Most underated movie, actor, actress..


Thought about an actress today who i wanted to bring up on this thread.......Carol Kane- bizarro, whacky, and very unique. she's listed as being in a long list of movies but the three i recall best are Princess Bride, Scrooged, and My Blue Heaven. she was Latka's(Andy Kaufman) bride on Taxi.

also there is a Snow White remake/version starring Sigourney Weaver that is awesome.....really great and creepy. SNOW WHITE; A TALE OF TERROR. i recommend it.
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

Patti I love her work also I haven't seen a lot of her stuff she always puts a wacky spin on her characters I also would say her very little role in Carnel Knowledge was very very funny and I don't think she even said anything she just starts to cry I think she might have said maybe a sentence but she really sticks out.

and I'd say my fav with her out of the one's I've seen would go to Scrooged when she beats the crap out of Bill Murray great choice patti

Holly Hunter... Some might say she gets enough props but I just think she's the greatest. That's really all I have to say.

i agree Sultan.....she's just so wonderfully cute and funny - that crooked little mouth, and her voice. i prefer Hunter in her comedies like Home For The Holiday's, Raising Arizona, Once Around, and Broadcast News.

Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?

It's just "O," without the "h," and yeah, that's a very underated movie. Easily one of my favorites. A musical, but without too much music, and wherein ALL of the music is enjoyable.



"Boy is my face red."
I thought that was from UHF but maybe its just UF without the H.
Oh, (O?) I'm so embarrassed. Two "r"s in embarrassed? Noooo!!!!!
You, know I'm a former spelling bee champion. Not nationally of course, but regionally. I've apparently lost my touch.

spelling is something i do very well....wanna have a spelling bee Sultan?

okay, now how does one go about a spelling bee online? heh heh...not really possible. but here's a word Q...there is a type of tree whose name contains all the vowels- aeiou and y. what is it?

How about a word that contains three double letters consecutively?

Now With Moveable Parts
Try Spelling Bee on the Games, Tabs and Lists Forum...this thread is about underrated spelling. Spelling is underrated. I thinks it's lost some of it's importance for me.

okay sultan, i've never heard of that we have enough word game stuff to fill a thread? in any case the tree i was thinking about is the great Sequoiya! sorry sades. now sultan, get back to me on this tryalougia tree.

now, to appease the thread gods.....or the spirit of the threads.........i'd like to give a pat on the back to a funny character actor Bruno Kirby. he's in When Harry Met Sally, City Slickers, ....and many more which i'm sorry to say i haven't seen. pat pat to you Bruno.

Now With Moveable Parts
What character did he play in those movies?

Don't apologize...I was being ironic. I'm usually the one who goes astray.

oh i know sades! Bruno is Billy Crystals buddy in When Harry Met Sally.....really funny conversations between them.....recall the two of them talking while watching a basketball game? (i think it was basketball). i'm no "quote" master, so i'll just wait quietly for Holden to jump in with more Kirby informaion, lines, movie info, etc. heh heh..........Bruno is dark haired, unique voice, ummmmm how do i describe him?

I thought Bruno Kirby was very funny in his limited role in "The Freshman".

I really thought he was great in We're No Angels (1989). He was a cop a real dick if I remember rightly but I could be mistaken.

also he was good in a Charles Bronson flick called Borderline other than bronson I'd say he was the best character in it.
Prilosec Class Action

Bruno Kirby is terrific. He's an extremely funny guy, but he's equally adept at drama too when he gets the chance to play it. In addition to those two movies where he's Billy Crystal's on-screen best friend, When Harry Met Sally... and City Slickers - which are easily his most recognizeable roles, he was also quite memorable in...
  • The Godfather Part II (1974)
    The young Clemenza in the flashback portions. He is the neighbor who asks Vito Corleone (DeNiro) to hide the gun and brings him on the robbery of the rug, fatefully introducing him to the world of crime.
  • This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
    He's Tommy Pischedda, the limo driver who loves Frank Sinatra and doesn't get Rock & Roll at all. "I would never say this to them, but this is a fad." One of the deleted scenes involving Kirby's character has him getting drunk and stoned with the band in their hotel room, stripping down to his underwear, and singing Sinatra.
  • Good Morning Vietnam (1987)
    The painfully and brilliantly un-funny rival Armed Forces D.J., Lt. Hauk. "'Hauk sucks the sweat off of a dead man's balls.' I have no idea what that means, but it seems very negative to me."
  • Tin Men (1987)
    Mouse, one of the sideing salesman at DeVito's company. "Let me ask you something: you watch Ed Sullivan, right? Which act do you like better, the guy who spins the plates or the guy with the hand puppets?"
  • Modern Romance (1981)
    Assisstant editor and friend to Albert Brooks' Robert Cole. "The ludes kicked in, right?"
  • The Freshman (1990)
    Victor, Carmine Sabatini's nephew. His stealing Clark's suitcases on his arrival to Grand Central Station is what draws him into that world and the eloborate plot. "In retrospect, I'm not even sure it was a horse."
  • Donnie Brasco (1997)
    Nicky, one of Sonny Black's crew. He's the one that gets involved with drug dealing down in Florida and almost runs into Brasco/Pistone (Depp) at the motel.
  • an episode of "Homicide: Life on the Street", "The Gas Man"
    (season three, original airdate May 5, 1995)
    Great episode. Bruno plays a man who was sent to prison by Detective Frank Pembleton, and he has grown to blame him for basically everything that went wrong in his life. The entire episode he stalks Pembleton. He decides not just to outright kill him, but humiliate him as a detective, hiding the disembodied head from a murder investigation and taunting him in the Press. Much of the time is Kirby just cruising around Baltimore with his cousin, played by Richard Edson (Stranger Than Paradise, Good Morning Vietnam, Let It Ride), with very funny dialogue back-and-forth between them. One of the best episodes of the entire series.

And Patti, Crystal and Kirby are at a NY Giants football game in the When Harry Met Sally... scene you're thinking of, where Crystal tells him about his wife Helen moving out. "The guy in the 'Nobody Fu*ks with Mister Zero' T-Shirt knew before I did?".

Jeffries, I think you're maybe mixing up Brono Kirby's d!ckhead in Good Morning, Vietnam with the deputy he played in the misfire We're No Angels. I wish I could forget that damn movie, but I can't. Kirby's deputy was rather kind-hearted compared to most of the lawmen and especially the 'bad' escaped felon (James Russo) moving through the film. His character is a little obsessed with Demi Moore's and he keeps asking her if she needs anything, much to the consternation of DeNiro, but I wouldn't say he's a d!ck exactly. He does seem to actually care about the single mother and her little girl.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

ahhhhhh Holden, thankyou kind sir.

and yes, it was the football game......i was thrown off by memories of Crystal in his basketball coaching flic Forget Paris........but i was indeed picturing that very scene. danka