Punker69's Movie Picks

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It was great

Here's another,sorry the review isnt that great.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

Synoposis-After Joel(Carry) realizes his girlfriend (Winslet) has had him erased from her memory he sets out to do the same but soon he realizes remembering someone and being broken hearted is better than not remembering them at all as the movie takes you through a wild-ride through the depths of his mind.

Review:This was one of the movies where I kicked myself after I watched it for not watching it sooner.In this film Joel(Jim Carrey) falls in love with a young and wild girl Clemetine(Hilary Swank).He it stunned to find out that she has got her memories of him erased and becomes angry and upset so he decides to do the same.Out of every movie i've ever seen this film is that best and representing dream states.It has some really nice visuals during the sequences that make you really get into Joel's to see what he's going through while he's unnconscious.Joel begans to discover that there relationship there relationship originated aftfer they both had their memories erased and it is clear that he cant get her out of his head.It's a really intelectual and someimtes confusing movie if you dont pay attention so make sure you do when you watch it.It's one of the those movies you have to watch twice just to get everything.The ending basically explains the movie and alot of the incomplete scenes which I also liked.

All an All with a fabulous script,great actors,and the most realistic dreams sequences ive ever seen in a film "Eternal Sunshine" is definately not one to pass up.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"-10/10

Originally Posted by Punker69
In this film Joel(Jim Carrey) falls in love with a young and wild girl Clemetine(Hilary Swank).
Great review Punkie but isn't it Kate Winslet who is Clemetine.

Oh my gosh I totally forgot.I put Winslet in the synoposis but I guess I got the oscar contenders confused.My apologies.

"The Ring Two"

Synopsis: The story picks up six months after the horrifying events that terrorized Rachel Keller and her son Aidan (David Dorfman) in Seattle. To escape her haunting memories, Rachel takes Aidan and moves to the small coastal community of Astoria, Oregon, to start fresh. However, Rachel’s resolve quickly turns to dread when evidence at a local crime scene—including an unmarked videotape—seems eerily familiar. Rachel realizes that the vengeful Samara is back and more determined than ever to continue her relentless cycle of terror and death.

Review:A killer video tape is back this weekend in DreamWorks sequel to the 2001 smash hit "The Ring".I think one of the things that makes part 2 enjoyable is that it's not your average monster movie.There not constantly throwing gore and cheap sound scares at you like you would see in "The Grudge" or "FvJ".The thing that I was attracted to the most is the film's quiet monotone and creepy and quiet atmosphere that alone can give you the creeps.Watts like in the original gives a compelling and believable performance and so does her little quiet and frightened son Aiden played by David Dorfman.All an All it can be quite silly at times "the ring two" can still entertain and creep me out.I've seen the reviews for this film and wont mind if anybody trashes me for liking it because I did.

"The Ring Two"-6/10

"xXx:State of the Union"

Synopsis: Darius Stone, a new agent in the XXX program, is sent to Washington, DC to diffuse a power struggle amongst national leaders

Review:This is the reason going to the movies can be so bad these days.That bad actor Ice Cube plays this super agent who never gets hurt and always manages to get out of the toughest situations unharmed.Lets just talk about Ice Cubes performance for a minute.He has to be one of the worst actors in hollywood.His lame atempt to act tough and try to outdo what Vin Diesel brought to the screen fails every time he utters a line.Everything he says is almost laughable to the point where you want to scream "WHAT THE HELL'S THIS GUY DOING IN A MOVIE?!".

Now lets talk about the plot.It doesnt really have anything solid.Most of the movie we as a audience are left in confusion wondering what this guy who's trying to take over the presidencies agenda is really about.I mean we know he's the "super-evil" guy that's suppose to be in the movie but not much else.Theres talk about him wanting to start the next world war but no one ever seems to expland on this subject.Most of the movie we just have to sit back and except the fact that all the movie is going to offer about this guy is that he wants to become the next president and he wants to kill anybody that gets in his way.

The movie fails to stick to any sort of reality in its action sequences and just centers around the obvious fact that ice cube cant be killed.

All an All a really horrible and laughable film that doesnt deserve a watch or rental when it hits shelves

I got for good luck my black tooth.
[quote=Punker69I've seen the reviews for this film and wont mind if anybody trashes me for liking it because I did.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't dream of it. I might criticize the film but I wouldn't criticize you for liking it. I would be a hypocrite if I did anyway, because I thought The Terminal was a great movie. Just because critics and other so called experts don't like a movie doesn't mean you can't.
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."

Originally Posted by Punker69
"xXx:State of the Union"
Lets just talk about Ice Cubes performance for a minute.He has to be one of the worst actors in hollywood.
Thanks for the review, I am not a fan of Ice Bland so I will give this a miss.

I dont knoq how he gets jobs.He's just flat out a horrible action movie star.He's ok at his comedic performances like that in "Barbershop" but thats about it.


Synopsis- A remake of the 1966 film that starred Michael Caine as the ultimate Don Juan, roaming the English countryside in search of willing women; this updated version is set in New York with Jude Law in the role of the lothario and Marisa Tomei, Sienna Miller, Susan Sarandon, and Nia Long playing some of his victims

Review-Alfie is a brigh but yet deeply dramatic and dark.Jude Law plays Alfie a womanizing limo driver who likes nothing better than bedding a attractive younge lady.He's a seemingly selfish man who only thinks of himself and rarely about others.This causes him to lose good friends that he deep down really cares about but has to learn just how much he does the hard way.Jude Law was perfectly cast as Alfie and does a great Job at portraying him as a funny and charming guy on the outside but deep down really lonely and miserable.

The side performances are too say fairly decent we have Susan Surandon in the film portraying a rich woman who Alfie falls for after driving her around one day in his limo.Marisa Tomel plays a single mother who'm Alfie goes to whenever he needs someone to be with for the night.Her son adores him and so does she but that doesnt stop him from fooling around behind her back and walking in and out of her and her sons lives.Omar Epps is Alfie's best friend and co-worker at the limousine business he works at.But still Alfies selfishness gets the best of him and he end's up getting EPPS girlfriend pregnant.

All an All I dont really have alot of problems with the movie.The performances where great the script was fine and Jude Law was teriffic.


lol your welcome.

here's another

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

Synoposis-John (Pitt) and Jane (Jolie) Smith lead boring suburban lives, and their marriage has grown routine. But John has a secret, and so does Jane: They're two of the world's most sought-after assassins. The truth comes out only when they're hired to kill each other by competing organizations.

Review-I have to say that I really enjoyed this movie.I was anticipating it every since the first trailer was released and saw it the day it came out.I have to say it was a delightful suprise.It was funny,well-acted,and the actors,Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt,have a great script to work with and there both perfectly cast.

We've all heard the rumours about Jolie and Pitt being a couple and if it was true I wouldnt be suprised because they just had great chemistry in the movie and thats usually caused by having a great off-screen relationship.They really connected on-screen and where very believable and funny as assassins which also suprised me.I was actually able to like these people even though I know they kill people for a living and I mean alot of people.But the writers where able to work it to where the comedy wasnt very awkward and hard to laugh at.

The action scenes where also fabulous,mixing jokes and romance with explosions and bullets.I though they where very entertaining and you can see why because the same man who directed the Bourne Identity directed this one and it show in the tense car chase scenes.

Vince Vaughn who is steadily rising in star power delivers a funny support role as Pitt's friend who in his 30's still lives with his mom claiming "its the only woman ive ever trusted".He was a real joy to watch also and can always make me laugh and deliver a clever kick to any scene he's in.

All an All a great fun movie that definetly worth your money.No real flaws except that Jolie didnt deliver that much nudity although she does have a sexy scene where she's dress as a maid playmate .

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith"-8/10

Batman Begins

Synoposis:Christopher Nolan's film explores the origins of the Batman legend and the Dark Knight's emergence as a force for good in Gotham. In the wake of his parents' murder, disillusioned industrial heir Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels the world seeking the means to fight injustice and turn fear against those who prey on the fearful. He treturns to Gotham and unveils his alter-ego: Batman, a masked crusader who uses his strength, intellect and an array of high tech deceptions to fight the sinister forces that threaten the city.

Review:Without a doubt the best Batman movie ever made simply because it's dark,scary,intriging,well-acted,and has a great script and plot.Instead of making a laughable and cartoonish movie with an outrageouse amount of special effects like that of the previous two films they decided to go deeper and actually make a movie that describes batman and his inner demons.

Christian Bale portrays Bruce Wayne fabulously and with great charisma and intrigue.For the first time ever I actually felt like the actor portraying Batman truly understand him.Here's a person who saw his Mom and Dad murdered in front of him and in the past movies he's just been so watered down to the fact where he seems like a spoiled millionare wearing a cap.In this film he left his inherited empire he left everything that he knew to experience new things in foreign land.I just really like him as Batman and I liked what he brought to the movie and franchise.

The plot was seemingly decent I mean I think the one thing I didnt like about the movie is that the scarecrow wasnt given a greater role.I expected him to have a greater role in destroying gotham but he only had about 15 minutes of screen time throughout the entire film which really bothered me.Katie Holmes also kind of bothered me I mean for once can there be a super hero movie without a girl involved?She playes prosecuting attorney who's passion is to put the scum of Gotham behind bars.But her role didnt really have any significance but to create emotional scenes with her friend since childhood Bruce Wayne.It seems like she put in there just so Batman could save her and that got annoying.

Now lets talk about side roles.Liam Neeson,Morgan Freeman,and Michael Caine all give good performances in this movie.Morgan Freeman is enjoyable as the man behind Bruce Waynes great gadgets and awesome batmobile a.k.a "the tumbler".Michael Caine is probaly the best alfred yet I mean there isnt an actor who you can see portraying Alfred better than Caine.He's perfect.He's tall,gray haired,british,and is well spoken and likeable.Liam Neeson plays the villian who taught bruce how to fight and taught him alot of different techniques in the foreign land.Bruce leaves him after Neeson conveys a plan to him about destroying Gotham thinking it's behind being saved from it's corruptness.

All an All a great action/drama movie that really portrays Batman the way he should be and thats dark,scary,and mysterious.I'm just thankful that they finally got Batman right.


I like the smiley.

I going to see "War of the Worlds" possibly soon so i'll have that review up asap.

"War of the Worlds"

Synoposis-Set in present day times Tom Cruise plays a middle aged divorced father with two children.A teenage boy and a little girl (Dakota Fanning).He's assigned to watch them for the week while his ex and her new husband visit her parents.The problem is this is the day the aliens pick to wipe out the human race.

Review-Spielberg really knows how to make a movie.Taking awhile to explain the characters and slowly build up to the alien scenes.The movie is unlike anything i've seen the way the special effects tie so deeply into the storyline is captivating.It really makes you feel uneasy as you see human existince crumbling at the unmerciful hands of creatures from another planet.I remember sitting in the theater and watching in shock as alien robots tore apart new york and viciously terminated fleeing civilians.Like I said Spielberg knows how to make a movie and carefully moves into the scenes of the aliens using strange lighting attacks to signal something bad's gonna happen.

Tom Cruise gives a good performance and for once which i'm really thankful for doesnt save the world.I'm glad it didnt become like a typical blockbuster where one man saves the entire human race.He merely is one of the millions of people running from these creatures and trying to survive with his little girl and son.Dakota Fanning,wow,what a cinematic gem.I've liked here since I saw her in I am sam and the great thing about is despite what kind of script she's given she can always make it work and give a good performance.She can very well be the best childstar in the business because she has a cute and smart personality that stands out in anything she does.

Now lets talk about effects and storyline more.I dont think i've ever been so emotional involved in a film since TITANIC when I was on the edge of my seat wondering if Jack and Rose where gonna make it off alive.Its the same thing here.The effects are fantastic and like I said really make you get on the edge of your seat when Tom Cruise is trying to get his family to safety while being chased by cracking earth itself.Despite what most people have been saying I liked the ending,didnt really understand some of it but it worked and found a nice way to have a good ending.

All an All with great special effects,greating acting,good script,and a director like steven spielberg how could you go wrong?"War of the Worlds" is the movie event of the summer and should definetly be on your must watch list.

"War of the Worlds"-9/10

Wow looks like I have a loyal little fan