well...this is my collection


this is my list,

1. 11'09''01
2. 12 monkeys
3 a day with out a mexican
4 a simple plan
5 amelie
6 american psycho
7 amores perros
8 Apocalypsis now! Redux
9 as Pancho Villa himself
10 audition
11 bendito infierno
12 black hawk down
13 blade runner director's cut
14 blue velvet
15 bowling for columbine
16 bully
17 café tacuba unplugged
18 chiken run
19 crash -cronenberg-
20 crouching tiger, hiden dragon
21 das boot
22 dersu uzala
23 enemy at the gates
24 eyes wide shut
25 fargo
26 Fausto
27 fudoh
28 full metal jacket
29 gladiator
30 gosford park
31 hable con ella
32 heavenly creatures
33 heavy metal 2000
34 hightmare on campus
35 i robot
36 jade
37 judas kiss
38 kill bill 1
39 kill bill 2
40 la secta -the nameless-
41 lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels
42 mall rats
43 memento
44 metropolis -tesuka-
45 misery
46 necronomicon
47 red planet
48 rising arizona
49 shine
50 shrek
51 snatch
52 solaris
53-55 star wars IV, V, VI
56 summer of sam
57 the acid house
58 the birth of a nation
59 the lost son
60 the messenger -joan of arc-
61 the pledge
62 the shining
63 The simpson's hallowen special
64 the straight story
65 the wall -pink floyd-
66 timeline
67 TLOTR 1
68 TLOTR 2
69 TLOTR 3 extended
71-73 trois coleurs -kieslowsky-
74 unforgiven
75 vatel
76 waking life
77 we where soldiers
78 windtalkers
79 X men


I am having a nervous breakdance
Where do you live, Pato?
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

Here to support the villians.......
Not bad, but I would recommend some Scorsese films, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, Raging Bull are must haves. Try some other classic movies such as The Usual Suspects, Heat and The Godfather trilogy.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist

thanks for the comments...

I promisse to buy more Miike films, I live in southern Mexico, and Lester you are right i need Scorsese films, i only have one but in crappy vcd

You have a pretty good collection going on....I see alot of movies I also have in my collection.

80 MullHoland Dr
81 28 Days Later...

Originally Posted by Lester Burnham
Not bad, but I would recommend some Scorsese films, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, Raging Bull are must haves. Try some other classic movies such as The Usual Suspects, Heat and The Godfather trilogy.
Yes. And what about American Beauty?

I would also suggest a few good Tarantino one's: Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Along with Lee's 25th Hour, and Stone's Natural Born Killers, JFK, Nixon and Salvador.

Some good stuff, but no Braveheart, Breakfast CLub, or Flash Gordon. tsk tsk.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

i'll consider your recomendations in my next trip to the mall, btw lasT buyings are
strange days and dark city, but thOSE dvd's still not reach my house....

82 The nightmare before christmas
83 reservoir dogs (10 years, collection edition)
84 dark city
85 strange days
86 thirteen
87 aliens