Movies that I need titles to


Movie Forums Member
There are several movies that I'm looking for but don't know the titles to. Some of them I only saw partially.

Note: The text in blue (located towards the bottom) are unknown movies that I aksed about before and have found. They are there for my reference and anyone is welcome to look at them just in case they might be looking for the same movie(s).


1) The first has to do with this boy (19-21 years old) who had somehow gotten hold of a secret tape, and the government was after him, because of this. When the boy told his parents about what was happening they thought he was taking drugs (because he was talking so crazy).
Here are bits and pieces I remember are
a) I saw on New Castle Suburban cable, but I don't know what station (except that it was cable, maybe FX) nor do I know exact time of day (mid-afternoon, I guess 2pm, 3pm EST). I know it was a weekend or (holiday; MLK Day) sometime in January 1999.
b) His mom leaving a message on his machine about a good anti-drug support program
c) When returning to his apartment he has to hide because the government men are searching his apartment.
d) The weapons they had shot a metal like arrow with this red thing at the end, and in case at the end this one guy is shot but he's perefctly fine and smiling.

2) The next I'm not entirely sure if it was even a movie or just some TV show. I only saw the last few minutes of it.
Here are the key things that I remember about it:
a) It aired in the New Castle, Delaware area. Most likely it was a cable station (if so, besides FX, I wouldn't know what station). It was Friday, February 13, 1998 right after I got home from school. I had gotten a ride home from my mom (instead of car pool), so I can't remember for sure if we stopped off before coming home, so the time of day range would be MINUTES BEFORE 3:00pm-4:30pm.
b) These two boys (about the ages of 13-17) were fighting each other by a shallow stream. It was overcast out in the picture too. One of them had black curly hair. I think either that same one or the other was wearing a leather jacket.
c) They were fighting each other so bad, that I think they were bleeding a little.
d) At one point by the stream one of them picks up a rock and gets ready to throw it at the other. The other losing it, warns him not to. But the one does anyway. I think he threw it has arm, where he or the other one forced or twisted his arm up his back (increasing the damage to the arm or doing eye-for-eye).
e) The picture ended with them in (I guess it was theirs) bedroom, pretty winded. One of them is on the floor, the other a bed.
f) One of them starts laughing after he catches his breath and the two either forgive each other or get over what they were fighting about. The movie/show then ends.
*) This is just a guess what they were fighting about, but the way they were fighting and the fact that this aired near Valentine's Day, was probably over some girl.

3) The 3rd I can't remember too much of. My grandmother was watching it and certain parts the film caught my attention, while I played my Game Boy at other points.
Here are bits and pieces I remember are
a) Once again, this was in Camden, New Jersey local TV. It was mid day when it was on (like about 12pm-6pm, I think in the 2pm-3pm area). I can't remember the exact date, but know for sure it's between August 24, 1995 to about September 4, 1995.
b) I'm pretty sure the main character was a guy. But anyway, the person kept having these flashbacks of this young oriental girl (about 6-8 years old, straight black hair, and in a red dress) playing outside by this tepee (the ground was either sandy or yellowish); an explosion (I think from the tepee, plus an oriental lady in the explosion). This flashback happened a lot (like 3-4 times).
c) At one point after having the flashback, the main character is fending off this tough guy who has a knife in a dark area (I think I remember seeing tiles on the floor).
d) Afterwards, in the main part of the house (which is like a mansion but very seedy looking), another guy comes in firing a machine gun.

Man, remembering this film today sounds very interesting.


1) Water Babies
a) Saw back in Fall 1992 in Camden, NJ (Local TV)
a) it was real and animated.
b) kids live in a mean village.
c) The main part was where these kids went in this lake under water. That's where the animation took place.
d) About 3/4 of the way thru one of them goes back to the village only to be grabbed by a grungy bearded like guy. After a struggle, the guy takes a raw fish out and goes to the kid, "Eat this!"

2) Oppertunity Knocks
a) Aired either on NBC or CBS, in late December 1992 right after GHOST DAD.
b) These two guys went to rob a house prentending to be gas men. One of them took the dad to the basement, kept asking questions about gas like, "is that a gas lawn mower". He then had the dad hold the button down on the gas furnace, just prior to his partner shouting, "this whole place could go up at any moment!!"
c) While the dad "decompressed the gas pocket", the two started robbing the house, when the mom and two sons from karate walk in.
d) Here are the lines until the VCR shut off from GHOST DAD
Mom: Why do they have our TV?
Robber: Isnt this one of the gas TVs?
Mom: I'm calling the police.
She goes to do so, while the kids take karate stance at the robbers.
Robber: Go easy on us kids. We don't want to hurt you.
The kids start attacking as we pan to an outside view of the house.

a) Saw back in Summer 1997 (late July, I think)
b) I happened to start watching just as one of the girls jumped out of a tall story building. It was dusk outside. Then the other girls started going insane, tearing the room apart, especially with the pillows, until some of the guards came in and stopped them.
c) I think the head lady (she had curly red-haired) has someone to turn on a fire hose so she can attack someone with it.
d) At the final battle the red haired lady orders the girls to get back in their cells. When they don't she commands her guards to "open fire". At one point, this tough girl who stops for nothing, gets in a bus and crashes it into a tower where the red-haired lady is. It catches on fire, and the red-haired lady rants on she's invincible until the flames catch her.

a) Saw back in Winter 2004
b) I started watching when this car was chasing this guy who was in handcuffs. The car crashes, but still somehow manages to hit the guy and kill him. This is a night scene too.
b) Later on, I think its the guy's father gets in a helicopter and listens to a secret tape he left right before he dies.
c) When an official approaches the helicopter and asks what the father is doing, the father takes a gun out and orders him to backoff
d) The government leader decides to forfit after two buildings have been wrecked because of the wild fighting in the air with the father and other government officials.

There Is This Movie Where Dennis Hopper Is A Bad Guy, And He Continually Says ****!!! Like Every Other Word... It Is So Funny. I Do Not Know The Name Of This Movie, And I Was Wondering If Anyone Else Does??? It Is A Really Funny Good Movie And Its A Classic. I Just Want The Name So I Can Buy It. Dennis Hopper Says Some Crazy Stuff... He Is Crazy In The Movie I Think. He Calls This Guy '****' Like It Is His Name. Soooo Funny If You Know The Title Help Me Out Thanks...


Originally Posted by grimphallic
There Is This Movie Where Dennis Hopper Is A Bad Guy, And He Continually Says ****!!! Like Every Other Word... It Is So Funny. I Do Not Know The Name Of This Movie, And I Was Wondering If Anyone Else Does??? It Is A Really Funny Good Movie And Its A Classic. I Just Want The Name So I Can Buy It. Dennis Hopper Says Some Crazy Stuff... He Is Crazy In The Movie I Think. He Calls This Guy '****' Like It Is His Name. Soooo Funny If You Know The Title Help Me Out Thanks...

David Lynch's Blue Velvet (1986).
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Doesn't your pinky get tired pressing down shift to capitalize every first letter?
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

Lets put a smile on that block
Holden, you pick at me for the incorrect use of the word 'role' yet you don't even bat an eyelid at Mr Uppercase? You are an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, put inside a bag of conundrum's, buried under a pile of dirty leaves.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
You are an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, put inside a bag of conundrum's...
An apostrophe on the end of "conundrum" doesn't pluralize it, it makes a singular conundrum possessive.

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Aaah shut up,.,.
Hey blib, you're on a roll with those error's.

Movie Forums Member
Originally Posted by grimphallic
There Is This Movie Where Dennis Hopper Is A Bad Guy, And He Continually Says ****!!! Like Every Other Word... It Is So Funny. I Do Not Know The Name Of This Movie, And I Was Wondering If Anyone Else Does??? It Is A Really Funny Good Movie And Its A Classic. I Just Want The Name So I Can Buy It. Dennis Hopper Says Some Crazy Stuff... He Is Crazy In The Movie I Think. He Calls This Guy '****' Like It Is His Name. Soooo Funny If You Know The Title Help Me Out Thanks...

Gosh that sounds like me (hopefully used to) when I'd get mad, although I hardly ever name called, but I'd start changing words in phrases to f*©k. like (bold denotes word that I'd change)

What next?!?!?

Originally Posted by OG-
Doesn't your pinky get tired pressing down shift to capitalize every first letter?

He write all the words in capital letters, the forum leaves only the first letter of each word capitalized.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by Pato_Diablo
He write all the words in capital letters, the forum leaves only the first letter of each word capitalized.
Ahhhh, good call...

Originally Posted by blibblobblib

(Ha! It's lies!)
Addendum: Only works when ALL letters are capitalized.

Movie Forums Member
Okay, I'm taking this thing down.

Once I dont get a fatal error msg,
A list of films will help answer the question, "Are there any particular films you want?"


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film making extraordinaire
I would just like to take this opportunity to say that blibblobblib has the sweetest icon picture ever.

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history *is* moralizing
yep, when is his birthday again? i'll give him toothpaste to keep those magnificent teeth shiny white...
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.