go out to dinner. But I'll tell ya, after watching a couple of episodes, I was hooked, completely hooked. It actually developed me into a different person when I was young. Sounds drastic but true.

i don't necessarily think it's a kid's show either, actually far from it. Many years later in high school, I had some older friends watch it and some ex-girlfriends (I had taped the episodes), and they were all impressed and genuinely interested - watching the series though its entirety. And these were, what I'd say, pretty bright and precocious people. -- I'm telliin' ya the show made me want to join the US Air Force

Spud: You gotta watch it, but I'd have to say you'd have to be in the right mindset to watch it, since I'm assuming you're not 12-15 yrs old. All I'm saying is while this animation series is targeted towards a younger audience, it still is the best ever made, IMHO. I think Suncoast videos are slightly edited though...

Holden: "Marine Boy?" I think I've heard of it, but man, that sounds oooollld. That's cool though. "Speed Racer," I won't lie, I watched a bit of it and it's cool. Racer X is awesome, and "Team Acrobat" is just, well, plain crazy... Speed needs to lose the scarf though...

Aspen: Sweeeeettt!! I like the link, thanks. I think the collection cases are kind of cool, but I already have all the episodes except for maybe two shows. Yep, that includes second and third generation series. So, Aspen, why did you like the series/movie (which was also pretty good) so much?

I wonder if they still have those conventions for things like this. It must be 15 years or so since I've been to one. I know they usually have a lot of Star Wars stuff, too, which the Commish would like...heheh.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Originally posted by tiredoftraffic
Spud: You gotta watch it, but I'd have to say you'd have to be in the right mindset to watch it, since I'm assuming you're not 12-15 yrs old. All I'm saying is while this animation series is targeted towards a younger audience, it still is the best ever made, IMHO. I think Suncoast videos are slightly edited though...
Not sure, but the DVD probably wouldn't be edited. No, I'm not 12-15, but do enjoy a cartoon if it has a good story and you forget that you're actually watching a cartoon. I'm a big kid what can I say.

Registered User
Well I watched the show when I was 14, it was all reruns early morning on the Sci-Fi channel.

Cartoons aren't always for kids, Robotech is just cool. You've got people and robots and parts thereof. You've got epic battles to save the earth, what else do you need? Other cartoons from that period, GI Joe, Transformers, always had to have a moral to the story. Robotech was like a mix of both without the moral message, so it was more real I guess.

It's my favorite cartoon ever. Second would be "The City of Gold" which I watched when I was probably around 10.

Another big reason why I probably liked both of those was that there was a story line, and when you have a story that crosses 30 episodes you can expand on it much more than you can in a 30 minute GI Joe episode.

Great to see there are other Robotech fans here. I particularly liked the interplay between Rick, Lisa and Minmay; and I enjoyed the bond and friendship between Rick, Roy, Max and Ben - it added so much of a real human element that is sometimes missing in a lot of animation.There are so many episodes that I don't think I'll ever forget.

Third generation Robotech, with Scott, Rand, Rook et al, was very good as well, although a bit short. I have some of the Sentinels series, but only a couple of them were released in the U.S. I wish they released more of them because the series was starting to get good...

Registered User
I actually preferred 3rd gen.

The whole "Minmay Defense" singing, protoculture, and all of that was kinda off the wall. I preferred the robot fights.

Commish: No problem with the edit