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Ok, here's my two cents worth:

I saw the movie, overall I think I gave the movie an 8.3/10 (this is based on my impression immediately after seeing the movie). But there were some certain flaws...the story DID drag on for a bit, I found that it got long winded and tedious at times (which I judge by how much I notice that the seat is unconfortable ). The camera work was good, but I had the feeling that some of the key parts of the movie were just skipped over or that merely the surface was scratched - basically that it had a lot more potential! The characters have enough depth for the watcher to at least give a damn about what happens to them, but again, they had a lot more potential! The worst act in the movie by far was by his son (for some reason I found myself becoming annoyed whenever he was on-screen, almost like Annikin Skywalker ).

On the other hand, Samuel Jackson was very good in his role as Elijah, as was Bruce Willis. I didn't go into the movie expecting it (or even comparing it) to the Sixth sense, it was totally unrelated as far as I'm concerned! I didn't work out the twist of the plot in the 6th sense until the very end (I expect most people did the same), the trailer of Unbrakable on the other hand gave away quite a lot. I think it's best to go into a movie not expecting anything (and whatever you do, DON'T read a critic's review )!!!

Registered User

I am in agreement about the kid--he was too whiny and jumpy most of the movie. It made me nervous.


He's right: all the reviews spoil this movie.

What I want to know is this...



Anyone notice those things? I noticed the thing about his double-initials, and M. Night being either the Doctor of the guy in the Stadium (wasn't sure which at first)...

Oh, and of course, there's the fact that Price's hair makes his head look oversized - a characteristic of villains in comic books, as explained in the movie.

Oh, and I didn't mind the kid - indifferent to me really.

Those are interesting points...only noticed the thing you know though.

CG Focus

spoilers, oh dear god the spoilers...
i didnt see the trailer, but i still figured out the idea fairly early (and at the time thought the Samuel L. Jackson/Bruce Willis pairing smacked of racism, but it turned out they could easily have been cast for their acting ability, both excellent). i didnt like the kid too much, i think they needed someone younger to suggest that the kid would actually consider shooting his dad (and sleep in the same bed as him, creepy). if that guy was type 1 of the disease, does that mean for every type 4 theres an even more unbreakable guy? (that part bothered me, they didnt explain that too well) i did like the camera work, but thought that a lot of the scenes were too green. thought the stating everything and then proving it instead of letting the audience try to guess at it was as much a spoiler as this thread turned out to be. (how hard would it be to extract all the spoiler posts to a new thread?) the only part i really wondered about was how they would show Elijah at the end, and i was rather disappointed with the ending, generally when a superhero meets his arch-nemesis face to face i expect the bad guy to at least try to escape. (was driving Bruce Willis insane his plan at the end?) seemed like there should have been at least another half hour to wrap things up after we find out Elijah is evil, maybe even giving him a Silence of the Lambs-esque ending after having escaped this institution (if these sequels are gonna have him, that is). the only part i hadnt figured out early was how theyd handle the ending, and simply putting text there saying what happened was a major disappointment.
ok, no more spoilers now
Alan Crank - [email protected]
Wish I owned MovieForums.com!
"Damnit Jim, I'm an insomniac, not a web designer."


That's the thing - he's not evil in the traditional sense. The whole concept is that people can't fly - but they do have strange powers. Likewise, there arn't villains with giant lasers trying to kill everyone, but they do kill other people - he's a tragic villain.

As for an even more Unbreakable guy - I think it still fits just fine. Elijah was just searching for someone on the other side - not his 100% exact opposite...it's not as if Bruce Willis could have been TOO Unbreakable, and he would have turned him away.

The only thing I'll agree with is perhaps the text at the end - although keep in mind, that was very comic-bookesque.

Thoughtful films are now seemingly an endangered species in the Hollywood Juggernaut. The promising director, M. Night Shyamalan of ¡¥The Sixth Sense¡¦, attempts an ambitious piece of storytelling bringing together Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson whose onscreen chemistry was a proven success in the final installment of the ¡¥Die Hard¡¦ trilogy.

¡¥Unbreakable¡¦ is a contemporary interpretation of the classic concept of Good versus Evil as defined in comic books. But instead of Brylcreemed Olympians with geometric jaws, sporting their underwear over their trousers, we are presented with bald stadium security guard David Dunn (Willis) who becomes the sole survivor of a locomotive accident. Stunned by his miraculous escape, he meets Elijah Price (Jackson), an eccentric and wealthy comic book dealer who implicitly believes that Dunn is the invulnerable superhero he has been searching for. Although Dunn is skeptical of Price¡¦s belief, he begins to question and test this audacious theory. Under the spiritual guidance of Price, Dunn eventually believes and embraces his proposed role in society. Our hero finally proves himself but only to discover the sinister intentions of his mentor.

¡¥Unbreakable¡¦ addresses the thought-provoking issue of ¡¥identity¡¦ in our modern day society and of whether it gives true meaning to our everyday lives. Dunn is confronted with his larger than life identity which for the sake of his family, he had always refused to accept and Price¡¦s search for his own identity which is finally confirmed by the discovery of Dunn. In the film, Dunn and Price portray opposite poles of society: Dunn as the selfless under achieving hero and Price, as the tragically vengeful victim of society. Elijah Price (likely named because of the outspoken biblical prophet) represents a typical child growing up in inner city poverty with no role models and aspirations in his community. The intoxicating fantasy world of comic books was the sole source of his positive imagination and to little surprise, he grew up to be a wealthy and reclusive comic book dealer.

As a ardent comic book reader myself, I was sympathetic and intrigued by this character. Hysterically resembling Shaft with a chronic caffeine overdose, the out-of-place appearance of Price compliments the aesthetics the film. Wielding a glass cane, the character oozes eerie charm from all angles and I would have liked to see more of this character in the film.

In conclusion, ¡¥Unbreakable¡¦ was somewhat slow in the first half an hour due to the overstressing of Dunn¡¦s character, but the film manages to pick itself up, creating a Hitchcock-esque suspense which is reminiscent of ¡§The Sixth Sense¡¨. Although many has commented that ¡¥Unbreakable¡¦ is an inferior version of ¡§The Sixth Sense¡¨, but comparing them is like comparing cornflakes to branflakes, with the only common point that both are cereals. I can assure you, watching ¡¥Unbreakable¡¦ is a few illuminating hours well spent.

Yheah, it was kinda lame. The Sixth Sense was much better. And a note to Bruce Willis: Talking really quietly is not a substitute for acting.

Personally I think he's done a fine job in his last two films - he's found his niche...in fact, I think this new genre puts a lot more emphasis on the expressions on the actor's faces, and camerawork - which is the way it was meant to be.

Oh, and by the way: [red]Welcome to MovieForums.com, Samantha! [/red]


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Wow! What are the other five? Besides, you have to give it the "time test". Sometimes you think you really love a movie and then give it a few years and realize you don't like it that much anymore.

Movies that have passed my "time test":

Something About Mary
Gone with the Wind
Ferris Beuhler's Day Off

Just to name a few. These are in no particular order, by the way.

I know what you mean about the time test - I saw it shortly after it's release and again since then, so we'll see, but it has been several months.

My five, in no particular order:

- Unbreakable
- It's A Wonderful Life
- Dial 'M' For Murder
- Rounders
- The Apostle

I love those movies! Hopefully I'll have them all on DVD at some point.

MovieForums Extra
Something about Mary?? I really hated that movie, except for some parts, it definitely goes down in my book as one of the more boring movies I've seen in the past 5 years!
Black Holes Suck!

Registered User

Well, that's why it's called taste...everyone's different. I don't like to eat seafood, either. I'm sure that puzzles some people.


Registered User
Ferris Bueller!

I love that film. I remember getting really angry at my parents not letting me see it when I was younger because I wasn't old enough to watch it - tee-hee.

Broderick is awesome. I'm watching Metro at the moment (crap) but Family Business is on later - Connery, Hoffman, Broderick... Excellent...

It's out on DVD! I'm so happy! Ordered it on Amazon. I can't wait for it to get here. I hear that my man M. Night Shyamalan doesn't have any commentary on it, though. Crap.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
This is one of those movies where you might have to watch it a second time to get into the movie. I saw it when it hit the theaters last Thanksgiving, and let me tell you I didn't really like it then, but a couple months ago my store got the demo for it and I watched it again, and again and again, I LOVE IT now, I bought the DVD of it, and it's one I just can't be without.

Yes it does tend to drag in parts, but any movie will do that, this is when the director feels he's giving you more info about the characters and why they are the way they are. Granted, M. Night did a little too much of it, but still you have to give it up to a guy that Wrote, Produced, and Directed. Not too many people out there do this kinda thing, and for those who do they usually don't pull it off like he did. I think he ought to let someone other than Willis take the lead role, but maybe he see's somethin in him that no one else does. Perhaps...just maybe...that slim little sqiunt in the corner of the eye...maybe he see's an Oscar..doubt it, but there's a chance there!!

I give it a see it, but don't jump to a conclusion kinda rating. Watch it and then wait a little while...think about it and watch it again. Who know's..it might make since the second time around.

"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg