Punker69's Movie Picks

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Hi im punker69 and since I see alot of movies and write alot of reviews I decided to post em.So im trying out a few other sites right now and finding out which one I want to be the permanent home of "Movie Picks".

Here's one from a week ago.

"Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"

Synoposis:Famous scientists around the world have mysteriously disappeared and Chronicle reporter Polly Perkins (Gwyneth Paltrow) along with ace aviator Sky Captain (Jude Law) are on the investigation. Risking their lives as they travel to exotic places around the world, can the fearless duo stop Dr. Totenkopf, the evil mastermind behind a plot to destroy the earth? Aided by Franky Cook (Angelina Jolie), commander of an all-female amphibious squadron, and technical genius Dex (Giovanni Ribisi), Polly and Sky Captain may be our planet's only hope

Review:I respect the directors vision and making a film different visually from what audiences have seen before,but despite it great action sequences at the beginning the movie just turns into same old "save the world movie".The characters arent that likeable and there personalties and backgrounds are a little hard to figure out which can get confusing.I also thought it was just a little to predicatble and that it focused more on paying homage than making new movie.All an All I recommend a rent or buy for what the film does have to offer like effects and a something people are rarely gonna see in a flick.Just dont expect the whole film to be as fun as the first 30 minutes.

"Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"-3/5

Originally Posted by Zzat
This would be in "Movie Reviews"...
Yeah,I know,sorry about posting it in the wrong forum.People are welcome to move it.

By the way,how do you become one of the reviewer's that I saw at the top of the "Review forum" I have alot of great reviews that I wanna post but not all in one thread.

Well, this thread got moved fast.

It's better off just to make one thread like "Punker's Reviews" and you notify us when you did a new review what so ever.

When you become an active memeber, chris(Yoda) will probably put you up there, cause its just useless if he puts you up there and you did a few reviews and never come back to the site.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Punker69
Yeah,I know,sorry about posting it in the wrong forum.People are welcome to move it.

By the way,how do you become one of the reviewer's that I saw at the top of the "Review forum" I have alot of great reviews that I wanna post but not all in one thread.
You have to pay the customary fee - 12 gold bricks and 3 virgins - to Yoda. Also, what Zzat said.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Well I'll come back just as long as my reviews get noticed.


What makes a new member think that a forum with nearly 200,000 posts has never once had a thread where people recommend movies to each other?

It doesn't help that his username makes me want to do Drano shots.

My original username was stormy day but I wasnt able to put in on,but im a pretty good reviewer.

Originally Posted by Punker69
im a pretty good reviewer.

Randomly visiting for now
modest too?

Your review's ok, but let the forum see some more and then you will hopefully see some real feedback

I'm modest,at times.

Heres a review from the back in the day ( one month ago )

This is one of the best film I had ever had the pleasure of reviewing and one of the my favorite movies ive seen this year.

"One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest"

Synoposis-A new rebellious patient is brought to a Mental Instituian where his antics affect the other patients and bring on the wrath of the Nurse of the ward.

Review-Wow,what a touching movie,and easily Nicholson's best.The story basically follows around this Mental Institution and the characters within giving us plot and character development that really matters in a film like this.Louise Fletcher plays the part of the Nurse wonderfully and she is always so stern and into her character as the rest of the cast that you have to remind yourself its just a movie.If it where up to me everyone person in this cast with a mental illness who played a part would get an oscar.I think the part I enjoyed most was when Nicholson didnt get enough votes to watch the world series and then he sat down at the tv and called the game play by play as if he was really there and then he had everyone cheering that was such a powerful moment in this film and very touching.All an All if you havent rented it already than nows a good time to get out of your chair and grab a copy.

"One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest"-5/5

Here's a double documentary feature.

"Fahrenheit 9/11"

Synopsis: ''Fahrenheit 911'' is Michael Moore's reflections on the current state of America, including the powerful role oil and greed may have played after the 9-11 attacks. In this provocative exposé, Moore will tell the one story no one has dared to tell as he reveals the events that led the US into that apocalyptic September 11th moment and why the country is now at war.

Review:Wow,what a powerful and thought out film.Michael Moore is just an expert at uncovering the facts and exposing the truth to the American people.I was suprised at how much I liked the film despite the fact that i'm a republican.The movie is funny when it needs to be with the songs,and different jokes that are made towards Bush but it also has a side where your heart is broken because this woman lost her son in the war and she's in Washington crying.This film makes you want to question your beliefs and your political stand point and it forces your to take a second look at the war and just what exactly is going on over in Iraq.Some incredibly shocking footage is when a woman is able to take 2 lighters and 4 packs of matches on a plane and a woman if forced to drink her own breast milk to prove to the airline security that there wasnt anything dangerous about it.Also the fact that there was 8 patrol officers for the entire coastline of oregon due to budget-cuts is just very fascinating.Alot of things that you didnt know about Iraq and about are security are all exposed in this film and im giving it a big thumbs up so All an All go rent this film,I think people of all ages should this fascinating documentary of the aftermath of Iraq and it will raise the question "how much do you really know about whats going on".The one thing I didnt like about it however was that Moore made cheapshots all along the movie at Bush and officials.Such as them doing there hair or even smiling at the camera and I thought those things where uneccessry but whether your for the war or against the war I think everyone should see it.Moore is a terrific filmaker and I really did like this film and am planning on buying it soon.

"Fahrenheit 9/11"-4/5

"Super Size Me"

Synoposis:Movie about a man named Morgan Spurlock who decides to eat nothing but McDonalds for 30 days and the results are shocking.

Review:I liked this film a whole lot.Morgan Spurlock decides to eat nothing but McDonalds for 30 days and if they dont sell it he cant eat it.Also if they ask him if he wants to go super-sized he has to do it.As the days progress we see Spurlock becoming weaker to where he cant even climb up a flight of stairs without losing his breath.He is being watched by three doctors who all watch his health deteriate.They plee with him to stop but he's desperate to make a point.His girlfriend is even worried and comments on there love0life going down the hill.Spurlock then became depressed but whenever he ate food he got happy again so you can kind of see his mood swings that he gained from the his fatty diet.It shares some frightening facts about America and the amount of obese people and that enough people to occupy Spain eat fast food everyday.Anothing thing Spurlock did was go to two schools.One where kids where served fatty foods,soda,candy,deep fried lunch and another where kids where served healthy meals and milk instead of Coke.The results,one had kids that where all roudy and loud but the ones at the school that served the nutricious meals where more focused and calm.All an All frightening but funny film and after seeing this movie I dont have any need to go to McDonalds every again.

"Super Size Me"-7/10

Im happy for you

"The Grudge"

Synopsis: A curse that befalls someone who dies in the grip of a powerful rage. Those who encounter this murderous supernatural curse die, and a new one is born -- passed like a virus from victim to victim in an endless, growing chain of horror.

Review:I seriously disliked this film.The movie is just filled with jump scenes from beginning to end and it focuses more on the scares than the actual story and plot.It's so confusing when the film jumps back in time and forth again without even letting the audience know.The sub-plots do not tie in with the original plot and they end up just being confussing and pointless.Then at the end when where seeing Newman and Gellar in the room I didnt know what was going on and neither did half the people in the theater.Also the actors are so dumb when a sound or noise happens in the house they slowly walk toward it just like "scream" or "I still know what you did last summer"leaving out originality. By the time the film try's to explain it's lame plot I was already ready to walk out and it was just a mess from beginning to end.All an All if your a fan of cheap scares and tacky plots then this is your movie.
"The Grudge"-1/5

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
Originally Posted by Punker69
Im happy for you
I'm glad. It was my only friend in the world, and now that I swallowed it, the bug will be with me always to keep me company so I'll never be lonely again. Once you befriend bugs, I recommend you swallow them and give them a nice home. And my bug is quickly becoming addicted to coffee, living inside my belly.

Originally Posted by Punker69
Here's a double documentary feature.

"Super Size Me"

Synoposis:Movie about a man named Morgan Spurlock who decides to eat nothing but McDonalds for 30 days and the results are shocking.

Review:I liked this film a whole lot.Morgan Spurlock decides to eat nothing but McDonalds for 30 days and if they dont sell it he cant eat it.Also if they ask him if he wants to go super-sized he has to do it.As the days progress we see Spurlock becoming weaker to where he cant even climb up a flight of stairs without losing his breath.He is being watched by three doctors who all watch his health deteriate.They plee with him to stop but he's desperate to make a point.His girlfriend is even worried and comments on there love0life going down the hill.Spurlock then became depressed but whenever he ate food he got happy again so you can kind of see his mood swings that he gained from the his fatty diet.It shares some frightening facts about America and the amount of obese people and that enough people to occupy Spain eat fast food everyday.Anothing thing Spurlock did was go to two schools.One where kids where served fatty foods,soda,candy,deep fried lunch and another where kids where served healthy meals and milk instead of Coke.The results,one had kids that where all roudy and loud but the ones at the school that served the nutricious meals where more focused and calm.All an All frightening but funny film and after seeing this movie I dont have any need to go to McDonalds every again.

"Super Size Me"-7/10

Wow, Spurlock's banter really had that much of an effect on you?? While there were some pretty good parts to this movie, i still think it's highly overrated and a bit of a snoozer.

I give it a 3/10

Sorry I havent posted in a while.

I dont think its overated and most documentary's useually get good reviews and this one was pretty ineteresting and spurlock is alot of fun to watch.So it deserves some recognition and a rent or buy.

I watched one of the more delightful movies of the year last weekend when I saw "The Incredibles".Unfortunately I didnt get to see the Star Wars trailer wich made me really sad....and angry!For it was all sold out!

Anyways,here we go.

"The Incredibles"

Synoposis:Bob Parr,a used to be superhero,is now a man with a normal life who punches a time card rather than villians.Now he gets a second chance to be a superhero when he gets a mysterious message from a island requesting him and superhero services.

Review:Its not as funny or refreshing as "Finding Nemo" but that doesnt take away from the fact that this film is funny,entertaining and one of the best family movies of the year.The movie deals with a man who used to spend his days fighting crime but now spends his day at a desk.He then gets offered to return being a superhero again and he takes the oppurtunity.What he doesnt know is that the kid fan he shyed away from years ago is the boss who plans to destroy him.It has great animation and I like the action scenes and how the whole family have there different powers and then when they show the whole family using there powers in different ways to help out,is really cool.I also think that Edna,who designs the teams suits,is one of Pixars funniest characters yet.All an All with a great story and wonderful animation there's no way you can possibly go wrong.The Incredibles is a fun rollercoaster that will be great for the whole family.

"The Incredibles"-5/5

maybe we just have different ideas of what a documentary is. This film intentionally misrepresents facts to prove a point. To me, that's propaganda, not a documentary.

I wipe my ass with your feelings
Crowd: ********

A lot of you should just stick to masturbation to get rid of stress.