! -The Lord of the Rings - !


Commish, did they have midnight screenings of The Phantom Menace back in '99? That seems to be the one that really kick-started this trend among all the major chains across the country. I had been to midnight premiere screenings before of course, going back as far as Terminator 2 that I can remember clearly, but those always seemed to be a fairly rare thing. Now it's like every six months or so, whatever the next "event" pic is. It's fun for the fans, but it stinks when you start kind of counting on it, then it isn't there.

As you're finding out.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Holden Pike

You'd better threaten your Sister to take you tonight. Tell her if she doesn't go, she may wake up with her ring finger bitten off in the morning...or at least covered in bruises and dried Jell-o.
I am on the verge of excercising my Older-Sister-Rights, and demanding she take me, for all the years I put up with her!

Originally posted by Holden Pike
Commish, did they have midnight screenings of The Phantom Menace back in '99? That seems to be the one that really kick-started this trend among all the major chains across the country. I had been to midnight premiere screenings before of course, going back as far as Terminator 2 that I can remember clearly, but those always seemed to be a fairly rare thing. Now it's like every six months or so, whatever the next "event" pic is. It's fun for the fans, but it stinks when you start kind of counting on it, then it isn't there.
Yes, there were definintely TPM screenings at midnight. I don't know if there were any at this particular theater then, but there were some out here. A guy I know fairly well, who lives 40 minutes away now (same basic area though), but lived closer back then, apparently went to one of those showings. He said there was almost no line at all...maybe Berra's "No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded" line applied here: too many people wanted to avoid the rush, so, in a few small places, there was no rush. He says he strolled right in, same as if he were seeing "Waterworld" on a Tuesday morning.

And yeah, I feel the same basic way: it's a great source of excitement and fun. It's always fun to be out and about abnormally late. So few people are out most of the time...it feels like you have the world to yourself, in a way.

my parents wouldnt take to the midnight screening they ticked me into the good old, u can go but u have to find a ride type of thing, and my friends parents said the exact same thing
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

Timing's Avatar
Registered User
Hey T, everyone's free to believe whatever. I love it when people throw in differing opinions and share thoughts, that hardly bothers me. However, when I ask a harmless question in an attempt at conversation and pompous over here insults my state and then proceeds to dictate to me things he has no clue about, yeah, that's pretty friggin annoying. When you add in the fact that he's done this before and pretty much does it all the time actually, that's really friggin annoying.

Maybe while pompous is waiting for his midnight movie, he should go compile his top 10 list of musicals involving singing elves and dwarfs from 1960-present so we can all be "enlightened" to more truth in cinema.

ohh yeah! yuo @ss i get to see "how high" tonight take that you @ss hahaha!

Timing's Avatar
Registered User
How's that list coming?

Originally posted by TWTCommish
Well, I'm seeing it tomorrow afternoon -- first showing I can find after noon, most likely...so I don't think it'll be packed then. At least not REALLY packed.

What do you mean not REALLY packed????? Shows are SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know about you there but shows all 98% sold out here. I am dying to see it opening night and I bought mine 2 weeks ago. Yes, I work at a theater and can get in for free w/a pass but I can't do that in advance. Only on the same day of the showing that I am seeing a movie. It is worth paying for the ticket !!!!!!!

By special request...

Top Five Musicals of All-Time: Featuring Dwarves or Elves

1. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Sure they were only animated, but those seven little fellas sang and danced their little tooshies off. And as far as we know, they didn't even take advantage of poor Snow White and molest her after the Evil Queen slipped her that "ruffi" in an apple, so they're good guys to boot! Worthy of the top spot. "Hi-Ho!"

2. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
You might have thought this would take top honors just for the sheer number of the little buggers in Munchkinland, but honestly their singing wasn't all that swift (except for the Lollipop Guild, those guys rocked!).

3. "Peter Pan" (1960, made-for-TV)
A scamp of an elf who didn't want to grow up...and who can blame him? In this famous production, that title boy was played by the eternally pixyish Broadway star Mary Martin. How wonderful. How magical. How...creepy.

4. Babes on Broadway (1941)
A Busby Berkeley spectacular, co-starring Judy Garland (four-foot, eleven-inces) and Mickey Rooney (five-foot, three-inces)...dwarves if there ever were any!

5. Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Frank Oz's ode to '50s monster movies and Musicals in this re-make of the Roger Corman cult classic. Stars another Hollywood dwarf - this one via Canada: Rick Moranis (five-foot, four inches).



Not a thing, jrs. But then, I didn't bring it up.

You'll have to tell us if any fanboys dressed in special outfits show up these opening few days at your theater. And slackers who just don't want to wear shoes & socks don't count!

Originally posted by jrs1013
What do you mean not REALLY packed????? Shows are SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know about you there but shows all 98% sold out here. I am dying to see it opening night and I bought mine 2 weeks ago. Yes, I work at a theater and can get in for free w/a pass but I can't do that in advance. Only on the same day of the showing that I am seeing a movie. It is worth paying for the ticket !!!!!!!
A 1PM showing tomorrow sold out? I don't think so...the seating is ample at the theater I frequent. They didn't sell out for Harry Potter...and that was a Friday afternoon...and, as much as I love the way LOTR is looking, it won't be making the money that Potter did in it's opening weekend. Holden: those last two were stretches...but I'll let it slide.

Originally posted by TWTCommish

A 1PM showing tomorrow sold out? I don't think so...the seating is ample at the theater I frequent. They didn't sell out for Harry Potter...and that was a Friday afternoon...and, as much as I love the way LOTR is looking, it won't be making the money that Potter did in it's opening weekend. Holden: those last two were stretches...but I'll let it slide.
Trust me they are........I work at the theater and keep track with the whole sales dept of tickets. Maybe a few shows might have one seats left now but I am not quite sure if it'll stay that way.

Well, maybe it's different there. Like I said, it can't possibly make more on Wednesday than Potter did on Friday...and that theater had it's share of seats left.

Now With Moveable Parts
It's 8:45 here in Grass Valley...but the natives are restless folks! We've decided to show the film at 10:00pm, instead! I'll be leaving soon...wish me a fun movie experience, cuz you all know...I'll be having one.

Wish you were here!

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
I would have to be out of my mind to go see a 3 hour and 15 minute movie at midnight. WHY???
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg